View Full Version : The dangers of under powered amps !!!!!!!

Audio Al
04-11-2015, 07:26
This is worth a read and my save you blowing up your speakers :eek:

Audio Advent
04-11-2015, 16:53
Not so much the dangers of under-powered amps... but the dangers of stupid users of such equipment!

No problem in using a tiny power amp as long as you never turn it up into clipping (and you'll hear when it starts to sound bad).

04-11-2015, 17:06
You say that but I have heard plenty of systems over-driven and the owners are blissfully unaware.

04-11-2015, 17:17
yep and dont forget the other dick heads who stack speakers and then blow their amp up!

04-11-2015, 17:23
You say that but I have heard plenty of systems over-driven and the owners are blissfully unaware.

That was a very seventies thing. A twelve watt Trio or Sansui amp whacked right up to max driving a pair of cheapo disco speakers at somebody's party. loads of distortion and everybody was too smashed to care.

04-11-2015, 17:28
yep and dont forget the other dick heads who stack speakers and then blow their amp up!

If you haven't blown up at least one amp by the time your Forty then you haven't been taking this hobby seriously.

04-11-2015, 17:38
That's actually one thing I've never done! I've blown up speakers, though... :eyebrows:


04-11-2015, 17:38
once was enough for me,the lack of music for a week was like loosing an arm,thank god it was fixable

04-11-2015, 17:44
once was enough for me,the lack of music for a week was like loosing an arm,thank god it was fixable

That's your own fault for selling stuff - the real trick is to stack it all up in the bedrooms until it gets beyond the point where it is out of hand. Then you always have a spare whatever to slot in at a pinch. ;)

04-11-2015, 17:48
If you haven't blown up at least one amp by the time your Forty then you haven't been taking this hobby seriously.

I used to blow up a lot of things and I'm not just talking about Hi-Fi! :eek:

(there are a few who know what I'm hinting at. Hi Bob ;))

04-11-2015, 17:55
That's actually one thing I've never done! I've blown up speakers, though... :eyebrows:


Had a friend (an electrician) who used twin and earth for everything. He muddled up his cables and put 240v into a pair of 12" speakers!

Audio Advent
04-11-2015, 17:58
Never done either ... I think I need to live a little.

Audio Advent
04-11-2015, 18:02
Had a friend (an electrician) who used twin and earth for everything. He muddled up his cables and put 240v into a pair of 12" speakers!

A friend did that at a secondhand store he worked at - connected a trailing end of mains cable into a quick-connecting mains block, but it wasn't the end from the amp.

I think he said that the speakers did have a good deep bass at around 50Hz... for a bit anyway.

04-11-2015, 18:14
A good bit of demolition eases the tension;)

04-11-2015, 18:16
If you haven't blown up at least one amp by the time your Forty then you haven't been taking this hobby seriously.

ive never blown up an amp I didnt want to blow up........ blown up a tv once or twice by accident though:lol:

06-11-2015, 19:24
many moons back I decided to learn electric guitar.
got hold of a nice charvel superstrat and couldn't wait to try it out.

in leu of a practice amp I plugged into my home stereo.
this involved plugging into the mic input on a old cassette deck, pinging the record lockout and winding record level into the red.
to be fair the resulting distorted sound was almost ok....a couple of POWER chords and a bit of pick squeal later had me up against my missions for full on feedback!!!

about 5 seconds later....goodbye tweeter.

scared the cat senseless!!!


07-11-2015, 20:39
when I was a kid I remember blowing up my poor old dads Amstrad setup !! ah those were the days . he would turn in his grave if he saw what I spent on hifi now !!!

07-11-2015, 21:39
LOL, reminds me of eight Watt 300B amps that don't clip they just fuzz.

08-11-2015, 07:29
Yup, I recall a Beard valve amp in a dealer demo - I wanted it louder and turned the volume up, and nothing at all changed! - the amp had topped out and just stopped getting louder. OK - spun to full whack and it compressed and fuzzed.