View Full Version : Need help

28-10-2015, 22:39
Hi guys,

I just bought an turntable from Dual and the model is Cs 601 with an Shure M75.
Now i need an amplifier and some speakers. I was looking for that vintage sound.
I dont mind for used stuff from ebay. What can i get?


28-10-2015, 22:48
Unless you wish to buy an external phono amplifier you will need to make sure the amp has a built in phono stage.. Plenty good vintage stuff around from Sony,Trio Technics etc. Sure Geoff will give you some models soon.. good luck

28-10-2015, 23:22
It depends how much you want to spend, but there are reliable vintage amplifiers. The Rotel RA-611 is a good unit, as are the Sansui AU-505 and Trio KA-4002. These are not expensive and because of their reliablility, many still exist in good working order. If you want to spend more, a Quad 33 pre-amp and 303 power amp would be a sensible option. As for durable decent speakers, you could look for Mordaunt Short Pageant II, Acoustic Research AR4Xa or Celestion Ditton 15 models. If you want something a bit bigger, a pair of Goodmans Magnum K2 (making sure the vinyl skin on the bass cone is intact and not lifting off) or Wharfedale Dovedale III, both of which are large, punchy and quite good fun, if not the last word in refinement. For more money you could get a pair of Tannoy Eatons, which sound lovely on a vintage system.

29-10-2015, 09:00
An idea of the available budget would really help here.

29-10-2015, 17:59
My budget is around 300$ to 350$. Thanks for the help

Light Dependant Resistor
29-10-2015, 19:42
Hi guys,

I just bought an turntable from Dual and the model is Cs 601 with an Shure M75.
Now i need an amplifier and some speakers. I was looking for that vintage sound.
I dont mind for used stuff from ebay. What can i get?


Hi Ricardo
I would head for small Wharfdales or Kef speakers on stands, and partner with a NAD 3020
amplifier. Some of the most reliable equipment brands are marantz 22XX series receivers
a 2230B I have just keeps on going, or a Pioneer silver series amp like a SA 5300
and are good options for you to look at.

Cheers / Chris

29-10-2015, 23:47
I saw this guy on ebay that sell some amp's.
Did you guyz recommend any of them?
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lafayette-LA-950-Vintage-Solid-state-Verstarker-/201454054723?hash=item2ee798ed43:g:Lg4AAOSwwbdWKdB V
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marantz-1050-vintage-stereo-Verstarker-2-x-25-watt-RMS-/201435642443?hash=item2ee67ffa4b:g:T8IAAOSwZd1VWsd K
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Luxman-L-200-Vintage-stereo-verstarker-/201443076067?hash=item2ee6f167e3:g:X7cAAOSwMmBV6o4 b
http://www.ebay.com/itm/REC-RA-310-Rotel-Solid-state-stereo-Verstarker-amplifier-/361408360812?hash=item54259df16c:g:O9MAAOSwMmBVkuO A
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Onkyo-Dynamic-Four-700-hochwertiger-vintage-stereo-reciever-/361415644033?hash=item54260d1381:g:2FMAAOSwgQ9Vvcp I


30-10-2015, 07:15
My choice would be either of the Luxman amplifiers, not heard them though but a very well respected name.


30-10-2015, 16:46
Walpurgis any tip?

30-10-2015, 17:51
All are of Japanese manufacture.

The Lafayette is very old and dates from the late sixties/early seventies and was a cheap budget model.
The Marantz is a decent quality mid range amplifier from the early seventies and is likely to be a good option.
Both Luxman amplifiers are more recent. Perfectly OK choices, but not as 'classic' vintage as the Marantz.
The Rotel was a budget amp, second from bottom of the range around 1971 and although well made, is overpriced.
The Onkyo is of similar vintage, nice quality and may be worth considering. The radio tuner section may be handy.

If it was me buying, I'd probably go for the Marantz.

30-10-2015, 21:27
I just bought the Marantz. What kind of speakers did you recommend?

30-10-2015, 21:41
You should be happy with the Marantz. The 1050 has a good reputation for decent sound quality and I believe it is reputed to have a very good phono stage. Be careful with it though when connection speakers, any accidental shorting of the cables may destroy the amp. If I recall some Marantz amps of that period are unforgiving if shorted.

Did you have any speakers in mind?

30-10-2015, 21:48
No my friend. I need your guidance. What you mean by shorting of the cables. Sorry for being a noob. What you recommend for the speakers. Thanks by the help so far.

30-10-2015, 21:56
Just be careful when inserting the bare wires that they dont short out both outside and internally. can happen if your not careful in ensuring the right length of stripped wire.
Speakers wise, its up to preference and price really. You may want to keep it vintage,.. also it can depend of the presentation you want re bass and type of music you'll be listening to

30-10-2015, 22:08
Any tutorial that i can see the right way to do it?
In terms of budget again 150$ to 200$ and yes keep it vintage.
The music will be a little bit of everything. If is good I listen to it.

30-10-2015, 22:17
No my friend. I need your guidance. What you mean by shorting of the cables. Sorry for being a noob. What you recommend for the speakers. Thanks by the help so far.

What I meant by 'shorting' is allowing the positive '+' to come into contact with the negative '-'

That means never letting the wires touch each other or the wrong terminals at the back of the amp or at the speaker terminals. Not a good idea with any amplifier.

As for speakers. They tend to be a very personal choice, based on sound character. Try and have a listen to various models. Some are explicit and revealing, other more mellow. Some speakers may not be compatible to use with certain amplifiers. Although the Marantz should be OK with most medium to highish sensitivity speakers (that means those capable of generating decent sound levels for more modest power inputs).

I did mention a few possible speaker options earlier in the thread, any of which will work fine with that amp.

30-10-2015, 22:23
Depends on the thickness of wire your going to use but if you can solder, then tinning the ends is a good idea so the wire is neat and some strands dont get splayed out. also not too long. 1/2 an inch bare is enough.

mordant short pagent's are always decent, as are some early kefs. Ive got a set of kef caras from the 90's that are very good.. or a kef cresta floorstander too. Celestion did some good ones too like the 15's

30-10-2015, 22:24
Speaker/amplifier connections should be like this. Never let wires touch each other or the wrong terminals.


30-10-2015, 23:03
They must be real good speakers. Its hard to find them on ebay

30-10-2015, 23:31
I'll make one suggestion. Mission 780SE speakers from the eighties. They should suit the equipment you have very well. They are compact and sound very musical. The sound is surprisingly punchy and tight. One of my favourite small speakers, they are excellent fun.

They look like this:


Do not confuse these with the later 780SE which looks different.

Michael loves music
31-10-2015, 07:26
Looks like the latter 780 SE Geoff on eBay now £50 with monster cable !! Put in eBay search Mission 780SE

31-10-2015, 15:13
I'll make one suggestion. Mission 780SE speakers from the eighties. They should suit the equipment you have very well. They are compact and sound very musical. The sound is surprisingly punchy and tight. One of my favourite small speakers, they are excellent fun.

They look like this:


Do not confuse these with the later 780SE which looks different.

I'm going to second this. A friend of mine had a pair of these and they sounded great, even with an amp that wasn't anywhere near as great as the Marantz.

31-10-2015, 20:44
Those speakers are hard to find too

01-11-2015, 15:57
This (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Acoustic-Research-AR-4xa-speakers-vintage-/272028944370?hash=item3f563047f2:g:BzUAAOSw5VFWLp-r) pair of vintage Acoustic Research AR4-xa speakers would suit your system well. They're in Spain.

Michael loves music
03-11-2015, 15:49
I had AR 18s for 25 years

09-11-2015, 11:16
I Just bought a pair of Mordaunt Short Pageant Serie 2. Thanks for the help guys

09-11-2015, 11:24
I Just bought a pair of Mordaunt Short Pageant Serie 2. Thanks for the help guys

I hope they are in nice condition. They are good speakers and you'll like them.

09-11-2015, 12:39
I'll make one suggestion. Mission 780SE speakers from the eighties. They should suit the equipment you have very well. They are compact and sound very musical. The sound is surprisingly punchy and tight. One of my favourite small speakers, they are excellent fun.

They look like this:


Do not confuse these with the later 780SE which looks different.

Look at that, i have a pair of those that is just laying around in my basement.