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24-10-2015, 20:21
listening to "Louis Armstrong At The Crescendo" Vol 1 recorded Jan 21st 1955 (60years old) and live !! and i have got to say this is my fave Jazz album .it is on the Brunswick label and weighs in at 220gms !!" .if anybody out there has the CD copy of this album , please contact me as i would be interested in having a copy

25-10-2015, 16:00
I have a copy of Louis' early-60s album 'I love jazz' on CD that I can let you have Alf. Well worth a spin. :D

25-10-2015, 20:38
thanks malc , that's very kind of you

29-10-2015, 19:17

29-10-2015, 19:19
There's a 3cd set of the Crescendo concerts on CD, Alf, which has the two original LPs plus a whole load of other live material. It's about £13 on th'Amazon's interweb emporium.