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07-10-2015, 20:40
been having a trawl through my Genesis collection (on vinyl) tonight , and I have come to a conclusion !! the best album by a 'wide mile' has got to be "Selling England By The Pound" anybody agree ???

07-10-2015, 21:04
been having a trawl through my Genesis collection (on vinyl) tonight , and I have come to a conclusion !! the best album by a 'wide mile' has got to be "Selling England By The Pound" anybody agree ???

Does it for me Alf.

Cheers Loz

07-10-2015, 21:09
Nursery Cryme and Foxtrot, followed by SEBTP.. Liked the live album too. Used to be a big fan in the day

07-10-2015, 21:58
Well to be honest though The Lamb comes not so far behind SEBTP, Foxtrot is next followed by Wind and Wuthering and then A Trick of the Tail. I don't care much for Nursery Chryme or Tresspass and don't like anything after Seconds Out.

Light Dependant Resistor
07-10-2015, 22:15
The Gabriel Years are all essential, particularly Trespass, Nursery Cryme, Foxtrot, Genesis live
and Lamb lies down on Broadway. SEBTP is OK but IMO weak in comparison to the others
Weaker still are Trick of the Tail and Wind and Wuthering, although they have their moments like
Los Endos and Unquiet Slumbers, and basically forget the rest, although Seconds Out Los Endos
is a gem.

07-10-2015, 22:17
Their first album, who's name escapes me was rather good as a début as well. I liked bits of the double (lamb & chips), but being old school it was a step too far. There was a double live album if memory serves as well which was superb

Just read Chris's post....Seconds out was the double.. it was awesome for a live album

07-10-2015, 22:52
Everything post Gabriel apart from Wind and Wuthering is mere chart oriented pop. Just my view of course. :lol:

Spectral Morn
07-10-2015, 23:10
No, sorry.

It's Trick of the Tail for me.

Regards Neil

08-10-2015, 07:59
Hmm. It's certainly the one I listen to most, mainly for Cinema Show which is exquisite. The best? Not so sure. The best album couldn't not have Supper's Ready on it, nor could it exclude The Musical Box, so I'll have to abstain.

Spectral Morn
08-10-2015, 08:45
There are lots of Genesis songs I love, but they sit at times on albums on their own or among a few others that are nearly or equally as good. The thing for me about Trick of the Tail is there are no weak tracks, they are all in my view magical, haunting, moving, and majestic. The songs work well together, it's a wonderful listen. Very much the culmination of what was before, a band at the height of their powers re that particular style, but focussing more on the music than the theatrics.

I don't particularly like Peters vocals in Genesis yet love his solo work...., for me Phil's vocals on TotT work so well. This is the album that floats my boat more than the others, and if I could keep only one album, this is the one I would keep.

Foxtrot and Selling England are good albums, as are Wind and Wuthering and Then there were Three, but it's the few songs that stand out more than the totality of the albums, in my view. Later on too poppy but there are still great songs to be had, just not consistently good albums.

However beauty is in the eye, and one mans meat is another.....

Regards Neil

08-10-2015, 20:53
Genesis was my older brother's favourite band when I was a lad, so of course I follows suit. However, nowadays the only album I listen to regularly is Wind and Wuthering. Blood on the rooftops is one of my all time favourite bits of music.

16-10-2015, 17:43
I have been a Genesis fan since 1973 and was introduced to their music by Selling England but the best ever Genesis album by a long way is Trick of the Tail according to me and me alone. It still features the legendary Steve Hackett and therein lies their secret weapon. The man is a progressive God unlike Peter Gabriel who heavily pushes World music crap.

16-10-2015, 17:52
Selling England for me is the best album but as Shane mentioned there are better tracks elsewhere , Suppers Ready is a masterpiece and The Musical Box is my favourite track by any band.
The Lamb is just a little too clever for me and it was the right time for PG to leave , apart from his first solo effort I don't care for any of his stuff.
The two albums after his departure are very good but then Steve Hackett leaves and it all goes a bit pop.