View Full Version : Going back to my First HiFi system

05-10-2015, 19:44
I am considering setting up my first "HiFi" just to see how far I have "progressed" (if at all) in this hobby over the last 20 years.
My first system comprised of:

Pioneer PD-S703 CD
Kenwood KA-3020SE Amp
KEF Coda 9 speakers

I still have all of the components, and after a spell with an Arcam Alpha 7SE CD player, I am back to the Pioneer.
The only issue is with the amp, as it needs one of the speaker binding posts on output "A" fixing, and a couple of RCA sockets replacing.
From what I can make out, these are actually boards containing all the speaker binding posts, and another with the RCA plugs.

I guess I could try it on speaker output "B" and use a different input just to see what it sounds like, and then worry about fixing the amp if I like it.
I could do with a few tunes around the pool next summer and in the garage this winter, so there is a purpose to this experiment.

If I do like it, I will need to work out how to fix it as spares are no longer available.

05-10-2015, 20:04
Interesting idea, I still have my first amp and turutable from the 1970's, a Rotel RA-312 amp and I think RP-1500 turntable, the speakers are long gone, plus I am still using my one and only CD player a Phillips CD850 from the 80's.

06-10-2015, 05:34
Well worth it I'd say Kevin.
Post a couple of pics of the dodgy connectors and I'll see what's in my spares box (well boxes, tubs, draws, loft :eek: actually).

06-10-2015, 07:03

Thanks for the kind offer.
I will try and get some pictures sorted tonight.

06-10-2015, 08:38
I remember the Kenwood amp as being a little hidden gem - just use decent cabling with it.. The Coda 9's sound way above the plastic and hardboard they're made with ;) and Alex_UK here has a set in his man-cave (garden summer house) and they still sound really good despite the tacky build. I don't know the Pioneer CD players that well. if they have 'Legato Link,' I'd probably switch it off if possible.

Well worth getting the amp sorted...

Spectral Morn
06-10-2015, 09:28
Nice idea and I can re components (mostly) but the part of the system I can't go back to is the room. It was a problem child room, mostly boast walls, irregular ceiling and poor floors (upstairs) anyway over the course of a few years I came to understand the room and slowly find items that worked with it, so room and system had synergy - the room became part of the system.

This incredible marriage provided me with years of listening pleasure till I moved and found a similiar sized room with higher more regular ceiling, but it would not work with these items - I never did get that room to work well.

Regards Neil

06-10-2015, 09:50
I dare say I could obtain the components to reassembly my first system, but the thought of using an Amstrad 8000 Mk.II again fills me with horror! :eek:

06-10-2015, 10:01
I dare say I could obtain the components to reassembly my first system, but the thought of using an Amstrad 8000 Mk.II again fills me with horror! :eek:

Ah, brings back memories of the old Amstrad TP12D turntable, never owned but was always intrigued by the design.

06-10-2015, 17:07


Top left connector shows signs of solder on the end of the binding post. Never spotted this before, but I assume this is where a friend tried to "fix it."
The binding post has been cross threaded, and the thread is now damaged. It will tighten up, so banana plugs will probably be ok.


External view of the binding posts.


One of the RCA sockets (CD input) has the outer sleeve missing, and the aux is starting to come away.


Internal view.


General view of amp, complete with 20 years worth of dust!

From what I can see, the speaker binding posts are an assembly, so I guess an upgrade to proper binding posts and using hook up wire would fix that.
As for the RCA sockets, I guess individual RCA sockets and hook up wire would be the best bet?

I don't want to spend a fortune on this amp. It's probably not worth it.