View Full Version : Job 225 amplifier advice please.

30-09-2015, 15:06
Hi All,

I was wondering if any one on this forum could give me some first hand advice and / or comment on the Job 225 amp. There is one up for sale here in Switzerland for around 800£. Is it really as good as all the reviews I have read so far make it out to be and would you think the price is ok ? I think it costs around 1500$ (990£) new plus shipping.



05-10-2015, 11:36
I had one for a year. It is superb - really good all-rounder in terms of power, detail and musicality. I also love its compact size.
I'd definitely recommend it, with 2 caveats:
- The input gain is a bit high, if I recall - so pre-amp matching is important. I had to get my Croft pre modified to work with it
- While it is a very powerful amp, I did find it falter with the most difficult speaker loads (Shahinian Obelisks). However with more normail speakers like Proac D28s, Harbeths, Shahinian Compasses etc.. it was great

Hi All,

I was wondering if any one on this forum could give me some first hand advice and / or comment on the Job 225 amp. There is one up for sale here in Switzerland for around 800£. Is it really as good as all the reviews I have read so far make it out to be and would you think the price is ok ? I think it costs around 1500$ (990£) new plus shipping.



05-10-2015, 12:15
I listened it in the extremely sophisticated system of David Haigner (his best horns, modified Ear Yoshino preamp) and it sounded as good as solid state can do. Though I wouldnt be surprised if it was modified.

06-10-2015, 17:15
Hi All,

I was wondering if any one on this forum could give me some first hand advice and / or comment on the Job 225 amp. There is one up for sale here in Switzerland for around 800£. Is it really as good as all the reviews I have read so far make it out to be and would you think the price is ok ? I think it costs around 1500$ (990£) new plus shipping.



No idea - but good to know there are more Swiss based folks on here...and we should ensure we do not start any bidding wars on Ricardo :)
