View Full Version : Rugby World Cup

26-09-2015, 20:58
England 25 WALES 28

YA DANCER - the TAFFIES pump them at Twickenham!!!

:yay: :sheep: :yay: :sheep: :yay: :sheep: :yay:


26-09-2015, 20:59

26-09-2015, 21:02
:champagne: :mex: :champagne: :hifive: :hifive: :champagne: :mex: :champagne:

WELL DONE WALES!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


26-09-2015, 21:25
UTWtHJmGoHY#t=16 UYxeWnX8CN0

:partytime: :partytime: :yesbruv: :yesbruv:


26-09-2015, 21:36
A good win for Wales, and should make life interesting


26-09-2015, 21:43
A good win for Wales, and should make life interesting


For some reason I'm reminded of a certain Prime Minister and his (alleged) initiation to a notorious drinking club at Oxford! :lol:

26-09-2015, 21:52

The Bullingdon Club I presume :doh:

26-09-2015, 21:56
Fuck the welsh

26-09-2015, 21:57
Fuck the welsh

And what has prompted your measured response?

26-09-2015, 21:58
In fact double fuck the Welsh, I am English and I hate the Welsh as much as they hate us !!!!

26-09-2015, 22:00
And Fuck all you wankers who hate to be English

26-09-2015, 22:00
How the hell did England chuck that away

26-09-2015, 22:01
Because I live very close to Wales and know just what they think of us and what I think of them

26-09-2015, 22:04
A bit over the top Nick. No need for that kind of stuff.:doh:

26-09-2015, 22:05
I live 100 yds from Wales. I support Wrexham Fc but support English rugby and football.
So consequently , I have spent many yrs at Wrexham ,sampling the strange anti English rivalry , which has sometimes come about , but overall ,Its just a bit of fun !!

Isn't it??? :scratch:

26-09-2015, 22:14
Fuck the welsh

Ah. I see we have at least one intellectual response tonight. :)

27-09-2015, 06:19
I live 100 yds from Wales. I support Wrexham Fc but support English rugby and football.
So consequently , I have spent many yrs at Wrexham ,sampling the strange anti English rivalry , which has sometimes come about , but overall ,Its just a bit of fun !!

Exactly... Nick, take a chill-pill, or go and suck on a leek! :D


27-09-2015, 11:40
Exactly... Nick, take a chill-pill, or go and suck on a leek! :D


Are you Welsh now? :scratch:

I thought you were born in Scotland to parent(s) of Italian origins?
In which case the 32-10 kicking from the French must have hurt. :ner:

It was a good game, one of the best in the competition so far. A poor decision in the last 5 minutes handed the game to Wales.

And before you ask, I could not technically lose yesterday.
My mother is Welsh, Father English, but my preferred side is England as I was born and raised there.

Well played Wales. I hope the injuries do not stop them from progressing in the competition.

27-09-2015, 15:50
Hi Kevin,

Are you Welsh now? :scratch:

No, but my wife is half Welsh and I love living in Wales (and the people), so I have quite a strong affinity with the country... Oh, not to mention, before Al chips on, I enjoy 'getting jiggy' with a nice firm wooly bit of mutton! :D :eyebrows:

I also abhor the arrogance of the English press and TV media (who build their teams up as world beaters, when they are patently far from that in most sports), so for that reason, quite enjoy seeing England getting 'gubbed'. I would feel differently, and get behind English teams, if the press and *some* of their supporters had a less arrogant 'aren't we wonderful' attitude.

Incidentally, that doesn't make me anti-English or an 'English hater' (far from it, as I have many English friends); merely anti the English press, especially during World Cup football campaigns, where their incredible bias, complete lack of impartiality, and arrogant presumption that the whole TV audience, watching the tournament in the UK, are automatically England fans, takes the biscuit! :rolleyes:

1966 (for the zillionth time), anyone?? :doh:

Change the f*cking record. Apart from once, in 1990, England haven't got near to winning the World Cup since - and likely never will... So, humbly acknowledge that fact, and don't appoint yourself ridiculously as any form of favourites! No wonder Sir Alex Ferguson, despite being asked numerous times, wouldn't take the job of England manager: because of the loony-level of expectation amongst the fans and media.

I thought you were born in Scotland to parent(s) of Italian origins?
In which case the 32-10 kicking from the French must have hurt.

Yup, to the first bit. As for the second, I couldn't really care less. I enjoy seeing the Welsh rugby team do well, as I consider the sport as being indicative to Wales, but don't really follow rugby as such. Football is my main sport.

However, Wales winning yesterday at Twickenham was akin to Scotland having beaten England at Wembley, so I rejoiced for that reason: the underdogs winning and England getting gubbed, which always puts a smile on my face, for reasons explained.

It was a good game, one of the best in the competition so far. A poor decision in the last 5 minutes handed the game to Wales.

Completely agree. It was enthralling from start to finish - even for someone not really into rugby.

And before you ask, I could not technically lose yesterday.
My mother is Welsh, Father English, but my preferred side is England as I was born and raised there.

Nice one. I have no problem with anyone passionately supporting the team that they feel most affinity with, but I have no time whatsoever for jingoism or bigotry, and in that respect those comments earlier from Nick were a disgrace, even if he was drunk.

Well played Wales. I hope the injuries do not stop them from progressing in the competition.

Indeed. We shall see what happens now. I will be watching with some interest :cool:


27-09-2015, 15:54
In fact double fuck the Welsh, I am English and I hate the Welsh as much as they hate us !!!!

:eek: Nice system Nick.:)

27-09-2015, 16:11
I just don't 'get' how anybody can get so passionate about what is basically a sport, be it football, rugby, cricket or whatever, to be so rude and antagonistic to total strangers.

it's worse than religion :doh:

27-09-2015, 16:13
What's a system got to do with it? :scratch:

You're not attempting to justify his uncalled for and bigoted comments are you?


27-09-2015, 16:15
What's a system got to do with it? :scratch:

You're not attempting to justify his uncalled for and bigoted comments are you?


Look what system he runs- very nice:eek:

27-09-2015, 16:16
I just don't 'get' how anybody can get so passionate about what is basically a sport, be it football, rugby, cricket or whatever, to be so rude and antagonistic to total strangers.

it's worse than religion :doh:

Exactly. I support the sports teams I have an affinity with passionately, but would never be so rude as to direct bigotry and invective at those of an opposite persuasion.


27-09-2015, 16:16
Look what system he runs- very nice:eek:

Ok, fair enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread.


27-09-2015, 16:22
Ok, fair enough, but that's got nothing to do with this thread.


l would like that system.:guitar:

27-09-2015, 16:37
Hi Kevin,

No, but my wife is half Welsh and I love living in Wales (and the people), so I have quite a strong affinity with the country... Oh, not to mention, before Al chips on, I enjoy 'getting jiggy' with a nice firm wooly bit of mutton! :D :eyebrows:

I also abhor the arrogance of the English press and TV media (who build their teams up as world beaters, when they are patently far from that in most sports), so for that reason, quite enjoy seeing England getting 'gubbed'. I would feel differently, and get behind English teams, if the press and *some* of their supporters had a less arrogant 'aren't we wonderful' attitude.

Incidentally, that doesn't make me anti-English or an 'English hater' (far from it, as I have many English friends); merely anti the English press, especially during World Cup football campaigns, where their incredible bias, complete lack of impartiality, and arrogant presumption that the whole TV audience, watching the tournament in the UK, are automatically England fans, takes the biscuit! :rolleyes:

1966 (for the zillionth time), anyone?? :doh:

Change the f*cking record. Apart from once, in 1990, England haven't got near to winning the World Cup since - and likely never will... So, humbly acknowledge that fact, and don't appoint yourself ridiculously as any form of favourites! No wonder Sir Alex Ferguson, despite being asked numerous times, wouldn't take the job of England manager: because of the loony-level of expectation amongst the fans and media.

Yup, to the first bit. As for the second, I couldn't really care less. I enjoy seeing the Welsh rugby team do well, as I consider the sport as being indicative to Wales, but don't really follow rugby as such. Football is my main sport.

However, Wales winning yesterday at Twickenham was akin to Scotland having beaten England at Wembley, so I rejoice for that reason: the underdogs winning and England getting gubbed, which always puts a smile on my face, for reasons explained.

Completely agree. It was enthralling from start to finish - even for someone not really into rugby.

Nice one. I have no problem with anyone passionately supporting the team that they feel most affinity with, but I have no time whatsoever for jingoism or bigotry, and in that respect those comments earlier from Nick were a disgrace, even if he was drunk.

Indeed. We shall see what happens now. I will be watching with some interest :cool:


Do you support Chelsea?

27-09-2015, 16:39
No, why do you say that?

I support Celtic and Liverpool, and in international football, Scotland, Italy and Wales :)


27-09-2015, 16:44
Thanks, just wondered.

27-09-2015, 17:14
No, why do you say that?

I support Celtic and Liverpool, and in international football, Scotland, Italy and Wales :)

He forgot to say , he's a Wrexham fan too :eyebrows:

27-09-2015, 17:25
I wouldn't say I was a fan as such, but I follow their results and like seeing them win. Wrexham are somewhat of a 'sleeping giant', with a superb stadium that would do justice to hosting a much higher level of football :)

Back to rugby, I note that Scotland also won today, so rugby-wise, a good weekend all in! :cool:


27-09-2015, 19:37
Tut tut !!
Mind ,you didn't miss anything yesterday Wrexham threw it away , like England :)

27-09-2015, 19:44
Shame... And I missed that. In Scottish football, I was hoping that Morton would've pumped 'Sevco', but that didn't happen either, as they lost 0-4 at home to them! :doh:

At least the draw we (Celtic) had with Hearts went largely unpunished, as Aberdeen lost at Inverness :hifive:


28-09-2015, 09:40
Obviously I'm a bit late to this thread but England didn't deserve to win with that performance and the decision to go for the line out rather than three points near the end cost us the possibility of a draw. We keep getting told that they are learning from their mistakes but Robshaw did the same thing in one of the warm up matches for the 2011 World Cup iirc and England lost that match too.

On lighter note, I was at Elland Road for the Scotland v USA match yesterday and it was my first attendance at an international match. A really good atmosphere and an entertaining game, unfortunately we were at the opposite end of the ground to the tries.

29-09-2015, 08:30
Fantastic performance by the Welsh - probably their best ever result away to England. Their spirit and courage at the end following the injuries was inspirational and what rugby is all about. A bit disappointing that England let themselves down with nervous play, and unacceptable infringements at the breakdown. Particularly frustrating that they kicked for the corner (my stepsons choice) when I quite clearly told Robshaw to kick for 3 points. I will never forget London Irish losing the premiership final to Leicester Tigers by 2 points after Irish went for a try on about 6 successive penatlies in front of the posts at the end of the first half, and Leicester eventually cleared.

Incidentally I am also supporting Canada, since my mate Richard Thorpe now plays for them (his mum is Canadian). Very mixed loyalties in the up-coming game against France. As for England, ho hum. Richard is friends with both Delon and Stefan Armitage from schooldays, as well as playing at Irish, and Stefan Armitage carried in a birthday cake for my son at one of their matches, so this just about sums up my feelings





29-09-2015, 12:55
The biggest problem with the English team is that the management is treating the players like kids who should be grateful for having been selected. Players subjected to that kind of intimidation and fear are not going to give it their best. They are forever worried about making a mistake that would jeopardise their place in the team.

01-10-2015, 06:51
Since I will be (frustratingly) safely ensconced in a living room in England, and not a bar in France, I guess its got to be Canada tonight. I fear "we" may come 2nd. Thorpie starts at No7 which he is very excited about (although recently he has mostly played 6).

Obviously rooting for Fiji in the other game, and their ambition to pre-qualify for the next World cup by coming 3rd in the group. I fear their chances are only slightly better than Canada's, although clearly injuries and a short gap from the last game won't help the Welsh, who were already depleted, against a team with a strong bench. May all come down to fitness levels if Fiji can hold on for the first half.

Such fun! :D

01-10-2015, 07:01
Obviously rooting for Fiji in the other game....


Whatever happens, happens :)


01-10-2015, 17:46
Nae luck, Dicky-boy.... ;)


:sheep: :yay: :sheep: :yay: :sheep: :yay: :sheep:

Keep on rollin', the Taffs!! :clap: :clap: :hifive: :hifive:


02-10-2015, 05:28
2 stonking games. Richard got 40 minutes at his favourite no8 position and Canada showed how much the gap between 2nd tier and first tier is narrowing. Les bleus look formidable though ahead of their first proper game of the tournament against Ireland.
Wales again showed the depth of talent they have. If Fiji had just borrowed halfpenny, Biggar, North or James... 3 missed easy kicks, the scoreline could have been very different. But great rugby from a team 4 days out from the England match. They get a decent rest now before facing the wallabies. Tough group!

02-10-2015, 06:41
This is turning out to be a riveting tournament, thank god she watches rugby too!.

Off tonight to murreyfield for some live action.

02-10-2015, 07:00
Indeed, and in many ways better than the football! :)

I fancy England to beat the Ozzies and make things rather 'interesting'...


03-10-2015, 08:38
Come on England, obviously a must win match for us tonight, I can imagine I'll be just as twitchy as I was last Saturday evening.

I'm also hoping that Scotland beat South Africa this afternoon even though I was cheering for the underdog USA last week.

I'm glad I watched last nights match between New Zealand and Georgia. I had expected the All Blacks to run away with it but they weren't on their usual form and Georgia defended well most of the time. It was also great to see them score a try.

03-10-2015, 09:25
Astonishing All Blacks performance. Dan Carter looked like he'd put his boots on the wrong feet, and the handling errors would do a primary school player proud. Why is it that every world cup it is impossible to see how the Kiwi's won't win - and then they show us! Scotland to beat South Africa? I can't see either the Boks being that poor twice, or the Jocks (who are having a good one) raising their game to that standard. But then if you'd asked me about Japan...

Yes, a "cup final" for England tonight. They are going to have to play a lot better than they did against Wales, well, at least maintain better discipline, and sustain the standard of the first 50 minutes for the full 80. They are capable of beating the Wallabies, even shackled with the overseas player rule, Cipriani, Hartley . oh for a hooker who can throw it straight - and not straight past the last man - although Youngs has been ok so far ( he says fumbling for his rabbits foot). They know what they have to do. Nothing silly - no bonus point nonsense, and none of the "playing not to lose" of the last 20 minutes against Wales. Looks a strong team, but then so does the Wallabies. I think its going to come down to the pack - and therein lies our hope if we get Northern Hemisphere refereeing, and Farrell maintains his form with the boot. I like Barritt and Joseph as centres, and have a soppy grin about the idea of Easter coming on with his zimmer frame, to turn the game.

As Marco says, if England win, that is going to make it interesting. Next Saturday would then be a "cup final" for both Wales and Australia. If I have had to wonder about my loyalties at times having a bit of fun as a supporter - what about Warren Gatland? Will he go down in history as the Ozzie to put the Wallabies out of the World cup in the group stages?

But first, England have to beat Australia. And that ain't gonna be easy. Swing low!! :cool:

03-10-2015, 11:27
and none of the "playing not to lose" of the last 20 minutes against Wales. I agree, whatever happened to the attitude that the best form of defence is attack. As soon as they started to defend the lead they looked vulnerable.

03-10-2015, 13:10
As Marco says, if England win, that is going to make it interesting. Next Saturday would then be a "cup final" for both Wales and Australia. If I have had to wonder about my loyalties at times having a bit of fun as a supporter - what about Warren Gatland? Will he go down in history as the Ozzie to put the Wallabies out of the World cup in the group stages?

Yup, on all counts. That's what I'm hoping for (and indeed expect) to happen! :)


03-10-2015, 20:54
Boys against men tonight....

03-10-2015, 21:17
Drats... Makes it less interesting now.


03-10-2015, 21:22
Scotland got creamed too, although I expected both results as the Aussies and the Boks are both far better sides generally. Japan have leapfrogged Scotland in the table

03-10-2015, 21:23
I'm not sure how the groups are drawn up but having 4 of the top 9 teams in the same group would seem to not make much sense......

04-10-2015, 05:43
Well England deserve to be out after that performance, where was the pride and passion, they didn't even look close to making a turnover at the ruck.

I was very disappointed with the inconsistent performance of the officials though. Farrel sent off for tackling the man without the ball, fair enough, but no yellow card or TMO referrals for a shoulder charge to take Brown out of a ruck or for what looked to me like deliberate obstruction when England had hacked through at one point.

04-10-2015, 10:35
Yes - the refereeing was patchy. The first 2 scrum penalties against our loose head were probably fair enough, but after that they were fishing for them by dropping a hip, and I could go on like a wannabe Brian Moore.
We didn't lose because of patchy refereeing. Mostly we lost because Australia were outstanding, and I think my current favourites for the cup. Pooper flattened us, and Foley and Folau were exceptional.
But frustrating. Frustrating tactics - I said at the start we needed to win, not win pretty. If there was an award for the nicest people with the best intentions to play attractive rugby, then Lancaster and Robshaw would be in the frame. That wasn't how Woodward and Johnson beat the wallabies in 2003.

We had a penalty in range for a tough kick at goal with the score at 0-0 after 3 minutes, and wasted it trying to show we could play running rugby for a bonus point 4 try win. We had a penalty in front of the posts 4 minutes later which we wasted trying to play an impossible (surprisingly short) advantage. Maybe we would have been 6-0 up if we had automatically asked Farrel to kick the points the way Wilkinson did in 2003. Maybe if the next 3 scores still happened we would have been at 10-9 instead of 10-3. Different game. Not just because of the points, but because if they thought every infringement cost them 3 points, they would play differently. And at that stage we were winning the scrum.

And we should have played differently too. Against Hooper and Pocock, without Armitage and Vunipola what were we doing running fast breakaway ball and getting isolated? Play tight, go through the phases, force penalties and kick them. Not as pretty. The objective wasn't to play pretty rugby. It was to win. And we really should have sorted that out against wales. In both games - it could have been so different - we nearly broke through with pretty rugby. But its not Strictly come dancing with points for style. This was a rugby world cup - the points were for winning games.

Even playing at our best, I don't think we have the quality to win this cup, but we could have avoided the ignomony of this early bath (admittedly in THE toughest group)

But it went wrong before we picked the squad. Note - the first half of the question is not "what is best for English rugby in the round" - nor is it "what is fair and consistent". The first half of the question is "if you want to win a Rugby world cup"? - and the 2nd half is "do you automatically exclude your world class best players for political reasons"? The question is rhetorical


04-10-2015, 11:51
Yes, England were comprehensively outplayed. Fortunately I'm a rugby fan as much as an England rugby fan and there should still be plenty of good games to look forward to.

I'll just have to cheer Ireland on now due to my heritage and to balance out Marco's bias for the other home nations :lol:

04-10-2015, 12:34
Scotland got creamed too, Japan have leapfrogged Scotland in the table

Not in the table I'm looking thankfully, although going through second in the group will only bring a bigger opponent and probably the end of the tournament too.

04-10-2015, 13:17
I'll just have to cheer Ireland on now due to my heritage and to balance out Marco's bias for the other home nations :lol:

Could pick that one, being born on St Paddy's day, and a long term London Irish fan, but I guess its "Allez les bleus!" :D

10-10-2015, 17:47
Absolutely awesome. Outstanding rugby match. I cannot believe Australias defence with 13 men. What a world cup

10-10-2015, 17:55
Scots won a terrific match to qualify and will meet those very Aussies:doh:

10-10-2015, 19:15
Just as well this forum isn't voice controlled, I'm hoarse after the game this afternoon.

10-10-2015, 21:03
2 games out of 3 isn't bad I suppose. I guess to be fair, there was nothing that was going to make the England game exciting. Taking nothing from a fine Scottish performance, the points came from an absurd penalty count by Samoa. Scotland won't be able to repeat that against Australia.

10-10-2015, 21:12
2 games out of 3 isn't bad I suppose. I guess to be fair, there was nothing that was going to make the England game exciting. Taking nothing from a fine Scottish performance, the points came from an absurd penalty count by Samoa. Scotland won't be able to repeat that against Australia.

I think we have gone as far as we can, and further than I expected. Getting to the next phase is great for a small country where the sport is nowhere near top of the agenda. Its one of the Aussies national sports along with cricket, and Rules. Mostly footie for us, but alas we aint much good at it anymore, ......:)

11-10-2015, 10:00
I think you are right Grant. And thank you everybody for not reminding "followers of the rose" that if Robshaw had asked Farrel to kick that last penalty, and he had (he missed a couple yesterday) then the result against Uruguay would have seen England go through too. (But I suspect not progress much further either) Who'd be a captain ?

11-10-2015, 10:05
Going to miss the Orangutang [sp] adverts, which player does he remind you off?

14-10-2015, 10:59
Going to miss the Orangutang [sp] adverts, which player does he remind you off?

He is a great character - amazing CGI. There's a video on the web somewhere about how they created him

Heard an interesting rugby story on Sunday at Sue's Dad's 80th. Her niece's boyfriend was at the Japan v South Africa game. At the end of the match South African fans began congregating round the exits, and it could have looked like trouble

They formed a guard of honour, and applauded all the Japanese leaving the ground

I love rugby!


16-10-2015, 20:06
An englisman walks into a bar

Normally there would be an Irishman, Welshman and a Scott with him, but they are all still at the rugby world cup :D

17-10-2015, 09:19
I think I'll be cheering all of the remaining home nations on this weekend :)

17-10-2015, 16:18
C'mon Wales, and Ffs sake stop giving away penalties.

18-10-2015, 15:59
Last chance for the Northern Hemisphere at the moment, just about to watch the second half of the Australia v Scotland match, I hope Scotland can hang on.

18-10-2015, 16:05
Maitland in the bin for a deliberate knock on, I've seen a lot worse than that let go unpunished in the other matches.

And Australia score immediately. Not looking good for Scotland.

18-10-2015, 16:47
so close yet so far... great game by Scotland but as per the cue, they give away a pen in the last minute to steal defeat from victory.:doh:

18-10-2015, 17:52
Can't agree it was a deliberate knock on, should have had a penalty for a late tackle? before the line out, but, hey ho, if Australia had converted all their kicks it would have been so different. Never mind, last home nation team out and by the smallest margin, roll on the six nations.

18-10-2015, 18:09
I think that penalty at the end was unlucky and under closer scrutiny might not have been awarded. Just such a shame they didn't take it cleanly at the line out!!

18-10-2015, 18:14
No sour grapes but as in most sports, the refs do side with the top teams when they can. they would rather Aussies in than Scots; like Real b4 the likes of say Celtic. Just the way it is when its tight and you give the opportunity. wee teams have to not just win but win twice lol
It was good game and Scots did us proud, although I new if it was close at the end a penalty would be given

18-10-2015, 18:48
Quite telling that Joubert didn't stick around to shake hands with the players. He just ran off the pitch and down the tunnel!!

18-10-2015, 19:59
It's all gone south :(