View Full Version : Garrard 401 + Plinth and arm.

26-09-2015, 11:56
Thinking very seriously of selling this combination. The 401 was checked over by Loricraft a few years back and runs as sweet as a nut.
The plinth is a 35mm skeletal MDF and the RB 300 has internal and external wiring mods and a drop centre counterweight. At the moment it's fitted with a AT. PTG 33 Anniversary MC. This is not included in the sale but I can supply a nice basic MM.
Audition is recommended and welcome. I don't want to sell the arm separate unless the 401 sell first.
Idler wheel and motor are really good, so is the paintwork. I have spare arm boards so fitting another arm is possible.

Price? £500 for the 401, £100 for the plinth and £200 the arm. Might sound on the high side but the alternative is buying one that has never been looked at in years and needs a good sum spending on it to bring it up to scratch.


26-09-2015, 12:21
Looks very nice condition Mike. Decent price id have thought

26-09-2015, 13:36
Looks very nice condition Mike. Decent price I'd have thought


Good luck with the sale Michael. :)

Ali Tait
27-09-2015, 05:23
Good price for one you know is in good fettle. I'd buy it myself if I didn't already have one!

27-09-2015, 10:52
Thanks guys, Just to add I have a small bottle of Garrard oil, albeit not in a Garrard container. This was given to me by Terry Sullivan and should last for years.
Great sounding turntable and we'll worth an audition. Rest of my system is Naim, Epos, with a Trichord SUT. PM me if you require more information.

09-10-2015, 10:05
One and final reduction to £500 for the Garrard and plinth. Arm excluded. Other than that boxed in the attic for others to discover to their glee in years to come.

09-10-2015, 10:48
I hadn't seen this 401 before. It certainly looks a nice example and the plinth looks a very sensible and substantial design. Well worth the combined asking price!

09-10-2015, 10:55
Thanks, Plinth is very solid and the combination sings. Arms easy to change as I have several board blanks. Happy to demo. with a Rega arm and a AT. PTG 33 cart.

16-10-2015, 21:56
PM'd :) :)

17-10-2015, 09:58
PM Relied to. Thanks.

17-10-2015, 12:22
I'll take it Mike, might even take the arm off you as well :) :) PM sent

17-10-2015, 22:52
Think its an excellent choice Graham; sure you will love it

18-10-2015, 08:57
I don't see how you can go wrong with this Graham. It's worth the money, It'll sound excellent and you can get any parts that are needed, not that you are likely to need any. Garrards just seem to march on forever with an occasional lube and clean. Do let us know how you get on with it!

Spectral Morn
18-10-2015, 10:47
Glad this is now gone as it was a temptation, albeit I didn't want the plinth. Wrote several pms over the last few weeks but didn't send them.

Hope the new owner enjoys it.

Regards Neil

18-10-2015, 12:40
Stop it guys, you'll have me deliberating!!!
Listening to it now and it's superb. I've heard it in another plinth, this one is a no brainer. Solid, easy to level, rock steady. Sounds the part and looks the part. Sure Graham will be more than happy when he see's it in the flesh. Sad parting for me but I have some new idea's.

18-10-2015, 13:20
:) :) :) The more I think about it - the more pleased I am !!!

21-10-2015, 16:18
Well, I really want to thank Mike and his lovely wife for their kind hospitality and helping me part with a chunk of the folding stuff!!!! :) :) A long drive but worth every penny as it's now set up and running in my man cave :) :)

21-10-2015, 16:32
Oooh.... Some pics in its new abode are called for:D

21-10-2015, 17:14
Oooh.... Some pics in its new abode are called for:D

Temporary location at the moment, but all square and level and playing like a dream!!!! :) :)


Really, really pleased with it and to top it all Mike is a real gent!!!!!

21-10-2015, 17:17
Looks good, really good Graham. One of the nicest samples I've seen.

What is the cartridge?

21-10-2015, 17:38
Looks good, really good Graham. One of the nicest samples I've seen.

What is the cartridge?

It's the Ortofon 2M Black :)

21-10-2015, 17:47
Really nice to meet Graham, we had a good and informative exchange of views. So happy it's gone to a good home where it will be appreciated. It is a gem of an example.

21-10-2015, 18:17
Result! :)

21-10-2015, 18:21
Result! :)

Not 'arf!!!!! :) :)

21-10-2015, 18:23
You dunno how close I was from cashing in my pension and going to pick it up myself