View Full Version : Silverstoned 2015, Pictures, Videos & Thoughts

19-09-2015, 17:00
Watch this space...;)

19-09-2015, 17:43
If you are just after pics, look here (https://goo.gl/photos/jgJtvXxWTf975W388). I have just dumped everything I took in the time I was there, compressed, no edits or deletions.

I've taken a few videos, which are uploading now. However, the rooms where just too dark for those to be great.

Message to all showsters - if you want to promote your goods at a show, keep the room light. That means the pics and videos that wind up on the net will probably look much better than otherwise. Your choice.

19-09-2015, 17:54
Dalek Supreme - feel free to use any pics as per previous years.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/KpPmC40Tc97p94mko1vDehWQk7JEWrXzsvMiYUBkOYW7i2eAuw VSxcBJt7r0dxs96Fbsd85_MEHGGqFM0w9FeJogKS4OZ1QivtT0 _yt9B1eKpqMR_-_baC7OM2DcxEG3rKwhHpDkPUfVL9CLrbDGb2cUnROMGi9P3aKU Tjr6Pc1WaQVKP9BzMpRYODa-hPhmQSPQclIIVdv8GQpgrQe8Aj4mnLL0RfE1Kx2oEcsweK4Ncm vz-PJEGg0ZeHlbaPkkfT-i7atpPTAYs6x_77MHmgPX7QeZd_-uOyKnLd8n8HOeLdVcY16BEw03JkoSfM5RrQ8TCSvJ5bF4igd0M 7rxFW13focqfjkbgYWhFN_nMsNr_Zwt5qDFDvVQXRxkh1tTbYU PSUgRbbvxUvSxpnZrKPOdkN1VSkqHedi2-KMS8igLxo4CYNjnvWHxD5Xes20yuPFxOT0iq3Kb2JDDh1RWLlh 2s6o_pqmGkG1tqvmTqKiTJz5WLhakVNLQV9-eAOlkdoHS_muCu-sAZWoSTXk5gZCOZZ3ezH-SIe-d-Jy1_ls=w898-h506-no

19-09-2015, 18:04
The most interesting speaker for me was the omni ribbon from Zeta Zero pictured above. Can't remember what the salesperson said they were called. But I do remember 17Hz to very high HF (did he say 50 or 60KHz?), 2200 Watts class D, and most importantly, £60K. Not cheap.

However, bass extension sounded appreciably low, rendition of some organ music packed with resolution. Literally - massive amounts of detail. These sounded more consistent off axis than any MBL model I have come across - including the 101 Xtremes at nearly £200K or so.

The huge scale, and massive amount of information presented at high volume make these quite something to listen to. There are two aluminium looking cones firing upwards and downwards inside the circular columns. I saw some quite large excursions occurring.

This is unquestionably a very high performance loudspeaker. It isn't what I would call an easy listen by any means. Some might consider it just too much to live with. In fact I am sure a lot of people would think that. But if you think you could cope, and have £16K to spare, the smaller version, which has not yet be finalised, will give MBL some competition in omni-space. The smaller one is pictured below.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/OgUxkSa7IWvC7hmhlfbJBraunAw4BmL4wEB0ezprQElAORzS25 SAwt4IbD_u7EFRL0qKqYmd4zERj60Nbu-uBl08dWe0UOWIiEzp6_CsKl8UQzBhuGMI60xpm2DA0K2oeNOWd INI7IhuMLc_IFJLpb_pcbiXRmYlq2GtZHGqgIfJDCHP7ClhKHC ONgG8-q8G2rwnuitXbP3QSoBtgPKwjbzSMtOxASBb-AgHOpj7AcBM2YeweIzFoN9fyw4mi3VisaqAQFH_SFFLwkwCFLZ oxarfCi7AQx6T79UptX4qwCrjd5g2D8HJXLIbstt3RCQcXqCaR K-c1ONDmMUd6wkC8ncy_mmeCO5R00eplmmbmUjenxbEwtHKnk_0c ZecINs3FBMHAiQdveQQbHUqj5TJiNRCydgtYHxDATgwG34AnM0 BoGejmgtJ7rskHYSaPUqvMghNciDZ3RQv1uVpWuKaXt2Fn5s1R cqaMaxGzceS88i-MIIHqWMjL57J1ySo8oiqoa44JmsHaD8C7yMqXDXDC8U3imkdzg GxcjkG3WdqbH8=w338-h599-no

Room too dark for a decent video and this is a bit shaky too. At least it gives an idea of the vibe,



These things look like they could throw Tesla coil emissions at any moment. The spirit of Bela Lugosi was in the room.

The Black Adder
19-09-2015, 18:28
Hi Justin. the pics link just comes up with an error, ol chap! :)

19-09-2015, 18:43
Works well here Josie. The nature of the error?

19-09-2015, 18:44
thanks Justin
couldn`t make it so appreciate the video

19-09-2015, 18:55
S'alright Phil. Have some Devialet Phantoms:)


I was kind of curious about these. Some bizarre Devialet marketing going on in the background.

Was I impressed? No. Was the bass massive? Not really. Was the room too big for them? Definitely.

My ears told me that there was a bit of a "plasticy" colouration going on, detail resolution was not that high, scale not that great. I'm not even remotely interested in buying a pair, which is disappointing as I thought they might go down well in the lounge.

After reading a lot about them, I am actually disappointed. Each to their own, I suppose.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/fMq5QAw3kxn9U8lCbcdvs63oIYQF02cUqZXUgq3ICP1cuHzhcj azzNpLcLm4-jqLkW-Qly29c7l988lcyGv4B1L3ZTIHhvdAaRlA_jgmYl1p3DyC7Yu1T 6BKw2JrECEv-GMwhVA83DLgKIgxAkPke8BsqanJz7WENdt-MgPmaz_qen9kXVuSFVwd-Ykin511o0BHKyoZwnXoZQnI6re9PCvoHt647KkbbiB-fC7pouvEHYHTMpHH_5tJUUmNdTZwgXV_0cVMaYI7AvY-aYsm7kIBN-iFf3QmlPuEQMrCLmeDlfViu7mpNcXTDRu58y_G0fOABqAm7MT-rnhFOLOmzvxKQVKBucQuh9H-aFAhCOq7ODqAmazGhLzsmHacmkJWj9_nAhkMXUAaUu1xsKOT9V XpTP7T86Wtk3d_nDohV-6e8NkG1YM3icy1p7_cepmqPIU04RT15ddiIggnLqB_LixvL7Sh je7jp1qT4zMYsxT3UUNBsE8SIHRGrmRcdyfALpnRKAG6NxFvXi VG-jKruvTSReGsU37BWNFAZtPM21w=w898-h506-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/orME4Ahvf5k9FsFrtW_7ItyDm6mTT5aVdW4NrEkYidjMDyQw_o Wl_S4cDRxne7dCpkKmyJN6YTEi0H3J9D0WMWZfc7UMzfCSM0ma kQ7IVMATRNFmgRgvQOTf3n55M8E11PgCA926qKJPf_MaDmDoH5 Fdj8GvRdEn9ExJHvG_J0W6D5FwjEF7dQyLUf-VzsUQu7FacekvdxnMe3GyqpZMjkFMvmtL-OT3JbVyVpD986MJ9JSnSSzdGFhdZcU-1WqEiW5fZgt0s4F__5XeNWCaRtLekQEpL4ZgzTbOJz5Me2EgWz kYmzGAkD3bqFpgQeY_vcXA7t7YttvSHAIphBWmwNWhOTZMjscP rBiYIT2bDyctnaQ9FoPViz411U2rPsPrdlbRr48j3FcCi6y8mh XWkAvuLTM0dGMt3cq4lL7B8H_H3phGF4361boDxh0cRF2kh-F0NiUZtUVDJgtWfUPED7ISJ43T4N_lB0ESbbg4GpcGp6edhkQE YRPsYZ0_BVMVoOh1N8kJe4qkitb8OJbUwCUmIruQ0bqPpxXCSb L8n8k=w898-h506-no

19-09-2015, 19:13
If you are just after pics, look here (https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipNu5dvBQIkJ_1_fPheLU9owDgYgJEaTziFP6j89). I have just dumped everything I took in the time I was there, compressed, no edits or deletions.

I've taken a few videos, which are uploading now. However, the rooms where just too dark for those to be great.

Message to all showsters - if you want to promote your goods at a show, keep the room light. That means the pics and videos that wind up on the net will probably look much better than otherwise. Your choice.

Google error 403 from the link, no images.

19-09-2015, 19:29
None of your picture links work via safari

19-09-2015, 19:29
Interesting. It appears to be no different to any other album I have in there. Give up will suss it out tomorrow, if it doesn't just start working of its own accord.

19-09-2015, 19:34
I'll see (hear) it all myself tomorrow :).

19-09-2015, 19:41
See if you agree with my BS;)

Does this work?


The new Google Photos definitely sucks quite a bit.

19-09-2015, 19:48
Yes, let's see. I have to say I've been really rather impressed by the YG and mbl speakers I've heard - and it doesn't sound like, from previous posts, that you have been.

Spectral Morn
19-09-2015, 19:50
See if you agree with my BS;)

Does this work?



Regards Neil

The Black Adder
19-09-2015, 19:58
nope, 404 error now.

19-09-2015, 20:06
Yes, let's see. I have to say I've been really rather impressed by the YG and mbl speakers I've heard - and it doesn't sound like, from previous posts, that you have been.

MBLs? No I like them quite a bit. To live with day to day I'd take 101 Xtremes over the Zeta Zeros, money no object.

YG - no, and not only because they themselves thought they were the best speakers in the world.

19-09-2015, 20:06
nope, 404 error now.

Damn, this report sucks!!!:D

19-09-2015, 20:14
Looks like you have to ask for a shareable link in the new Google photos. Does this work? Surely, please, Google?


Spectral Morn
19-09-2015, 20:23
Looks like you have to ask for a shareable link in the new Google photos. Does this work? Surely, please, Google?


And the crowd goes wild - touch down :cool:

Regards Neil

19-09-2015, 20:23
Yes, we now have our first Silverstone 2015 images. I am visiting tomorrow.

19-09-2015, 21:56
Looks like you have to ask for a shareable link in the new Google photos. Does this work? Surely, please, Google?


Great pictures! It only took me half-an-hour to get past the turntable pics -- they're just beautiful.

20-09-2015, 08:16
I wasn't going to bother going, but those pics have made me change my mind. Thanks!

20-09-2015, 08:48
Well have a good time Peter.

Anyway, for me, recovering from the Devialet Phantoms, Teddy Pardo does rather better with his small speakers.

Lots of resolution on display with Teddy's system, he likes a relatively bright, finely detailed, spacious sound. And it is good. Paired with a decent sub it could be even better.

The video has the weird hum which is NOT coming from Teddy's system. I actually think it is from my camera, but it stops about hallway through. Teddy is the dude sitting down on the right hand wall.


20-09-2015, 08:50
I have come down with a bad clogged up kind of a cold so will not be able to get there today :( so thanks for the great pics, Justin :thumbsup:

I have heard there were some MBLs there? If so, what model?

It's kind of good to hear the Devialet Phantom disappointed you, I was starting to get a bit curious about them! :D

20-09-2015, 09:53
I'd be amazed if you'd like the Phantom's, Jerry. But you never know you have surprised me in the past. I was with George and Kev, and when I asked George about them (as he had heard them) beforehand, he wasn't too keen either TBH. He had not swayed me in any way. I just didn't like them. I found them too smooth as well. No bite at all.

The only MBL gear at the show was in the Audio Emotion room driving the omni-ribbon Zeta Zero i.e. using the tools of "the enemy" to try and beat MBL at their own game. Cheeky.:eyebrows:

I'd be really quite interested in hearing the 16K version of that speaker with some music I actually like.

I met the new head of the Wam - Antonny - over lunch. Seem like a very decent chap. Liked him quite a bit.

20-09-2015, 10:10

Wilson Alexia's sounding not too far away from last year. Listening to these videos today on the 2nd system and I have to say they give no fair idea of what these systems sounded like in the flesh. You have to have been there or go today.

Dan's amps appeared to not be on. Maybe the displays were switched off.

Hearing these amps with Wilson's at Munich I have to say this room was managing really quite a bit better to be fair. So hard to be fair with differing source material and rooms etc etc.

20-09-2015, 10:57
Some very nice kit in the Longdog room. Nick had a TT that looked worthy of his rather expensive phono stage. He told me it is belt or idler drive. You change by lifting the platter and putting the belt on. A 5 minute job. It looked rather well made too. I didn't ask the price, but it is a Reed Muse 3C (http://www.reed.lt/products/turntables/all/17-turntables/muse-3c).

Other goodies where a speaker with an ESL super tweeter, Pass Labs XA100.5, Nick's own £10K phono stage etc etc.

The sound was pretty good TBH. You're probably not going to knock anyone for six in a small room with small speakers, but hopefully likely buyers will see through this. You don't spend £10K on a phono stage without enough experience to realise that.

Since the TT looks better at the show than on the website, here's a couple of photos I didn't compress (but of course Google do) before uploading:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qmy0mGTG5CNOsn3Mtx_qQE6JzX3Dmxol911DzJ6OrQZYr7qTQk 6usxiVHqJL2UeP9slm_2_3HzSITiK891ERj79J__6g8TViB_yf lPoL8GRhhVZtQg9v5DXJRN_YdKcYD81BwNjprLr4ZxqypAOoj3 LgpWXRemLKx5oGO21c11HebIJ_ZP9ZaCfwrLjOZ1W56q0L6vZz mU3bJQokPKJtsxPYcHcwIxDmeg3qQ1BRphIhpoT8Wz5x51Dd68 F_DA0E2iZqj1WmAdd1qI_MYsmcgXBWafwXW4MUg8wvH4HNaJrw goF2NNmx16KmH9Ajoixkkq1KtCLnN_Wv6LZxdhndgM_dqNGGFF kfj_GU5fNijIaeiL5FWFh1b2_B4ceKwJ1kejtKIEfDEHf21b1k S2BEGecq-UwAzemM-4hJRu6e3zeWsDBe7YhckB-wauPnq6Y71JPLaVVKWbApXrkHou1LE3tOgQj4uqVMQha7h9Q4d X0d1-TQRLLQQe7xxuNdzrWjF2y-3YusIjBZyAsfxFWvSFiJhjewl-mQ3oI5U7qOcKw=w1184-h666-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/bXJnUpVkzBBjc42tVrPul3A2AOAQ4J-aqIzmqjQJjHvOiCQDQGnKT-X_RADAP41a9cDz9vc3gsbeo5E9n2DJ2YfqUqeRw5evH03Ypy7E 6UkBrDa1cGhPTFXMZ3St6UJ4RzP3dUbf43SljOPOiiMaNGJO-JzPRc-q9KOkzfciZWKSCdEUcVdvpCoguYZOmQu3UkSdAw2MsOc175_qQ dDdcbad1Ene4mwTDH0BcLgKdQwDTOI6TQa5rZaBpHTnVIwGA_g Nfqtvdo8AgdgGg-c_Fms5rLc3csHwZuzviEOlYeVeU4KyfxDpNeqwaUANSI7kHdBd vWZCjOBuz6ND_28iKSWBFclSPp0MaXy2jlSXIDDL9FIibTvxSJ JVNuG4e86F85So_N-NCJbCWhufhEbLrDSN9SrAVHFPTzia8DK4fERK0TyeXEtUO1RCm QqhrorSHB6q-Ls-hcjShPoe3_YKFvEMSCpLkejc8KrbH_G_wQXZ-rbmMwkEz_6X_cxC83bKdxmn0iNboMWFcsnDrw9z7jnl6fcXVDG yoqCJiqTq91g=w1184-h666-no

Audio Al
20-09-2015, 11:00
Quality photos , Thanks for sharing :)

Spectral Morn
20-09-2015, 11:29
Some very nice kit in the Longdog room. Nick had a TT that looked worthy of his rather expensive phono stage. He told me it is belt or idler drive. You change by lifting the platter and putting the belt on. A 5 minute job. It looked rather well made too. I didn't ask the price, but it is a Reed Muse 3C (http://www.reed.lt/products/turntables/all/17-turntables/muse-3c).

Other goodies where a speaker with an ESL super tweeter, Pass Labs XA100.5, Nick's own £10K phono stage etc etc.

The sound was pretty good TBH. You're probably not going to knock anyone for six in a small room with small speakers, but hopefully likely buyers will see through this. You don't spend £10K on a phono stage without enough experience to realise that.

Since the TT looks better at the show than on the website, here's a couple of photos I didn't compress (but of course Google do) before uploading:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/SIySo8vtra5uJFNy0L9DNG_y0hihdg5gyPApv2gsE17swW7hJc tH7mw1WP59mChqKCSd_Hn9OEgz-IWO0ZJrj0CA7XBxDskQImWSMRFmzfI7voXMLu_oJ8qGoXqdvsO p6SSCZ9NkWaZ3oo8JAIx6PGKE4JEOPBMsDqj9E2VlP3okpkOH1 mmg88kTE8SighL4iXZa9F75ZIyz0BlRAzacaXHH4AVhkOTcac2 TlqJtTWiau9G356QOX2To0658_NnUjsN-iuspZWsLu0FEU2XRNKNh2wbZLo-rH_kTVyvvXha6tuK4WRNv0iXj9R1NyYQP8ijaFq8Y1bJ98MD7O ZaREdHmfvrFf8eb8MHSMQr4w0z-EGQQdNlQk1ZC7lH45tLFsjdjh1K4NXXcbJk-NnhbZbKKGDwoAFBYtiq6snRQ5p2BjcAvdypt7flcHcBWMptDzK 20fcPMfZFLeCHuiv3uPyQBIz95SJRZpWtSImUWZiWcl4LJG_bw 7Fnlnt9VH-gseL4WsYY3Ler_YgtpqOgbzBIAm4KlhLvFyiIcITxLH9c=w106 5-h599-no

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XDc13rcJO3d43PXyNItSUS6eCkVB7CLc32ZklVoTBdwpZJ_n9i dZWV6bw2TAiDWg18ggDzNQA3CiiyO3KFHc1EmuXrjjhbpl9KRf OBpI1ODN7oYoLjenVefH44sAN8RjFqu_2yVw7oduHnzlx-hwVsxs9fmXi3lSKZO5b6CmFcOceWVqYUmoB_E0Of-XW9-COxdHo1lC9hD4p4zd2T3EIiuoF43K8aubj2pzyHGScMyRbM-O8LguXbE0Q7qQVMRIb3YUzmWtWrpchJdXKXtf7ZsZdn9u27de1 dfvlTSTmx3Y0BcxW7euAT07VYbhhf2Cvwv6Hy_equU5vkbksMd 83Ykc3DwBqDX5E5KY32dklvTvbXXiQM8XKqfmhpSBJTL4_01B8 lKYeYr8Qlocry5NiO-6jZMkYFOBIjqkDqdcMMAdn1gvXhxnP7orzH7krzCX7a6D1uw32 9OPC2ZGecn3cqYmb3xsKgfIeZwKTe4tjRllbEbW2UEtgvS1GG4 lPAjOc31PND-z6OcRhFsiusL-lu8zOjUJ_4mOH1Pg06ZtW3g=w1065-h599-no

Interesting turntable.

Regards Neil

20-09-2015, 11:55
Some of you may have seen that we went retro in the Art Audio room with the 15" Monitor Golds in GRFs. Despite being told by numerous people that big horns would not work in that small a room. That was of course, nonsense as the people who sat, in one case for over an hour to listen, will attest. Also, we opted to drive them with a real world amp, rather than one of Tom's uber designs, so we used a Quintet mk2 in triode mode. 15 watts of EL34 glory, driven by the Composer Duo TT into the Vinyl One, though we did have PS Audio digital sources. Nice to put Some faces to names on here too. I'm not there today sadly, but Tom is of course, so I hope those going today enjoy it.

20-09-2015, 14:12

Another very dark room. Then again it ALWAYS is. Tucked away in the remote corner of the show, as usual, the Tomei 18 Watt amp, stuffed with ELROG 211s, possibly returned the best rendition of the Beatles "When I'm 64" I've ever heard. It just sounded effortlessly real. Brilliant.

The clip isn't my scene - I only caught the end of the Beatles unfortunately. You can see the equipment for real in the flash photos, but the Tomeri amp is just about caught as I move up close to it.

20-09-2015, 18:54
Some of you may have seen that we went retro in the Art Audio room with the 15" Monitor Golds in GRFs. Despite being told by numerous people that big horns would not work in that small a room. That was of course, nonsense as the people who sat, in one case for over an hour to listen, will attest. Also, we opted to drive them with a real world amp, rather than one of Tom's uber designs, so we used a Quintet mk2 in triode mode. 15 watts of EL34 glory, driven by the Composer Duo TT into the Vinyl One,mthough we did have Ps Audio digital sources. Nice to put dome faces to names on here too. I'm not there today sadly, but Tom is of course, so I hope those going today enjoy it.

Sound of the show for me ... but, maybe that's because I listen every day to EL34-driven, near-field 15 inch Tannoys :D

20-09-2015, 19:44
Photo of the show for me. Just can't beat these Nagra R2Rs!!!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/apFxAsLR5EcC4Lm3jZrW4SqLpP-aXB76sTflUcFgl47Kuq0riJtwr0s64DfuaB6WrSOBn7mRC4QIE uVRy6ioZkP4HlOkRF18pwsjtwe7Sc1buIXFpp6SA4x25E0f-8A3lNHVl4MevrWOYTTI5nKq7fhDZi9KqgokyX9R0HMWPAErc6d 0u-LjJxAaAqenClKOObvsl_t0BCtogqo4yyUIn2blpmKO_4ls1yE2 9TAl-JFNmgpLlcQEb3so_rZq7-sHJKpMgWhHA2WS9vwxskAFYWsVxR_6iGjUVlkJAZxJKfB_MDM6 yY1xrtB1kW0eq50xdfKnAHlx-nnT26xCyMN9u68XmT1dEtWX7oaK04lqBHHoY-c2jmd6uNPHBabJ1zdx--eXBw_Muuxu6hxbjPemqEr3xkFfB4RdZ7VNe1YBNyom1BqgiTo2 IKYFEWTtqIQi2o5ExpHlk8BCFVhpo-tPEPxkf7hstUS9JNTYNFYuYVjUc2Fks0rdUU7w2L44tyQhKgKN q5kI5iFg1N4g3tNcfTcf5DkgFpPXhg9d3akQjh4=w1184-h666-no

20-09-2015, 19:46
Sound of the show for me ... but, maybe that's because I listen every day to EL34-driven, near-field 15 inch Tannoys :D

Thanks for that Peter, it means a lot to know that others liked it too :) Paul Messenger was really complimentary as well.

20-09-2015, 19:47
New Chord Dave DAC build quality looks very high too. Just no opportunity for the kind of mechanical engineering the Nagra entertains, though.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8xlYjsYNRtMJUwIjmVQmR0oLLFuwBavIcJ7rtuL9K3bJOuRKTs 8zrId1EftuC_Qm9lDd2kh8v3agsmylEOCmP1WOlPEFtQX-CXuuc2PBqfwQI9vhkaXT4SAT_Q909R0hNkIeuifU2zmZ_nsHRY Ya2OmwjQX-3H_Y3xXztDtgKJ5EoONI3ZYT-F-JSj7a4P7qFKsxFYIMtSMT6BXjfg6xcnY1ocD7ZhldQlNtp2SVB B1A-VEZ4w23VA16IhNXtO_UA1Rs-QPcoOXXDxZbPF2_PmoZuFZKuQbmSitaGUDfOHiw6SIvxjbPKCE UcOOxNSLu8bHo66dNSZSoOaY4DhZWltiC7_-KTvZiCwQ8UlTjPLX8utkL-ixVlnB-wEooS2eDRhHBvADymHKnvajfEwhuYeqfCWxsGlElyugrcqxOSf 0SZg31YWpeQbKokuyz_tKG_lt21tis4Tzn4eHToCguUPbMA2DO 2IF69HeTpP_vtsUFfzOmQzE_kM-bAzCmKl_PDJJqFGCUnDN1fjIEQHRoNJDIYnRZNACln_rFOmEe0 2U=w1184-h666-no

20-09-2015, 20:01
Big band sound from Mike Valentine's Studer that now seems to be a regular appearance, Soulution, Art Audio Alnico Reference.

The video is shaky but you try dodging the people, trying to avoid people walking into the FOV etc etc. Anyway, it is was it is and this one really does somehow seem to give the flavour of the room much better than the other videos have.

I'm guessing big brass band lovers would, have, er, loved it!:)


21-09-2015, 09:08
New Chord Dave DAC build quality looks very high too. Just no opportunity for the kind of mechanical engineering the Nagra entertains, though.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/8xlYjsYNRtMJUwIjmVQmR0oLLFuwBavIcJ7rtuL9K3bJOuRKTs 8zrId1EftuC_Qm9lDd2kh8v3agsmylEOCmP1WOlPEFtQX-CXuuc2PBqfwQI9vhkaXT4SAT_Q909R0hNkIeuifU2zmZ_nsHRY Ya2OmwjQX-3H_Y3xXztDtgKJ5EoONI3ZYT-F-JSj7a4P7qFKsxFYIMtSMT6BXjfg6xcnY1ocD7ZhldQlNtp2SVB B1A-VEZ4w23VA16IhNXtO_UA1Rs-QPcoOXXDxZbPF2_PmoZuFZKuQbmSitaGUDfOHiw6SIvxjbPKCE UcOOxNSLu8bHo66dNSZSoOaY4DhZWltiC7_-KTvZiCwQ8UlTjPLX8utkL-ixVlnB-wEooS2eDRhHBvADymHKnvajfEwhuYeqfCWxsGlElyugrcqxOSf 0SZg31YWpeQbKokuyz_tKG_lt21tis4Tzn4eHToCguUPbMA2DO 2IF69HeTpP_vtsUFfzOmQzE_kM-bAzCmKl_PDJJqFGCUnDN1fjIEQHRoNJDIYnRZNACln_rFOmEe0 2U=w1184-h666-no

Linky no worky....


21-09-2015, 09:09
Big band sound from Mike Valentine's Studer that now seems to be a regular appearance, Soulution, Art Audio Alnico Reference.

The video is shaky but you try dodging the people, trying to avoid people walking into the FOV etc etc. Anyway, it is was it is and this one really does somehow seem to give the flavour of the room much better than the other videos have.

I'm guessing big brass band lovers would, have, er, loved it!:)


And all I get with that, if I try to play it, is a message saying "This video is private"...


21-09-2015, 09:10
Photo of the show for me. Just can't beat these Nagra R2Rs!!!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/apFxAsLR5EcC4Lm3jZrW4SqLpP-aXB76sTflUcFgl47Kuq0riJtwr0s64DfuaB6WrSOBn7mRC4QIE uVRy6ioZkP4HlOkRF18pwsjtwe7Sc1buIXFpp6SA4x25E0f-8A3lNHVl4MevrWOYTTI5nKq7fhDZi9KqgokyX9R0HMWPAErc6d 0u-LjJxAaAqenClKOObvsl_t0BCtogqo4yyUIn2blpmKO_4ls1yE2 9TAl-JFNmgpLlcQEb3so_rZq7-sHJKpMgWhHA2WS9vwxskAFYWsVxR_6iGjUVlkJAZxJKfB_MDM6 yY1xrtB1kW0eq50xdfKnAHlx-nnT26xCyMN9u68XmT1dEtWX7oaK04lqBHHoY-c2jmd6uNPHBabJ1zdx--eXBw_Muuxu6hxbjPemqEr3xkFfB4RdZ7VNe1YBNyom1BqgiTo2 IKYFEWTtqIQi2o5ExpHlk8BCFVhpo-tPEPxkf7hstUS9JNTYNFYuYVjUc2Fks0rdUU7w2L44tyQhKgKN q5kI5iFg1N4g3tNcfTcf5DkgFpPXhg9d3akQjh4=w1184-h666-no

Linky no worky, either. Looks like you're still having problems, mate.


21-09-2015, 10:03
Indeed. All seems fine on my machine even if I log out, so it is hard to test. It also works on my phone. What annoys me is, as you should know from past stuff I've done, I've never really had a problem with photos or videos. The need for Google to constantly re-jig perfectly satisfactory s/w is annoying.

21-09-2015, 10:13
Using a MacBook Pro and the latest version of Google Chrome, I can see the image/video you've put in post #32, but not those after it. I agree that these things are a ball ache.


21-09-2015, 18:59
I am convinced it is shite.

Anyway, after a further 10 minutes playing with it in anger, I think I have sussed it. Here is the Nagra pic, can't be arsed with the Chord one, but if you sift, it is there in the album. The video should now work. Also, if you navigate to the 1st post's picture link, you'll now get small and bigger, better versions. That means there's 302 to sift through instead of 151, but hey.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/X-GDmBW3o6BaeL0DpxTovPkN0BZiV5SZeTU36XoYfpQHn3Oc6S4= w1287-h724-no

If am I wrong well I gave it as much effort as I am prepared to commit tonight:)

21-09-2015, 19:06
Yeah, the vid's working now, dude. Nice one :)

However, I'm still not getting the images included in your posts #34 and #36...


21-09-2015, 19:09
One more thing I wanted to say about the Devialet - if you treat the Phantom as a pleasant sounding lifestyle product, I think you are probably looking at it in the right way. Expecting audiophile performance from it is pushing the bounds of reasonable expectation.

21-09-2015, 19:12
Yeah, the vid's working now, dude. Nice one :)

However, I'm still not getting the images included in your posts #34 and #36...


I wasn't expecting you to. Can you see the image in post #43? And how about the first post - small and big if you follow the link as per what I said in post #43?

21-09-2015, 19:18
Yup, I can see the image in post #43. Nice Nagra :)

Dunno what you mean by 'the first post'... There are no images on this thread I can see until the third post (#3), on page 1.


21-09-2015, 19:32
Well post #2 to be accurate....

This thread is basically a bit shit. I mean that in the lightest possible way, but really it ain't great...;):lol:

Teacher says D-. If you are going to make things public without making sure they are fine first, don't bother.

21-09-2015, 19:43
Lol. There is no image as such in post #2 (certainly that I can see), only a link to your pics. See below for how it should be done, arf! Courtesy of Mark (YNWaN):



21-09-2015, 19:44
Dalek Supreme - feel free to use any pics as per previous years.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/KpPmC40Tc97p94mko1vDehWQk7JEWrXzsvMiYUBkOYW7i2eAuw VSxcBJt7r0dxs96Fbsd85_MEHGGqFM0w9FeJogKS4OZ1QivtT0 _yt9B1eKpqMR_-_baC7OM2DcxEG3rKwhHpDkPUfVL9CLrbDGb2cUnROMGi9P3aKU Tjr6Pc1WaQVKP9BzMpRYODa-hPhmQSPQclIIVdv8GQpgrQe8Aj4mnLL0RfE1Kx2oEcsweK4Ncm vz-PJEGg0ZeHlbaPkkfT-i7atpPTAYs6x_77MHmgPX7QeZd_-uOyKnLd8n8HOeLdVcY16BEw03JkoSfM5RrQ8TCSvJ5bF4igd0M 7rxFW13focqfjkbgYWhFN_nMsNr_Zwt5qDFDvVQXRxkh1tTbYU PSUgRbbvxUvSxpnZrKPOdkN1VSkqHedi2-KMS8igLxo4CYNjnvWHxD5Xes20yuPFxOT0iq3Kb2JDDh1RWLlh 2s6o_pqmGkG1tqvmTqKiTJz5WLhakVNLQV9-eAOlkdoHS_muCu-sAZWoSTXk5gZCOZZ3ezH-SIe-d-Jy1_ls=w898-h506-no

Nice big space heaters them :)

21-09-2015, 19:48
Lol. There is no image as such in post #2 (certainly that I can see), only a link to your pics. See below for how it should be done, lol! Courtesy of Mark (YNWaN):



Go back and look at my Munich 2014 stuff. That is a lot better, though I spread it across 2 sites.

Anyway, though I won't look now, and TBH you haven't really absorbed what I have said, though I don't mind, I am sure anyone prepared to commit some effort can do way better than this.

That said, it'd be a joke to say the show was great. It just wasn't. Defo more effort required there, which is where it really counts.

Anyway. Mr Lydon's latest effort is pounding away, and on some tracks, just sounding great:)

21-09-2015, 20:35
Nice one - glad things are sounding good. Btw, don't think that your photographic efforts of the shows aren't appreciated. Because they are - very much! :)


Spectral Morn
21-09-2015, 20:38
Nice one - glad things are sounding good. Btw, don't think that your photographic efforts of the shows aren't appreciated. Because they are - very much! :)


Yes indeed - thank you.

Regards Neil

21-09-2015, 20:42
Yes indeed - thank you.

Regards Neil

+1 :)

22-09-2015, 21:22
Nice one - glad things are sounding good. Btw, don't think that your photographic efforts of the shows aren't appreciated. Because they are - very much! :)


Actually I don't know whether the zoom facility is working in your browser, Marco, when flicking through in gallery mode, but for the first time the images I have posted are getting close online to that I have here "ish". Now that is good.

I have actually said pretty much everything I wanted to say anyway. There was very little else that I felt was really worth much of a mention. Though again don't get me wrong I'm sure there was plenty of stuff there that is more than worthy in the right context.

The Black Adder
25-09-2015, 18:35
Nice one - glad things are sounding good. Btw, don't think that your photographic efforts of the shows aren't appreciated. Because they are - very much! :)


+1 too!... I've really enjoyed looking at the pics. :)