View Full Version : Sinclair Neoteric 60

quin partis
12-09-2015, 07:56
I have one loud and strong in Tasmania but it needs a clean esp. around the push buttons, and the volume/treble/bass tend to crackle...but they do setle down... I am after a light cleaning suggestion that i can do ..as a 46 year service!Also be interested in an article in Practical wireless as to the modification they recommended in 1968/9 which i believe my unit had....cheers

12-09-2015, 16:50
What a great looking piece lof kit that is. Tres chic.

I would invest in some isopropyl alcohol and get it into all the switches and pots. This would involve some dismantling though and a deal of risk.
It might be best left alone and admired but seen and not heard.

Audio Al
12-09-2015, 17:31
These products are good
