View Full Version : For Sale Sony CDP-XB720 CD player

09-09-2015, 18:13
For Sale Sony CDP-XB720 CD player

Surplus to requirement is my Sony CDP-XB720 CD player. I bought this Sony some time ago to replace a previous player (a Philips) that had become unreliable.





This is a solid well-built, good sounding player, coming from the middle of the Sony range of players, and as such would make a fine source for a second system. For those who like to read specifications, they are as follows:

Frequency response: 2Hz to 20kHz +/- 0.5dB
Signal to noise ratio: > 102dB
Dynamic range: > 98dB
Harmonic distortion: 0.0035%
Channel separation: > 100dB

Line out: 2V at 50kOhm
Digital optical: –18dBm (wavelength 600nm)
Digital coaxial: 0.5V pk-pk at 75 Ohm

Dimensions: 430mm (W) x 115mm (H) x 290mm (D)
Mass: 4.8kg



There is one feature that some may find useful – the ability to switch between four different digital filters. According to the user instructions, the four types of filter are:

STD (Standard) – “wide ranging, ample spatial representation”

1 – “clear, smooth sound reproduction”

2 – “high clarity, strength”

3 – “warm, deep”

These filters operate outside the audible frequency range, but their effect is audible, subtle and not easily described. I used the STD setting for all of my listening, but you can have endless fun trying the other settings.

Designed in Japan and built in Poland, this player has proved to be highly reliable. The only reason I’m selling it is because I have two other players, and need to clear up some space.

The player is in perfect, full working order, and in good cosmetic condition, though there are some small areas on the rear corner edges where the paint has worn through, as shown in the following photographs.

http://rs780.pbsrc.com/albums/yy88/barrydhunt/005_zps1nyqc2tc.jpg~c200 http://rs780.pbsrc.com/albums/yy88/barrydhunt/007_zpsp66nadqb.jpg~c200 http://rs780.pbsrc.com/albums/yy88/barrydhunt/006_zpscnjafmu6.jpg~c200

It comes complete with the remote control and a copy of the operating instructions.


I don’t have the original packaging, but the player will securely packed.

Asking £50 plus carriage.

09-09-2015, 18:33
Asking £50 plus carriage.

Or a couple of bottles of half-decent claret... ;)


09-09-2015, 18:54
I bid 3 bottles of wine;)

This is a really good player, and Barry looks after his stuff. If I needed one I would happily by this right now

11-09-2015, 10:36
Thanks Guys for the endorsement. :)

11-09-2015, 11:29
looks a nice bit of kit. I bid 4 bottles of Lambrini. You can see I know my wine!!!!


Roy S
11-09-2015, 11:41
Does it have a puck like the 920 I've got? (often wondered what the filter did)

11-09-2015, 12:20
Does it have a puck like the 920 I've got? (often wondered what the filter did)

Hello Roy,

No - the CDP-XB720(E) does not use a disc puck. It is only the XB920 and XB930, where the laser reader is integral with the CD drawer, that uses them.

Apropos the filter, I suspect it offers different ultrasonic roll-off characteristics: Bessel, Chebychev, Butterworth etc., but I'm not certain.


11-09-2015, 12:29
Types of digital filter from the instruction manual:

STD = wide ranging/ample spatial representation
1 = clear/smooth sound reproduction
2 = high clarity/strength
3 = warm/deep

Roy S
11-09-2015, 12:36
Hello Roy,

No - the CDP-XB720(E) does not use a disc puck. It is only the XB920 and XB930, where the laser reader is integral with the CD drawer, that uses them.

Apropos the filter, I suspect it offers different supersonic roll-off characteristics: Bessel, Chebychev, Butterworth etc., but I'm not certain.


Types of digital filter from the instruction manual:

STD = wide ranging/ample spatial representation
1 = clear/smooth sound reproduction
2 = high clarity/strength
3 = warm/deep

Thanks both, will plumb it in and have a listen again over the weekend. Good luck with the sale Barry.

18-09-2015, 16:10
No interest?

It's all packed up and ready to go. I have even put fresh batteries into the remote control. :)

25-09-2015, 21:17

05-10-2015, 14:46
Provisionally SOLD, subject to the usual ....

22-10-2015, 23:20