View Full Version : Hello from Oxford

08-09-2015, 20:04
Hi all, I'm Andy. I've been lurking here for a while but I haven't actually got around to saying hello yet!

I should probably create a thread for my system but I'd just be spamming you all as it changes daily. I've decided I don't like Bipolar or digital amps and I can't be bothered with tubes, which leaves me with MOSFETS I believe. I'm not an engineer so I may be talking nonsense, but I think that's right. I'm currently experimenting with the old MF A1 and B200, both of which are very enjoyable but they're in need of a service so I can never be sure if it's the condition of the amp or the design that I'm listening to. The A1 seems to sound bigger (more encompassing) and more engaging, but it's less dynamic than the B200, so I'm never going to be completely satisfied am I? :scratch:

For speakers I've decided that Harbeth aren't my cup of tea so those will need to go and I'm thinking about single driver speakers instead, such as Eclipse. Has anyone tried those with MF or other small MOSFET amps? I'm in a small room and can only play music quietly, so the limited bass should be fine. I'm using some old Mission 760iSE at the moment which are the perfect size for the room, and sound pretty good, but ultimately do betray their budget status.

I'm mostly digital on the front end, having tried several audio PCs all requiring a string of boxes and power supplies that just mess up the room, yet now I'm actually drifting back to CD as it's a more tangible experience. It's just a shame that solid state (PC, card players, network devices etc) tend to sound better as a transport. So that's still a work in progress too.

And then there's my old Techie for vinyl playback. It's a 1200mk2 that spent most of its life in a cupboard as I was running a pure digital preamp (in effect) for years and didn't have an ADC, but now it's out and slowly accumulating records. Will I get it modded, or won't I? I'm on the fence there. I love the Techiepedia by the way.:)

It's an expensive hobby...

08-09-2015, 20:52
Hello Andy. Welcome to AOS.

Tell us what music you listen to and if you want to ask more questions about your system configuration. Visit the Blank Canvas section and ask away. You'll get plenty of replies.

Enjoy the forum,

Spectral Morn
08-09-2015, 22:20
Welcome to AoS Andy :cool:

Regards Neil

08-09-2015, 22:31
Yes, welcome aboard Andy. Single speakers are the way of the past and I think if you get it right then still as good as the multi drivers of today, but with the benefit of no xover. Some sensitive full rangers will fit your bill. You will maybe have to build them though.:lol:

Eisener Bart
08-09-2015, 22:45
Andy, welcome!

09-09-2015, 03:20
Nice into Andy. Don't worry about the spamming - most of us are nosy.

09-09-2015, 09:02
Thanks guys. In terms of music I listen to most genres but I'm not a fan of 'audiophile' music or anything else that's boring or insipid. I watched a Youtube video recently of a million dollar system playing the most awful wailing 'girl and guitar' and couldn't make it to the end if the video, it was just too dreadful. And yet I like some of Klaus Schulze's early experimental work played through cheap headphones, so I can listen to pretty much anything.

I do appreciate good recording quality though and have been surprised at how good a lot of old 1960's pop music is, so I'm going to start hunting down old analogue recordings that were then converted to digital. Twenty years ago I wanted nothing but digital recordings to remove the background hiss, but that may have been due to using cassettes for so long that I'd developed an aversion to it.

As for DIY I mounted my TV on the wall and put up a load of foam tiles to reduce an annoying treble peak. Whilst they do actually work the tiles lean left and the TV leans right so it all looks a bit weird. Not only that but if you look behind the TV you'll see a bunch of holes in the wall where my first attempt failed miserably. I would love to build something, but it would turn out like some sort of Lovecraftian abomination and then try to kill me, so I don't think it's going to happen.

09-09-2015, 14:20
Welcome to AoS Andy,

Don't worry about spamming, we love talking about audio gear, and love looking at Members gear as well.

Know what you mean about YouTube clips of expensive audio systems; the demonstrations always sound pretty non-descript! :doh:

Enjoy the Forum


Eagle owl
12-09-2015, 06:50
Hello and welcome Andy.

Geoff. :wave: