View Full Version : iOS/Android app for measuring the frequnecy range of a song?

07-09-2015, 14:44
Dear all,

I´m probably to blond to find it via google but is anybody of you aware if there is an (free) app available which can be used to find out how "low" a song goes (in Hz) which is played via the speakers?

My use case should be:
Playing the song via the speaker => start the app on the android or ios device (which will lay on the table in front of me facing my speakers) => once the song has ended stop the app and see the frequency range of it.

I know there are apps "out there" which can measure the db´s. So I´m looking for something like that but only in "Hz to kHz" (depending of what my speakers will provide);-)
I´m aware that this won´t be accurate but at least it will be an indication.

So is this "available" in one of the two app stores?

Thanks in advance.


07-09-2015, 14:49
Sound Analyzer for android is quite good from play store. Might be what your looking for

07-09-2015, 14:51
Checking, Grant :-)

Edit: I´ll download it and give it a try tomorrow.

Thanks again for the quick response, Grant. Much appreciated.