View Full Version : Ruark Templer vs Talisman vs Royd Minstrel vs Castle Howard

03-09-2015, 19:06
Having purchased a fine old pair of Heybrook HB200 speakers a while back, and really enjoying them.
I was wondering which of the above old speakers to try next, as swapping second hand boxes does not cost the earth and can be very entertaining especially when they sound great.

I am sure there is a load of experience on AoS so all feedback gratefully received.

Thanks in anticipation.

03-09-2015, 20:28
Both of the Ruark speakers are streets ahead of the Royd's. The Templar's if they are the MkI are the most amazing speakers for their size and price i have ever owned. They possess an almost electrostatic quality with regards to transparency. The Talisman speakers are again a great sounding speaker with lots of verve and musicality. It's a no brainer, Ruark all the way. If you have a small room go for the Templar's if you have a medium size room go for the Talisman's. BTW The Talisman 2 are much improved over the original model. The only down side to the Talisman 2 is that they like a little current to get them dancing so take advice on amp matching. The Royd's are very good from what i remember of them. The Castle Howard speakers lasted all of a week when i borrowed them from a friend and i was glad to give them back. Bland ,boring sound beaten into fits by their younger brothers The Harlech.

03-09-2015, 21:15
Agree with Steve about the Templars. Not heard the others.

04-09-2015, 09:18
Thanks guys that's a great help. The Ruark woodwork looks excellent too.....

04-09-2015, 09:28
I'd go with Ruark too. Old Royds have problems and I've not heard Castles I like. They remind me of Quad box speakers, which I don't like either.

Michael loves music
04-09-2015, 12:56
Ruark Templers on eBay £175 be quick 2 hours to go !

04-09-2015, 13:01
cheers Michael

Michael loves music
04-09-2015, 14:58
Did you win them ?

04-09-2015, 16:59
Ruark Templers on eBay £175 be quick 2 hours to go !

Better result than I got with Ruark Templer :lol:


05-09-2015, 10:05
Did you win them ?

No, I missed out on them unfortunately plus they are a long way from me for pick up.

Michael loves music
05-09-2015, 16:22
keep looking on eBay and gumtree especially tannoy