View Full Version : FS High Density Rockwall Acoustic Insulation

27-09-2009, 17:48

I have 2 packs of this left over from when I soundproofed my wall. This stuff would be perfect for some DIY absorbing panels, bass traps etc.

Each one is big so collection only I'm affraid but a bargin at £10 each. I will throw in a cup of tea for anyone who buys them when they collect.


27-09-2009, 22:00
Paul, where are you based?


28-09-2009, 10:03
I'm interested in this as well if Steve decides to pass and if you're anywhere near-ish to Sheffield. Cheers.

28-09-2009, 18:06
I live in Suffolk, Haverhill to be precise. A bit of a trek but I could offer some tea, biscuits and some conversation for a few hours if you did come to pick it up.

28-09-2009, 20:30
Ah, a bit out of the way for me Paul, which is a shame as it would have been nice to meet you! Still, I am sure you will sell them soon.


28-09-2009, 21:18
I live in Suffolk, Haverhill to be precise. A bit of a trek but I could offer some tea, biscuits and some conversation for a few hours if you did come to pick it up.

Hi Paul,
Just exploring possibilities at the moment but can you advise full dimensions and weight of each pack, together with some indication of area covered. English or foreign currency units equally acceptable :lol: .

electric beach
29-09-2009, 11:36
Hi Paul,

I'll take them off you. I'm just about to "dress" my room and I'm only 1.5 hours away. Race you there Dave!

PM your address. Could collect mid-Saturday morning if you're about...


29-09-2009, 13:05
Hi Paul,

I'll take them off you. I'm just about to "dress" my room and I'm only 1.5 hours away. Race you there Dave!

PM your address. Could collect mid-Saturday morning if you're about...


Charmin' - what happened to 'first come, first served' and the young always giving way to the old - it was never like this in my day !!:steam: :scratch: :lolsign: .
Miffed of Sheffield.

electric beach
29-09-2009, 13:58
Nor in mine Dave!

But this is the Saucy South in the Noughties; fall asleep on a park bench and someone will steal your knickers. :ner:

It was the "collection only" bit that threw me (you should drink
less :cool:), but as a fellow WunderlinX convert I'll doff my clothy to you:respect:

After you, if it's cost effective for you to have delivered; we've loads of the stuff down here, it's so bloody noisy!

29-09-2009, 14:17
I'll duck out of this one and let the rest of you fight over it. :) It's a bit far for me to go for such a cheap item. Petrol is too expensive these days. :steam:

29-09-2009, 15:57
Nor in mine Dave!

But this is the Saucy South in the Noughties; fall asleep on a park bench and someone will steal your knickers. :ner:

It was the "collection only" bit that threw me (you should drink
less :cool:), but as a fellow WunderlinX convert I'll doff my clothy to you:respect:

After you, if it's cost effective for you to have delivered; we've loads of the stuff down here, it's so bloody noisy!

Hi Steve (and Valerie :) ),
It wasn't a serious comment as I mentioned I was only exploring possibilities so there'll be no slanging match if you go for it. I could possibly use it and, as a Yorkshire man I like a bargin ;) , but until I know the weight, dimensions and coverage area I can't take it any further - Paul? If it's written on the label I'm afraid I can't decipher it.
Collection by carrier is the most likely option but my son's job takes him all over the country in a big (white :) ) van so I may be able to get it up here for peanuts.

29-09-2009, 18:20

Let me get this straight. Am I correct in thinking that Steve is collecting these on Saturday unless DaveK gets to me first (or to Steve first and sorts him out).

Whoever wants them can come over on Saturday to collect, no probs.

The specs can be found here:


What car are you coming in?? An estate or Hatch back would be good, otherwise we can break the packs down and wrap the blocks in bin liners. Please dont say you have a Ford Ka lol.

electric beach
29-09-2009, 18:31
I did think you were only half-interested Dave, as nobody locally had shown an interest. I'm ready for the job and was intending to go on a procurement mission this weekend, so if it's not going to cause any hard feelings then I will go collect. Don't want to upset a chap over a lump of fibreglass; if you want to commit, it's yours.

electric beach
29-09-2009, 18:42

What car are you coming in?? An estate or Hatch back would be good, otherwise we can break the packs down and wrap the blocks in bin liners. Please dont say you have a Ford Ka lol.

No problem, I've got a big bike and an accomodating woman with long arms. :smoking:

29-09-2009, 19:12
I did think you were only half-interested Dave, as nobody locally had shown an interest. I'm ready for the job and was intending to go on a procurement mission this weekend, so if it's not going to cause any hard feelings then I will go collect. Don't want to upset a chap over a lump of fibreglass; if you want to commit, it's yours.

Hi Steve (and Valerie with the long arms :lol: ),
Too bloody late now - I am upset, so :ner: .
Seriously though, at 100mm it's too thick for my application. I was looking for something around 25mm thick max, and the ability to cover a much bigger area, so I'll withdraw gracefully and leave it to you. Or, at least, as gracefully as an old wreck crippled with arthritis 'cos of his cold house can withdraw - feelin rotten yet? :violin: :lolsign: .
Only kiddin'. It's not a problem - please go ahead with my blessing.

electric beach
29-09-2009, 19:47
Cheers Dave.
Were you intending to build this Rock Wall urself then? :) :confused: :idea: :cool: :scratch: :cool:
I promise not to post how effective it was!
PM your address & I'll send you some wonderful music to warm the cockles of your heart.

Just an address then please Paul...

We'll hold you to the tea & chat and aim for 10.00, OK?

29-09-2009, 20:11
Actually Steve it was my plan to use it as heat insulation to insulate my loft (I live in a bungalow - big roof) by fitting it across the roof joists, leaving space for ventilation, obviously. We're fortunate in that the place is detached and fully cavity wall and loft insulated (above ceiling) so I'm likely to deafen myself before disturbing the neighbours with the sound.
Not fussed about the music, (our tastes may differ ;) ), but help with the gas bill would be very welcome :lol: :lol: .
PS, speaking from experience, don't forget to wear a mask when handling it once it's out of it's packing, it really does irritate the back of your throat and the bronchial plumbing.

30-09-2009, 08:40
Hi Steve (and Valerie with the long arms :lol: )

I found this picture of Steve & Valerie on the net - and who says romance is dead??? :eyebrows:


04-10-2009, 11:38
Did this deal get completed yesterday, with the collection? If not, I am interested in these. I am 1/2 hour away, and can collect anytime that suits you.

07-10-2009, 18:37