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View Full Version : two diverse images

27-09-2009, 12:52
In order to generate discussion-I have placed 2 images.

The first one of Paington beech in Devon was taken in Autumn light- but the image has no value what so ever. The reason- it could be anywhere- with the exception of the red sand.

The second one is of the Blundellsands and Crosby Railway station. This place is of great interest to me- perhaps the best image is on my 6x7 negative. This image (low res Jpeg) by itself carries no importance but may be useful as a part of series-a portfolio! Note tilting verticals.



27-09-2009, 15:04
Lovely photographs.
Whats the significance of Blundellsands and Crosby Railway station may I ask?
I dont live too far from there.

27-09-2009, 15:39
Neither do I jerry,

The significance- The Mural Jerry I feel is unique for a Railway station and adds a character-may I say you will only encounter in Liverpool. Despite being lovingly looked after-the glass panes are broken but the images have not been damaged. Graffitti must still exist side by side and then you see the run down state- look at undersurface of the awning- the rust in the pipe- the state of the toilet door and so on.

Contrasts- abound. In my younger days I would have been keen to do a series of L'pool railway station-but now it takes a lot to make me budge.

27-09-2009, 16:03

If you liked the earlier Paington Beach (Devon) image then you may like this one too. Nothing special but good lighting. You may call it lucky but that is how photography goes. One of those images- I wonder should it be deleted or kept?


28-09-2009, 17:51
You know I could have sworn that was graffiti on that wall at first glance but I see that it's not. I adore graffiti captured by camera.

I see you use six by seven format...??? One of my favourite ever cameras was a Pentax 67. I used Fuji Velvia 50 in it and had it not been for the appalling shutter action, I would still be using it now. Nowadays I use a Hasselblad 500ELM with motorised film advance and a Carl Zeiss 50mm slightly wide angle lens. Film will always be Fuji Velvia 50 though...!

29-09-2009, 16:23
Hi Shaun,

Did not spot the mail yesterday. Yes I have a 1950s Koni Omega which was used for air surveys. It has exchangeable backs and two lenses- both excellent quality. The standard is a 90mm 2.8 and wide 58mm 5.6. Both with leaf shutters. It is a range finder and that is what I like about it. Heavy to cart round but a very easy tool to grip in your hand and shoot. I used to be very fussy about tripods but do not worry any longer. I have posted this image on one of the threads started by Hamish.

Here it is- WA lens full open at 1/15 seconds. Film probaly Kodak Portra NC 160 rated at 100.
Twin bridges in Dartmoor not far from where the "Hounds of Baskerville" story was based.