View Full Version : WAF or WAF?

19-08-2015, 10:32
That is Wife Acceptance Factor or Wife Approval Factor?
Following the thread in Past Masters, "Best Looking Vintage Hi-Fi. What's Your Favourite?", I started wondering what piece(s) of hi-fi equipment the woman/women in your life actually approved of, rather than just accepting it. I know there will be some who disapprove of ANY of it, but my wife has had 45 years to get over that, especially as I started making my own just after we married.
This amp I made in '92, she wanted me to keep as she likes the look of it. Lord knows why! I think it's fairly unattractive, but there you go. :scratch:
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m604/awkwardbydesign/48b82dd7-03d7-4ac3-b534-50a3808439ac_zps7fee78e5.jpg (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/awkwardbydesign/media/48b82dd7-03d7-4ac3-b534-50a3808439ac_zps7fee78e5.jpg.html)

And when I was making these speakers I consulted her on finish; she picked the type of leather for the fronts, and the veneer for the sides. But the big surprise was when I fixed steel bars across the drivers to protect them temporarily until I designed grills for them, she said she wanted them to stay! So I made them permanent. Again, not my preferred look, but if she likes them, they stay!
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m604/awkwardbydesign/P1000378_zps0dpjpvz7.jpg (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/awkwardbydesign/media/P1000378_zps0dpjpvz7.jpg.html)

So, what hi-fi meets with female approval in your house? Or male, if you are female?

Gordon Steadman
19-08-2015, 12:04
She approves of anything that sounds good.

She accepts anything else, as I do her hobbies/pastimes.

I am blessed.

19-08-2015, 12:07
Mrs Child much prefered the look of the Mk1 Planar 2 (with the wooden bits around the edge) to the black systemdek (which she actively disliked).

I managed to keep the systemdek in the rig (which is pleasing for me, because it does outperform the rega sonically) by sourcing a brown wood plinth for the iix900.

She was also pleasantly surprised by the sliver fronted Technics SUV8, which I would say scored approval rather than just acceptance (and suits me because it grunts like an unreconstructed wild boar and seems to work magic with my Armstrong speakers (which have acceptance bordering on approval but are 'too big')).

19-08-2015, 12:20
She approves of anything that sounds good.

She accepts anything else, as I do her hobbies/pastimes.

I am blessed.

Is this a real wife, or did you make her? And if so, can you make one for me? :lol:

19-08-2015, 12:31
mmm. when i had one she liked small speakers on stands like the q acoustics. (neat n tidy) :rolleyes: still she was fairly accepting of stuff if she got a new outfit. No I can have what i wish and can afford which aint much:lol:

19-08-2015, 12:45
The Wikipedia entry is quite informative:


'Larry Greenhill first used the term "Wife Acceptance Factor" in September 1983, writing for Stereophile magazine, but Greenhill credited fellow reviewer and music professor Lewis Lipnick with the coining of the term.[8] Lipnick himself traces the origin to the 1950s when hi-fi loudspeakers were so large that they overwhelmed most living rooms. Lipnick's wife, actress Lynn-Jane Foreman, arrived at a different term: Marriage Interference Factor (MIF). Foreman suggested that audiophile husbands should balance their large and ugly electronic acquisitions with gifts to the wife made on the basis of similar expense, with opera tickets, jewelry and vacations abroad among the suggestions'

For me the key is keep your finances seperate. She can squander her spare cash on whatever rubbish takes her fancy and you buy music and hi-fi with yours. No muss, no fuss.

19-08-2015, 13:20
These for instance wouldnt have got over the doorstep without a divorce [emoji12]


19-08-2015, 13:24
The missus actually likes the vintage Tannoys with beige grilles. Shame I sold them all :lol:.

Gordon Steadman
19-08-2015, 13:47
The Wikipedia entry is quite informative:


'Larry Greenhill first used the term "Wife Acceptance Factor" in September 1983, writing for Stereophile magazine, but Greenhill credited fellow reviewer and music professor Lewis Lipnick with the coining of the term.[8] Lipnick himself traces the origin to the 1950s when hi-fi loudspeakers were so large that they overwhelmed most living rooms. Lipnick's wife, actress Lynn-Jane Foreman, arrived at a different term: Marriage Interference Factor (MIF). Foreman suggested that audiophile husbands should balance their large and ugly electronic acquisitions with gifts to the wife made on the basis of similar expense, with opera tickets, jewelry and vacations abroad among the suggestions'

For me the key is keep your finances seperate. She can squander her spare cash on whatever rubbish takes her fancy and you buy music and hi-fi with yours. No muss, no fuss.

Well I think it's all bollocks:lol:

If two people wish to live together and share their lives then everything is joint. If one dies, who gets to keep the other halve's stuff? OK, she spends on clothes whereas I have been wearing the same T shirt for the last seven years, she has her hair cut occasionally whereas I...well I don't need to bother any more.

When I got married, I assumed that it was for good. Anything we bought into it was combined as 'ours'

She will be delighted to know that that applies to the two slot cars I am going to get on eBay this afternoon:eyebrows:

Gordon Steadman
19-08-2015, 13:50
Is this a real wife, or did you make her? And if so, can you make one for me? :lol:

It's pretty easy.

You just get some sugar.....then some spice.......

Audio Al
19-08-2015, 13:57
NO other half = BLISS :D

I can and do have what I want ;)

19-08-2015, 14:02
NO other half = BLISS :D

I can and do have what I want ;)

Yes there are some compensations Al.;)

19-08-2015, 16:03
That is Wife Acceptance Factor or Wife Approval Factor?
Following the thread in Past Masters, "Best Looking Vintage Hi-Fi. What's Your Favourite?", I started wondering what piece(s) of hi-fi equipment the woman/women in your life actually approved of, rather than just accepting it. I know there will be some who disapprove of ANY of it, but my wife has had 45 years to get over that, especially as I started making my own just after we married.
This amp I made in '92, she wanted me to keep as she likes the look of it. Lord knows why! I think it's fairly unattractive, but there you go. :scratch:
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m604/awkwardbydesign/48b82dd7-03d7-4ac3-b534-50a3808439ac_zps7fee78e5.jpg (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/awkwardbydesign/media/48b82dd7-03d7-4ac3-b534-50a3808439ac_zps7fee78e5.jpg.html)

And when I was making these speakers I consulted her on finish; she picked the type of leather for the fronts, and the veneer for the sides. But the big surprise was when I fixed steel bars across the drivers to protect them temporarily until I designed grills for them, she said she wanted them to stay! So I made them permanent. Again, not my preferred look, but if she likes them, they stay!
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m604/awkwardbydesign/P1000378_zps0dpjpvz7.jpg (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/awkwardbydesign/media/P1000378_zps0dpjpvz7.jpg.html)

So, what hi-fi meets with female approval in your house? Or male, if you are female?

I just showed the picture of the speakers to my wife. I then told her that I had ordered a pair. She said that's alright, I've just spoken to my solicitor and he said I get everything in the divorce but to be nice you can keep the speakers. DOH!!

19-08-2015, 16:12
It's pretty easy.

You just get some sugar.....then some spice.......

The problem is finding the 'all things nice' to go with it..........


Audio Al
19-08-2015, 16:18
The problem is finding the 'all things nice' to go with it..........


And why do some smell like old kippers :eek:

19-08-2015, 16:23
I think I have been pretty lucky where electronic boxes are concerned as my wife will accept most things. She was probably more worried about the valve amps that I have had in the past hurting some visitors children but hasn't complained about how they look. Black is more acceptable to her than silver or champagne.

She does have complaints about speakers and stands though, she particularly hates my Heybrook stands and a pair of Custom Design 4 leg stands that I had in silver, but doesn't mind some 12" frame stands that cost me £2 and needed some mods to improve rigidity or Atacama SEs. Most vintage speakers that I have owned have been criticised, although if it is possible to use a bit of veneer on plain front baffles she is usually appeased.

I've got a couple of items coming soon that might be a bit of a challenge to her though, a chrome Audio Innovations Alto and a pair of large vintage speakers.

Gordon Steadman
19-08-2015, 16:24
The problem is finding the 'all things nice' to go with it..........


But there are some out there. You just have to look carefully and avoid the foo!

19-08-2015, 18:28
I just showed the picture of the speakers to my wife. I then told her that I had ordered a pair. She said that's alright, I've just spoken to my solicitor and he said I get everything in the divorce but to be nice you can keep the speakers. DOH!!
Damn, does that mean I can't sell you a pair? How does she feel about the amp?

19-08-2015, 18:37
She approves of anything that sounds good.

She accepts anything else, as I do her hobbies/pastimes.

I am blessed.

+1, with mine. We don't do 'WAF'; we do 'MAF': MUTUAL Acceptability Factor! ;)

No-one is 'boss' in our house - it's 50/50, all down the line, which is exactly how it should be...


Gordon Steadman
19-08-2015, 19:50
+1, with mine. We don't do 'WAF'; we do 'MAF': MUTUAL Acceptability Factor! ;)

No-one is 'boss' in our house - it's 50/50, all down the line...


Sounds great dunnit?

I bet if anyone who knows us was asked, they would say the Ronnie is the bossman but they'd be wrong of course:eyebrows:

19-08-2015, 19:56
That is Wife Acceptance Factor or Wife Approval Factor?
Following the thread in Past Masters, "Best Looking Vintage Hi-Fi. What's Your Favourite?", I started wondering what piece(s) of hi-fi equipment the woman/women in your life actually approved of, rather than just accepting it. I know there will be some who disapprove of ANY of it, but my wife has had 45 years to get over that, especially as I started making my own just after we married.
This amp I made in '92, she wanted me to keep as she likes the look of it. Lord knows why! I think it's fairly unattractive, but there you go. :scratch:

And when I was making these speakers I consulted her on finish; she picked the type of leather for the fronts, and the veneer for the sides. But the big surprise was when I fixed steel bars across the drivers to protect them temporarily until I designed grills for them, she said she wanted them to stay! So I made them permanent. Again, not my preferred look, but if she likes them, they stay!

So, what hi-fi meets with female approval in your house? Or male, if you are female?

Richard - are you nuts? She doesn't really like any of it. She is just being nice and trying to get along.;):lol:

19-08-2015, 21:36
Our home belonged previously to Colin Moulding of XTC and one of its main attractions, to me at least, was that it had a large studio in the garden. On moving in, this was designated my office/music room and I have been able to furnish it and arrange it exactly as I wish. Only rarely does my beloved venture into my 'den' and, thankfully, she has never seen fit to create an inventory of audio equipment, leaving me free over the years to introduce all manner of kit and accessories 'on the quiet' and listen whenever I choose at whatever level my mood and the music demand :D This 'arrangement' has been a major contributory factor in the success and longevity of our relationship; as has the fact that, despite my soul-mate being the main earner, I was charged at the outset with the onerous responsibility of managing our joint finances :stalks:

A match made in heaven is the phrase that comes to mind.

Jon ;)

19-08-2015, 21:40
Richard - are you nuts? She doesn't really like any of it. She is just being nice and trying to get along.;):lol:

You may be on to something there.

19-08-2015, 22:12
Sounds great dunnit?

I bet if anyone who knows us was asked, they would say the Ronnie is the bossman but they'd be wrong of course:eyebrows:

Lol.... I've never understood this 'WAF' nonsense. Why on earth should a wife have more say in what goes into a house than her husband, or indeed vice versa? :scratch:

The only acceptable reason, for me, is that one or the other are paying more of the mortgage, and so are entitled to have more say in things!

Otherwise, it's total bullshit, and as ridiculous as 'HAF' (Husband Acceptability Factor) would be, if it existed.... The key to any long-term relationship is compromise, and if one or other in the relationship is unwilling to show some, then the relationship is doomed for failure. That is, unless one member of the relationship, or the other, is happy simply to be a 'doormat' for the rest of their lives ;)


19-08-2015, 22:31
Lol.... I've never understood this 'WAF' nonsense. Why on earth should a wife have more say in what goes into a house than her husband, or indeed vice versa? :scratch:

The only acceptable reason, for me, is that one or the other are paying more of the mortgage, and so are entitled to have more say in things!

Otherwise, it's total bullshit, and as ridiculous as 'HAF' (Husband Acceptability Factor) would be, if it existed.... The key to any long-term relationship is compromise, and if one or other in the relationship is unwilling to show some, then the relationship is doomed for failure. That is, unless one member of the relationship, or the other, is happy simply to be a 'doormat' for the rest of their lives ;)


Wholeheartedly agree. If you dont have a 2 way street then your gonna have problems.

20-08-2015, 08:10
Indeed. Perhaps we should be asking why those, who have to suffer 'WAF', put up with it?? ;)


20-08-2015, 08:20
Indeed. Perhaps we should be asking why those, who have to suffer 'WAF', put up with it?? ;)


Would that be a 'when did you stop beating your wife' type of question? 'Hands up those who are hen-pecked'.

20-08-2015, 08:29
'Hands up those who are hen-pecked'.

Yup, that's about the gist of it. There are too many meek little sheep/confrontation-averse 'shrinking violets', in the world of hi-fi enthusiasts, who should wear t-shirts printed with: 'One Day I'll Grow Some Balls!' :lol: ;)


20-08-2015, 08:39
As I said, its a 2 way street and both halfs have to show each other respect. Give and take comes to mind, not who punches who

20-08-2015, 08:51
....unless it's in the bedroom, and she likes it rough :eyebrows:


20-08-2015, 08:51
As I said, its a 2 way street and both halfs have to show each other respect. Give and take comes to mind, not who punches who

Can't argue with that. Let's envisage a scenario. Bloke wants big speakers in living room, wife doesn't. Who should compromise, and why?

20-08-2015, 09:02
Well,you work it out like most things with reason and kindness on behalf of both. as i say it only works if both sides are playing the same game. If the wife saw that i really wanted them and could understand that it meant enough for me to put up a good arguement then unless sheecould find a better reason not to have them then she would relent....of course i would be expected to relent on her next desire that i didnt think much of.:doh:

20-08-2015, 09:03
Well, if my wife *really* hated them, then I would compromise and go for something different, perhaps a different shape or style, but not necessarily smaller! ;) I'm lucky that Del loves big speakers (and deep bass), as much as I do.

Bottom line, however, is that I would not feel happy bringing anything into the house that she fundamentally hated, and likewise, she wouldn't feel happy refusing me something that I *really* wanted, so we compromise. Essentially, it's about not being selfish.

Much of this stuff, however, is about marrying the right person in the first place: someone who is like-minded and 'in tune' with your hobbies and way of thinking, not the polar opposite, or worse, someone that seeks to control you, in order to advance her 'status' in life, through your success and earnings - or someone simply looking for a body to help make babies.... I've seen both happen all too often, and the miserable existence it leads to for the one on the 'receiving end', as it were.

The other thing is that females are genetically programmed to 'rule the roost', so if you don't want her to walk all over you for the duration of your relationship, then 'man up' early, and show her that you're not there simply to make up the numbers!


20-08-2015, 09:03
Isn't that what man caves or the spare bedroom were invented for? A dedicated hidey place for the hen-pecked of the species... :)

20-08-2015, 09:05
Lol... Grant's just said pretty much the same thing as me! There's probably a reason why we've been both married for so long (it's Del and my 24th anniversary this year).


20-08-2015, 09:07
Isn't that what man caves or the spare bedroom were invented for? A dedicated hidey place for the hen-pecked of the species... :)

Lol, yes, but better surely not to be hen-pecked in the first place?

Since you mention it, I've always wondered why it's the husband who's given the 'cave', and locked away like some leper, while she gets the lounge in the main area of the house to do with what she wants...? :hmm:

Hardly parity! Nor does it make for healthy bonding, and the forming of a close/loving relationship, when each person is 'shoved away', doing their own thing alone.


20-08-2015, 09:16
Lol, yes, but better surely not to be hen-pecked in the first place?

Since you mention it, I've always wondered why it's the husband who's given the 'cave', and is locked away like some leper, while she gets the lounge in the main area of the house...? :hmm:


Doesn't work like that in our house. Caroline has a 'woman-cave', which is actually a spare bedroom converted into her home office; all the reception rooms are shared spaces. But we do have the luxury of a largish house. In the house I grew up in, there was no central heating, and only one warm room, which had the telly in, so in the winter I had to learn how to 'tune out' from the TV if I wanted to read, or freeze to death in another room.

20-08-2015, 09:24
Doesn't work like that in our house. Caroline has a 'woman-cave', which is actually a spare bedroom converted into her home office; all the reception rooms are shared spaces.

Whatever works, works, Joe, and you've been together now for long enough to prove that both of you are happy with that arrangement. Del and I have no need for man or woman 'caves', as we share virtually the same interests (other than what we like to watch on TV), so have no desire to be separate at home, or anywhere else for that matter. We like doing things together.

Indeed, she loves music as much as I do (and has similar tastes), so we'll either listen to it together in the lounge downstairs (where the Celestions are), or go upstairs to the 'music room', which is as much hers as mine, and listen on the big Tannoys.

I think one of the reasons why so many married couples drift apart [or simply tolerate each other unhappily, perhaps for the sake of kids] is because they never really had that much in common in the first place - or perhaps they didn't marry and get together for the *right* reasons either...


20-08-2015, 09:40
The wife a!d I had different interests but it was never a problem tbh. You get round these things easy enough if you care enough. She was ill for a long time so i chose to have a music shed so when i wanted to listen to loud music of a type she disliked i could without me feeling guilty for being selfish. She lived the spiritualist church and i had no interest whatsoever but i would take her when she was well enough and suffer with a smile as it meant a lot to her especially after the death of our son. I guess thats the kind of thing I mean about give and take. in return she never complained about me wearing her clothes:eyebrows:

20-08-2015, 09:42
Well, if my wife *really* hated them, then I would compromise and go for something different, perhaps a different shape or style, but not necessarily smaller! ;)
So we're back to the original question then. Just with a lot more words! :lol:

20-08-2015, 09:54
The wife a!d I had different interests but it was never a problem tbh. You get round these things easy enough if you care enough. She was ill for a long time so i chose to have a music shed so when i wanted to listen to loud music of a type she disliked i could without me feeling guilty for being selfish. She lived the spiritualist church and i had no interest whatsoever but i would take her when she was well enough and suffer with a smile as it meant a lot to her especially after the death of our son. I guess thats the kind of thing I mean about give and take. in return she never complained about me wearing her clothes:eyebrows:

Lol - what are you like... As if you'd fit into them! :D

Anyway, more seriously, what you've written above demonstrates that you had a proper relationship and a real bond/understanding between you. I won't dwell on that, however, as I know how sad you are to have lost her recently.

One thing that always gets me is how guys often refer to: 'the wife this, and the wife that'. I think that's rather derogatory/disrespectful. I would never refer to Del as 'the wife'. It would always be by her name, or 'my wife'. If I called her 'the wife', I'd get a slap - and rightly so!

Talking of disrespect, or rather instead MUTUAL RESPECT, that, along with compromise, is also the key to a long and happy marriage. If you don't like or respect your partner for who they are, it's virtually impossible to love them - and if that's the case, the relationship, sooner or later, is doomed to failure...


20-08-2015, 10:00
So we're back to the original question then. Just with a lot more words! :lol:


Well, in my case, nothing, as so far, there's nothing that she hasn't approved of. The fact is, I know Del inside out, and her likes and dislikes (which largely align with mine), so I wouldn't really suggest getting something in the first place, unless I was pretty sure that she'd also want to have it :)


20-08-2015, 10:15
Irene(i always used it with an accent) liked being called "the wife" or wifey lol thus my usage. she called me....well we wont go into that:eyebrows:

Gordon Steadman
20-08-2015, 10:22
Can't argue with that. Let's envisage a scenario. Bloke wants big speakers in living room, wife doesn't. Who should compromise, and why?

My standard reply - wrong wife:lol:

20-08-2015, 10:23
Irene(i always used it with an accent) liked being called "the wife" or wifey lol thus my usage. she called me....well we wont go into that:eyebrows:

Hehehehe... 'Big, hunky, caber man', wasn't it? ;)

Or perhaps, 'Betty', when you flounced around in your frocks! :D


20-08-2015, 11:17
My standard reply - wrong wife:lol:

I agree. I couldn't envisage marrying someone who cared so much about the aesthetics of the living room that they were prepared to have an argument about it.

20-08-2015, 11:28
The poor woman, whoever she was, would certainly have a challenge in your place! :D ;)

I do agree, though. Folk these days 'worry' far too much about appearances, and other superficial pap, especially about what others might think. Who gives a fuck? Our view is simply one of 'take us as you find us, and like it or lump it!'

Our house is relatively clean and tidy, but we certainly don't spend hours every day scrubbing, or redecorating every two minutes to keep up with 'trends', as life's too short for that nonsense.

Besides, a bit of dirt or dust is healthy! I do find that when you're contented with life, and relaxed about who you are, that it gives you confidence to stick two fingers up at the sort of insignificant banality other [usually more insecure] folk seem to fret over.....


20-08-2015, 12:10
The poor woman, whoever she was, would certainly have a challenge in your place! :D ;)

I do agree, though. Folk these days 'worry' far too much about appearances, and other superficial pap, especially about what others might think. Who gives a fuck? Our view is simply one of 'take us as you find us, and like it or lump it!'

Our house is relatively clean and tidy, but we certainly don't spend hours every day scrubbing, or redecorating every two minutes to keep up with 'trends', as life's too short for that nonsense.

Besides, a bit of dirt or dust is healthy! I do find that when you're contented with life, and relaxed about who you are, that it gives you confidence to stick two fingers up at the sort of insignificant banality other [usually more insecure] folk seem to fret over.....


Hear, hear :)

20-08-2015, 12:15
The poor woman, whoever she was, would certainly have a challenge in your place! :D ;)

I do agree, though. Folk these days 'worry' far too much about appearances, and other superficial pap, especially about what others might think. Who gives a fuck? Our view is simply one of 'take us as you find us, and like it or lump it!'

Our house is relatively clean and tidy, but we certainly don't spend hours every day scrubbing, or redecorating every two minutes to keep up with 'trends', as life's too short for that nonsense.

Besides, a bit of dirt or dust is healthy! I do find that when you're contented with life, and relaxed about who you are, that it gives you confidence to stick two fingers up at the sort of insignificant banality other [usually more insecure] folk seem to fret over.....


oh dear and ive been cleaning and decorating....am i bad:lol:

20-08-2015, 12:19
Well, when you've got weeks worth of soiled scants, lying in a 'fragrant' heap on the floor, and more pish stains on the wall than a public lav, I guess you have to take some action! :D ;)


20-08-2015, 12:22
Well, when you've got weeks worth of soiled scants, lying in a 'fragrant' heap on the floor, and more pish stains on the wall than a public lav, I guess you have to take some action! :D ;)


Havent dared touch the bog... im leaving that for your next visit so you can clean up yir mess!!!:eyebrows:

20-08-2015, 12:24
Hehehehe... Gives me another excuse to don those rubber gloves! :eyebrows:


20-08-2015, 12:39
I agree. I couldn't envisage marrying someone who cared so much about the aesthetics of the living room that they were prepared to have an argument about it.

Your living room has aesthetics? :eek:

20-08-2015, 12:47
Your living room has aesthetics? :eek:

Not in any serious way....

20-08-2015, 13:30
I'd be saying to her: 'Look, dear, don't dare criticise the room aesthetics or I'll tell everyone the last time you washed your 'rug'! :D


20-08-2015, 13:31
Not in any serious way....

It's a fine homage to bohemian existentialism.


20-08-2015, 13:49
You try getting a reliable builder these days, it's practically impossible.

trio leo
21-08-2015, 10:30
I've built a 5m x 4m log cabin in my back garden for me and my "stereo", my 2000 lp's, 20 cd's and a bar, my place, my rules!! wife allowed in by invitation (I talk big when she's not here lol) actually she helped me build it.

WAF is important, if you want a happy life, keep a happy wife :)

Enjoy your music

cheers Al

21-08-2015, 11:04
I've built a 5m x 4m log cabin in my back garden for me and my "stereo", my 2000 lp's, 20 cd's and a bar, my place, my rules!! wife allowed in by invitation (I talk big when she's not here lol) actually she helped me build it.

cheers Al

Big mistake - we are going to be round all the time now you will never get rid of us ;)

21-08-2015, 12:01
I've built a 5m x 4m log cabin in my back garden for me and my "stereo", my 2000 lp's, 20 cd's and a bar, my place, my rules!! wife allowed in by invitation (I talk big when she's not here lol) actually she helped me build it.

Quality... :respect:

...if you want a happy life, keep a happy wife :)

Indeed, but the opposite also applies, in terms of a happy husband. Wives don't automatically have the monopoly on happiness! ;)

It takes two to tango, as they say, and happy husbands are part of that desirable harmony, which won't happen if happy wifey gets it all her own way.


22-08-2015, 11:15
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m262/mumblescuddles/grow-a-pear-colour_zps6oyfwf9t.jpg (http://s106.photobucket.com/user/mumblescuddles/media/grow-a-pear-colour_zps6oyfwf9t.jpg.html)

23-08-2015, 06:43
Love it! :D
