View Full Version : "Hello" from me (living just about 25 miles north of the birthplace of metal)

16-08-2015, 18:56
Hi all :)

I love music; without music, life and the world would be sterile !! I think music deserves to be appreciated and, as such, to present music properly does it more justice !! So, as I've grown older, my hi-fi became a very important part of my world and something (to me) that was worth investing time and money in. I think quality speaks volumes - I would rather spend £300 on a quality amp that produces just 30W a channel than £300 on an all singing/dancing plastic fantastic amp with 150W a channel.

I have 2 systems - a 70's vintage hi-fi system and an 80's/90's vintage hi-fi system. The 70's system consists of nearly all high end Pioneer equipment:-

Pioneer PL-12D Turntable (not high-end in the range)
Pioneer PD-70 CD Player
Pioneer TX-D1000 Tuner
Pioneer TX-9800 Tuner
Pioneer SG-9800 Graphic Equaliser
Pioneer SA-9800 Amplifier
Pioneer SPEC 1 Pre-Amp
Pioneer HPM-60 Speakers

The build quality of these components is lovely; the sound quality is just a pure joy - effortless and detailed!!

The 80's system consists of all mixed, good quality equipment:-

Thorens TD-166MKII Turntable
Mission Cyrus II Amplifier
Mission Cyrus PSX Transformer
Leak Troughline Valve Tuner
Nakamichi Cassette Deck 2
Sony BDP S370 Blu-Ray Player
Linn Index Speakers (Bi-Wired)
Linn Ku-Stone Stands
The sound of this system is a little more precise and accurate save for the valve tuner which is just simply mellow heaven :)

Anyway, like anything else in life, its all subjective and, what I might think is good, someone else might think is garbage.

As for music, top of the tree has to be rock/metal/punk/industrial; I also like a lot of 70's funk and disco but then I am also very partial to bands like Japan, Duran Duran, Human League etc. I also like some classical music aswell so, all in all a very broad spectrum :)

Look forward to speaking to some of you in the future :)

16-08-2015, 19:08
Hello Loz. Welcome to AOS.

That's a good, comprehensive intro. You have an interesting collection of equipment. Vintage gear is justifiably popular on AOS.

You might like to post some equipment photos in the Gallery section. They are always appreciated.

Now, just to get you set up. Can you please add your first name to the profile. After Loz and in brackets will do. Nobody will mind addressing you as Loz, but AOS operates on a first name basis. I'm guessing Loz stands for Lawrence? Also, please add a town or region to your location. Have a look at my profile and you'll see what I mean. Thanks :).

Enjoy the forum,

16-08-2015, 19:11
Welcome to AoS Loz,

Nice introduction - you certainly like Pioneer gear! Some pictures of your two systems would be nice to see. :)

Enjoy the Forum


The Black Adder
16-08-2015, 19:12
Welcome to AOS, Loz.

You have some splendid kit there... love the pioneer stuff, especially the SPEC1 stuff. :)

All you need now is a 90's hifi. :)


16-08-2015, 19:15
Welcome to AOS, Loz.

You have some splendid kit there... love the pioneer stuff, especially the SPEC1 stuff. :)

All you need now is a 90's hifi. :)


Or a '00s system and a '10s system as well! :lol:

16-08-2015, 19:16
All you need now is a 90's hifi.

Nah, A seventies British system :D.

The Black Adder
16-08-2015, 19:18
Or a '00s system and a '10s system as well! :lol:

lol... while he's at it, he might as well do a 60's one as well.. :)

Loz, where abouts are you?

16-08-2015, 19:19
Nah, A seventies British system :D.

Nice idea - what would you propose? Alternatively, how about a nice vintage '60s system?

16-08-2015, 19:32
Thanks for the comments guys - I better expand my bank balance (dont know how mind you) to cater for all the decades of hi-fi gear it looks like I gotta buy LOL !!! My location is near Walsall (Staffordshire (The Creative County) :D Also, pics are OK but since moving house, I have not assembled the 80's system (its all in boxes) but will try to get some pics of Pioneer system up.

16-08-2015, 20:06
Nice idea - what would you propose?

Hmm. Decca SC4E cartridge. Decca International arm. Garrard 401. And just to be different Radford SC24 pre-amp & SPA50 power amp. Tannoy corner York Gold speakers.

This is a combination I've heard (4RC instead of SC4E though) and it worked very nicely. The SC24 and SPA50 were amongst the best sounding SS amps of their time.

16-08-2015, 20:53
Welcome to AoS Loz,

Nice introduction - you certainly like Pioneer gear! Some pictures of your two systems would be nice to see. :)

Enjoy the Forum


Well as I said in my last post - cant do all equipment due to house move but here's the Pioneer; the SPEC-1 is uncovered from boxes and cover for you to see it. Excuse the dust :)



16-08-2015, 20:57
Keep 'em coming Loz (what is your actual name by the way?).

16-08-2015, 21:05
Hi Geoff
The name is Laurence but I really cannot stand my name - its waaaaaayyy toooooo posh sounding for me - please call me Loz :). By the way, I did try to change my name in my profile to the accepted medium for you but it just wont let me change it to give both names, (with or without brackets) so I did try but as I've declared my name here for everyone - its not as though I haven't stated it :)

16-08-2015, 21:23
Hi Geoff
The name is Laurence but I really cannot stand my name - its waaaaaayyy toooooo posh sounding for me - please call me Loz :). By the way, I did try to change my name in my profile to the accepted medium for you but it just wont let me change it to give both names, (with or without brackets) so I did try but as I've declared my name here for everyone - its not as though I haven't stated it :)

No Problem Loz. you can add it to your signature easy enough IE "regards Laurence" etc.

on catch up so if I have not already said it, The Welcome :)

16-08-2015, 21:35
Hi Geoff
The name is Laurence but I really cannot stand my name - its waaaaaayyy toooooo posh sounding for me - please call me Loz :). By the way, I did try to change my name in my profile to the accepted medium for you but it just wont let me change it to give both names, (with or without brackets) so I did try but as I've declared my name here for everyone - its not as though I haven't stated it :)

OK. Leave that with me and I'll get back to you.

16-08-2015, 21:46
OK. Carry on using Loz. It is after all a legitimate abbreviation and we'd like you to feel comfortable using AOS :). Geoff.

16-08-2015, 22:47
OK. Carry on using Loz. It is after all a legitimate abbreviation and we'd like you to feel comfortable using AOS :). Geoff.

Thanks for that Geoff - its appreciated :)


16-08-2015, 23:00
Thanks for that Geoff - its appreciated :)


No sweat mate! :D

16-08-2015, 23:06
Hmm. Decca SC4E cartridge. Decca International arm. Garrard 401. And just to be different Radford SC24 pre-amp & SPA50 power amp. Tannoy corner York Gold speakers.

This is a combination I've heard (4RC instead of SC4E though) and it worked very nicely. The SC24 and SPA50 were amongst the best sounding SS amps of their time.

There is an interesting review of these in the current edition of Hi-Fi News magazine. Good choice on the other items. :)

Spectral Morn
17-08-2015, 11:17
Welcome to AOS Loz

Nice kit. I have a few bits of Pioneer kit, mostly tuners.

Would love to see some photos of your systems.

Regards Neil

17-08-2015, 21:54
Welcome to AOS Loz

Nice kit. I have a few bits of Pioneer kit, mostly tuners.

Would love to see some photos of your systems.

Regards Neil

Thanks for the welcome (and everyone else :) Pics up on previous reply.

17-08-2015, 22:01

Thats a lovely stack Loz

17-08-2015, 23:03

Thats a lovely stack Loz

Thanks for that Grant :) It took a long time to acquire and assemble but it was worth it in the end. Would just like to get the little sound processor (only for show though) that was manufactured at around the same time just to finish it off. I think it was the SR-303.

17-08-2015, 23:56
Ho Loz

Welcome to the AoS from another Loz. And yes I'm a Laurence too. Also originally from the Midlands but Coventry in my case. Hope you enjoy the forum. Love the look of your stack of gear there too. Very nice.



18-08-2015, 16:27
Ho Loz

Welcome to the AoS from another Loz. And yes I'm a Laurence too. Also originally from the Midlands but Coventry in my case. Hope you enjoy the forum. Love the look of your stack of gear there too. Very nice.



Cheers Loz - its good to know you're amongst like minded friends and we're not clones, we're separate entities with a common interest :) You're from the Midlands aswell; you never know, the Midlands might start to get acknowledged as an actual area of England where people live, communities and ideas are alive...... and kicking at this rate :lol:

Thanks for the welcome !!

18-08-2015, 17:01
In answer to requests for pics of the rest of my system, here are pics of some of the other components of my system and a couple of other bits (REL Subwoofer, Pioneer Surround Amp and also Pioneer Tuner) I forgot to mention initially :) Also the name of the speaker cable is Chord Flatline. Will try to find my Leak Troughline amongst the boxes and put a pic of that up aswell


18-08-2015, 17:31
you never know, the Midlands might start to get acknowledged as an actual area of England where people live, communities and ideas are alive...... and kicking at this rate :lol:

Hi Loz,

A big welcome from me, part time residing near Dudley when I am in the UK :)
There are a few Midlands members on AoS, who have some very good sounding systems.

Will have to arrange a mini bake off some time to get the network expanded. Do you like real ale?

:cool: Alan

18-08-2015, 17:37
yes welcome . spent quite a while commuting to Walsall and happy memories of pelsall in particular

18-08-2015, 18:01
Thanks Hifinutt & firebottle for the welcome messages. Yes its good to see that people from north of Watford Gap and south of the northern "powerhouse" are here and can be seen/heard as a living, breathing sector of the human population of England :lol: I dont drink myself, but for all those that do............ Cheers to you!!! Having only very recently joined this forum, I can see that there's plenty of activity on here and, that's what keeps good forums going........ information and no reservations about helping one another out - excellent !!!:cool:

19-08-2015, 08:03
I can see that there's plenty of activity on here and, that's what keeps good forums going........ information and no reservations about helping one another out - excellent !!!:cool:

+1 for that.