View Full Version : Looking to buy an RCM

Phil Lawton
16-08-2015, 16:34
OK, I'm completely sold on getting a machine. If anyone has a spare or is looking to sell one, please nudge me.

Okki, Moth or PHK or similar.


16-08-2015, 18:37
Since the phk new will cost less than the other 2 used, I would have thought that was problem solved. If you don't mind having to attach your own hoover it is the donkeys appendage. Especially if you like to lock it in a cupboard. If you want one out on permanent display then not such a winner.

Edit : for pretty and on display I'd get a nitty gritty ;)

16-08-2015, 18:45
As the man said, the Nitty Gritty looks amazing and does its job very well.

16-08-2015, 18:56
Project are going to be releasing their own RCM and the price appears to be extremely attractive (about half the cost of the Moth or the Okki Nokki).

http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2662403) http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/images/buttons/multiquote_off.gif (http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2662403) http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/images/buttons/quickreply.gif (http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2662403)

Audio Advent
16-08-2015, 23:11
I must sound like a broken record on here, but if you can make just a spindle for the record to sit on and turn by hand or better by motor, then I'd spend the money on an ultrasonic cleaning bath and make your own cleaner. There are some DIY projects doing just that around online.

Audio Al
17-08-2015, 04:53
I have a factory built Moth , However I don't have anything to pack it in so you would need to collect in person and I see you are near Birmingham and I am in Dagenham

PM if interested and I can provide some photos and a price

Phil Lawton
17-08-2015, 08:18
Since the phk new will cost less than the other 2 used, I would have thought that was problem solved. If you don't mind having to attach your own hoover it is the donkeys appendage. Especially if you like to lock it in a cupboard. If you want one out on permanent display then not such a winner.

Edit : for pretty and on display I'd get a nitty gritty ;)

No, Richard, aesthetics don't bother me. Function over form every time.

Phil Lawton
17-08-2015, 08:19
Project are going to be releasing their own RCM and the price appears to be extremely attractive (about half the cost of the Moth or the Okki Nokki).

http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/images/buttons/quote.gif (http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2662403) http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/images/buttons/multiquote_off.gif (http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2662403)
http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/images/buttons/quickreply.gif (http://www.pinkfishmedia.net/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=2662403)

Interesting bit if diversity from Project. Any idea when?

Phil Lawton
17-08-2015, 08:20
I have a factory built Moth , However I don't have anything to pack it in so you would need to collect in person and I see you are near Birmingham and I am in Dagenham

PM if interested and I can provide some photos and a price

Will do.

trio leo
17-08-2015, 16:41
I had a look at using an ultrasonic bath to spin clean my records in, but all that I looked at heated the water which bothered me, I guess that posh blue one (can,t remember name) stays cool, but it's expensive,
I settled for an Okki Nokki and it does the job really well IMHO, I did borrow a VPI machine once and the results were about the same as the OK, but a lot dearer.

good luck finding what suits you

enjoy your music

cheers Al

18-08-2015, 07:06
Phil, I see you are not far from Coventry.

If all else fails and a used RCM doesn't turn up try Kevin Kennedy at Frank Harvey. I think you'll be surprised at the price he'll do a new Okki Nokki for.

I guarantee an RCM will be one the best accessories you'll ever buy.


Mika K
18-08-2015, 07:27
Had Okki Nokki for years and it's ok but didn't get enough use because it is noisy as hell etc. I would definitely go directly for Audiodesk Systeme if looking for RCM now..


18-08-2015, 09:30
Had Okki Nokki for years and it's ok but didn't get enough use because it is noisy as hell etc......

Yes, along with most others they aren't exactly quiet. But you'll be so bored by the time you've cleaned 8 LP's you'll want to turn it off anyway. But you will have sparkly vinyl. :)

The Audio Systeme cleaner looks great. At £1895.00 it's a bit deep for my pocket.

18-08-2015, 10:24
Phil, I see you are not far from Coventry.

If all else fails and a used RCM doesn't turn up try Kevin Kennedy at Frank Harvey. I think you'll be surprised at the price he'll do a new Okki Nokki for.

I guarantee an RCM will be one the best accessories you'll ever buy.


In the short term you could always use the record cleaning service at Roman's Records @ Fargo Village, on Far Gosford Street...


...not sure if he does bulk discounts...:)

Phil Lawton
18-08-2015, 10:34
Forgot Frank Harvey completely...honeytrap of a shop.

I might well drop in and see them...thanks for jogging my memory, Bob.

Phil, I see you are not far from Coventry.

If all else fails and a used RCM doesn't turn up try Kevin Kennedy at Frank Harvey. I think you'll be surprised at the price he'll do a new Okki Nokki for.

I guarantee an RCM will be one the best accessories you'll ever buy.


Phil Lawton
18-08-2015, 10:35
Wouldn't hand my stuff over to anyone else, Will...akin to giving one of your kids to a stranger.

In the short term you could always use the record cleaning service at Roman's Records @ Fargo Village, on Far Gosford Street...


...not sure if he does bulk discounts...:)

Phil Lawton
18-08-2015, 10:36
The Audio Systeme cleaner looks great. At £1895.00 it's a bit deep for my pocket.

Pockets would need to be Grand Canyon-esque.

Phil Lawton
18-08-2015, 10:39
Lots of nice, helpful suggestions and offers being PM'd to me (one of which I'm close to taking up)...this place has been nothing but a boon and a mine of information since I joined.

Thanks, everyone.

22-08-2015, 13:31
I part own an Okki Nokki and it's really good. Myself and Virkon share one and this made it a hell of a lot cheaper.

Phil Lawton
25-08-2015, 15:46
Just bought the Record Doctor V - I'll look into using it in tandem with the Spin Clean I bought a few weeks ago, as I've read that that seems to be a favoured method.

Also thinking of cobbling together a workstation, involving a lazy Susan-based brushing area as either an alternative to the Spin Clean or as a link in a workflow chain (Spin Clean->RCM->Lazy Susan distilled water rinse->RCM).

What suggestions does anyone have for cleaning fluids? I have the Spin Clean fluid already and the RCM will arrive with a bottle of Disc Doctor fluid. I also have gallons of distilled water (which I've been using in the Spin Clean along with a wetting agent) and a couple of litres of lab quality isopropyl alcohol that I've yet to do anything with.

Anyone have a world-beating formula I can replicate?

27-08-2015, 07:11
What suggestions does anyone have for cleaning fluids? I have the Spin Clean fluid already and the RCM will arrive with a bottle of Disc Doctor fluid. I also have gallons of distilled water (which I've been using in the Spin Clean along with a wetting agent) and a couple of litres of lab quality isopropyl alcohol that I've yet to do anything with.

Anyone have a world-beating formula I can replicate?

Hello Phil, I thought you'd be swamped with recommendations, but to get the ball rolling - it sounds as if you have all of the necessaries. I use:-

750ml distilled water
250ml isopropyl alcohol
2 drops dishwasher rinse aid

Maybe not world beating but nice and simple and works a treat. I remember reading somewhere not to be tempted to substitute washing up liquid for the rinse aid as it leaves a residue.

More recipes and reading here http://www.tnt-audio.com/clinica/fluids.html Not sure I'd use use a chamois leather (as suggested) to dry the discs though....................... Might get caught and told to clean the windows while I'm at it.

27-08-2015, 14:57
Hello Phil, I thought you'd be swamped with recommendations, but to get the ball rolling - it sounds as if you have all of the necessaries. I use:-

750ml distilled water
250ml isopropyl alcohol
2 drops dishwasher rinse aid

Maybe not world beating but nice and simple and works a treat. I remember reading somewhere not to be tempted to substitute washing up liquid for the rinse aid as it leaves a residue.

More recipes and reading here http://www.tnt-audio.com/clinica/fluids.html Not sure I'd use use a chamois leather (as suggested) to dry the discs though....................... Might get caught and told to clean the windows while I'm at it.

recipes in your link look good. Although I would avoid (as you say) washing up liquid as it has lots of additives - perfumes, salt as a thickener etc. I think that the same may apply to dishwasher rinse aid, even though very small quantities are used in the made up cleaning solution.

This could be worth trying as the surfactant:


Phil Lawton
27-08-2015, 15:08
Cheers, Bob...I'll knock up a batch of that over the weekend. The RCM arrived today, so test-driving it later.

Hello Phil, I thought you'd be swamped with recommendations, but to get the ball rolling - it sounds as if you have all of the necessaries. I use:-

750ml distilled water
250ml isopropyl alcohol
2 drops dishwasher rinse aid

Maybe not world beating but nice and simple and works a treat. I remember reading somewhere not to be tempted to substitute washing up liquid for the rinse aid as it leaves a residue.

More recipes and reading here http://www.tnt-audio.com/clinica/fluids.html Not sure I'd use use a chamois leather (as suggested) to dry the discs though....................... Might get caught and told to clean the windows while I'm at it.

Phil Lawton
27-08-2015, 15:10
Thanks, Guy...would that also be available from photographic retailers? Or is it a bit too exotic for the likes of (assuming I could find one that hadn't closed down) Jessops?

recipes in your link look good. Although I would avoid (as you say) washing up liquid as it has lots of additives - perfumes, salt as a thickener etc. I think that the same may apply to dishwasher rinse aid, even though very small quantities are used in the made up cleaning solution.

This could be worth trying as the surfactant:


27-08-2015, 15:25
It's been a long time since I went in to a Jessops - looking in the window it gives the impression that they concentrate on digital now, although no harm in asking :)

27-08-2015, 16:09
I've been getting good results with the london jazz collector recipie using this stuff: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000KZ7QWK?keywords=ilfotol&qid=1440690029&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

Phil Lawton
28-08-2015, 13:25
Cheers, Marc.

I've been getting good results with the london jazz collector recipie using this stuff: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000KZ7QWK?keywords=ilfotol&qid=1440690029&ref_=sr_1_1&sr=8-1

Phil Lawton
28-08-2015, 13:32
Took the new RCM out for a whirl last night - everything I've read about vacuuming vinyl after cleaning is definitely not hype.

The difference is astounding. It also saves a stack of mucking about with troughs of fluid, microfiber cloths, distilled-water rinsing and drying racks, although I might yet use the latter again if I adopt the Spin Clean -> RCM route for any really crud-encrusted records I might buy in the future.

Loving the fact that anything I now find which is at least free of scratches is fair game.

Audio Al
28-08-2015, 14:57