View Full Version : For Sale Meridian G02 Pre-amplifier and G56 Power-amplifier

Spectral Morn
13-08-2015, 14:16
Another sad parting as I really like these but again they mostly sit unused so keeping them seems silly.

Among Meridians last analogue Pre - Power combo and lovely things they are too, the pre has 3 XLR in, 4 RCAs in + tape loop. Outputs via one set of XLRs and RCAs. The Power amplifier is 100 Watts a channel into 8 ohms.

Info sheet here https://www.meridian-audio.com/meridian-uploads/data/G56_ds_scr.pdf and the Pre here https://www.meridian-audio.com/meridian-uploads/data/G02_ds_scr.pdf

The G02 is the line level version.

Included is the MSR remote. Details here https://www.meridian-audio.com/meridian-uploads/download/Handbooks/Miscellaneous/MSR+%20User%20Guide.pdf

Condition is very good with a few wee nicks on the power amplifier (not the front) interconnects caused these I think :doh:, and the Pre has a wee mark on its back right side low down. The remote has a slight depression on it.

Units come boxed with instruction books.

This is a UK/Ireland sale only and I wont split them. Original price £4500 and I want £1900 Firm. Postage at cost.

http://i549.photobucket.com/albums/ii364/davros124/006_zpsi7qbewol.jpg (http://s549.photobucket.com/user/davros124/media/006_zpsi7qbewol.jpg.html)

http://i549.photobucket.com/albums/ii364/davros124/008_zpse5azl6qf.jpg (http://s549.photobucket.com/user/davros124/media/008_zpse5azl6qf.jpg.html)

http://i549.photobucket.com/albums/ii364/davros124/009_zpskaamedlz.jpg (http://s549.photobucket.com/user/davros124/media/009_zpskaamedlz.jpg.html)

http://i549.photobucket.com/albums/ii364/davros124/007_zpshbibcffx.jpg (http://s549.photobucket.com/user/davros124/media/007_zpshbibcffx.jpg.html)

http://i549.photobucket.com/albums/ii364/davros124/010_zpsgivasz51.jpg (http://s549.photobucket.com/user/davros124/media/010_zpsgivasz51.jpg.html)

http://i549.photobucket.com/albums/ii364/davros124/011_zpsvdqfy7mb.jpg (http://s549.photobucket.com/user/davros124/media/011_zpsvdqfy7mb.jpg.html)

I also have a brand new in a box spare MSR+ (silver) which I want £70 for.

Regards Neil

13-08-2015, 14:30
Very nice Neil. Didn't know you had those. I have a soft spot for Meridian gear. That's a good price for such real quality units.

Spectral Morn
13-08-2015, 14:37
Very nice Neil. Didn't know you had those. I have a soft spot for Meridian gear. That's a good price for such real quality units.

Seems to be the going price. I have way too much stuff kicking about here not used so I need to start moving it on. Several pairs of speakers I am thinking about selling, an MF Tri Vista DAC (doing nothing) a spares or repair Piere Lurne Audiomeca Mephisto CD transport (stunning, still works but laser is on its way out) and a bundle of tuners :doh:. Only thing I am not going to do is sell any of my CD players bar the Audiomeca.

Regards Neil

Spectral Morn
29-09-2017, 10:31
Long over due bump :cool:

Revised price £1800 + Postage.

I would rather sell these as a pair, than split.

Payment via bank transfer and postage at cost.

29-09-2017, 10:33
Beautiful gear as always Neil. immaculate:)

Spectral Morn
29-09-2017, 10:35
Beautiful gear as always Neil. immaculate:)

Thank you Grant, I may regret selling these, but needs must.

29-09-2017, 11:12
Great advert & great product.

Spectral Morn
23-10-2017, 12:05