View Full Version : Colin’s (Wonfor) daily Q&A clinic is in session

Neil McCauley
07-08-2015, 19:51
Actually it’s been in session for over two months now. HiFi Answers, where I'm features editor wanted to (a) offer this decent man some editorial and (b) to beef up our pretty much non existent technical department by him answering questions that required answers far beyond our ability.

So on a daily basis, or as close as he can achieved given all the other demands on his time (including the ongoing TQ situation) he answers technical and non-technical questions from the 'civilians'.

The first 58 Q&As can be viewed at: http://www.hifianswers.com/tag/one4audio/

We have the next six scheduled starting tomorrow (7/8/15) and we are shortly to send him the next nine from around the world. Colin admits that sometimes his brevity might result in the occasional ambiguous answer. It’s not deliberate! That said, he cheerfully (extraordinary under the circumstances) will expand on answers if invited and when he can find the time. A rarity in this industry; he is a true gentleman.

HFA hope you’ll enjoy the facility and like us, perhaps be enlightened in areas that we need enlightening in.