View Full Version : Stanley Gibbons offer up a Jamaica Myrtle Green 10/-

25-07-2015, 13:37
I've put a bid in but I am not overly confident of winning this excellent stamp

25-07-2015, 14:57
Could we have a link to what it is you're referring to, please?


Gordon Steadman
25-07-2015, 15:13
Could we have a link to what it is you're referring to, please?


Just do an eBay search Marco, there are loads of them there. I wonder which one he is after as they are all BIN. Maybe not on eBay then:lol:

25-07-2015, 17:56
A photograph of it is now my avatar, Marco.
I received a catalogue through the post, I am not sure it is even on the internet.
Are you a fellow Timbrologist?

25-07-2015, 18:36
No, sorry. I presumed you were referring to ebay, as you mentioned putting a bid in. Therefore, I asked for a link to the advert.

How do you put a bid in when buying something from a catalogue? :scratch:


25-07-2015, 18:45
The catalogue comes with an order form Marco.
You fill it in and post it back to Gibbons in London.
I know it sounds dreadfully old fashioned, but we are dealing with a very old fashioned firm.

25-07-2015, 18:57
I get that, but then you'll be buying it outright at its stipulated price in the catalogue/order form, surely? If not, where does the 'putting a bid in' bit come in? :scratch:


25-07-2015, 18:57

I have submitted a bid of £22:00 to Gibbons.
Times is hard.

25-07-2015, 19:04
I get that, but then you'll be buying it outright at its stipulated price in the catalogue/order form, surely? If not, where does the 'putting a bid in' bit come in? :scratch:


You forward a bid and if you have bid the highest you win.
I bid £22:00 so if Joe Bloggs bids £19:00, then I win the stamp.
If he bids £23:00 then I do not win the stamp.
It can get very exciting!!!

25-07-2015, 19:06
Do I sense a budding interest in a rival field, Marco?

25-07-2015, 19:14
Er, no, but enjoy!


25-07-2015, 23:01
How does one distinguish between the 1920 and the 1922 versions? They look identical to me. :scratch:

25-07-2015, 23:15
How does one distinguish between the 1920 and the 1922 versions? They look identical to me. :scratch:

The image pixel count is different. ;) :D

25-07-2015, 23:17
The image pixel count is different. ;) :D

I mean of the stamps themselves, not the on-line images.

25-07-2015, 23:21
I mean of the stamps themselves, not the on-line images.

I was kidding Barry. :)

I'd imagine plate numbers and issue quantities etc., come into play. Affecting each one's desirability.

Gordon Steadman
26-07-2015, 04:36
I was kidding Barry. :)

I'd imagine plate numbers and issue quantities etc., come into play. Affecting each one's desirability.

In my case age definitely seems to affect desirability:(

26-07-2015, 06:04
How does one distinguish between the 1920 and the 1922 versions? They look identical to me. :scratch:

The 1919-21 stamp has a Multi-Crown watermark Barry.
The 1921-29 has script CA watermark.
This makes the catalogue values £80:00 & £55:00 respectively

26-07-2015, 20:32
Philately will get you nowhere.

26-07-2015, 20:37
Philately will get you nowhere.

I agree.

It needs stamping out...

26-07-2015, 20:47
The postage stamp is a flimsy thing, no thicker than a beetle's wing, and yet it will roam the world for you, exactly where you tell it to

26-07-2015, 21:56
I had no idea that we got a few stamp collectors on AoS. I used to collect myself when I started going out with this girl in my teens, and she got me into sharing her passion for it. But I stopped collecting when we split up in my early twenties. My collection preference was mint, unused.
After seeing this thread I dug up my album page with stamps from Jamaica just for a laugh to see if I had that stamp. I can see that I got two of them in different shades. I don't know if they are from the same year or not though. Never got down to the level of watermarks, perforation, etc.


26-07-2015, 22:15
Used to collect as a youngster. Quite seriously too. Wish I still had the collection. It was decent then and would be worth rather a lot now. Reckon it would set me up for a few years.

26-07-2015, 22:33
My grandad was a serious collector and renowned expert on stamps and ha a huge collection that even in the 70's got my gran 10's of thousands when sold after his death. My brother has a collection that granddad gave him being first grandson. as far as I know he still has them. I had a coin collection which was pretty worthless but interesting

27-07-2015, 12:05
My father is a retired stamp dealer but he never passed the bug onto me. I could never get my head around the fact that it's often the flawed or incorrectly produced stamps that are the ones that are worth the money. Imagine if hi-fi were the same - you'd be paying £3000 for a Technics SL-1210 that came from the factory going round backwards and having its model number written as "Technisc SL-1201! !


27-07-2015, 12:12
My father is a retired stamp dealer but he never passed the bug onto me. I could never get my head around the fact that it's often the flawed or incorrectly produced stamps that are the ones that are worth the money. Imagine if hi-fi were the same - you'd be paying £3000 for a Technics SL-1210 that came from the factory going round backwards and having its model number written as "Technisc SL-1201! !


The errors and flaws make the stamps rare - and it is their rarity that makes them worth a lot. It just the same in the sometimes ridiculous pricing of vinyl.

27-07-2015, 12:34
At least you can listen to ridiculously priced vinyl. You can't even use most of these stamps to mail a letter. Collecting stuff for the sake of it has never been my scene though, but I have got no problem with people who are into that sort of thing.

27-07-2015, 13:31
At least you can listen to ridiculously priced vinyl. You can't even use most of these stamps to mail a letter. Collecting stuff for the sake of it has never been my scene though, but I have got no problem with people who are into that sort of thing.

Precisely my argument with the sellers of vinyl who up the price because there is a spelling mistake on the label, or on the sleeve, or the label is an usual colour, or the record was pressed in Khazakstan, or ..... ! :doh: The bloody LP sounds the same as it would were there no errors or unusual labels etc. I buy LPs for the content, not for the packaging.

Mind you the purchasers are the sort of cretins who collect for the sake of rarity, probably frame the LP and its sleeve and never listen to it. They probably don't even like music! :mental:

Rant over!