View Full Version : A couple of rare JVC Z1S MM cartridges.

27-06-2015, 20:55
A JVC Z1S conical stylus MM cartridge with spare brand new genuine JVC Z1S stylus.

http://i62.tinypic.com/2ajxrbn.jpg http://i62.tinypic.com/33e4yko.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/72swsg.jpg

And a JVC Z1S with elliptical Z1E stylus fitted.

http://i58.tinypic.com/1y1ddw.jpg http://i60.tinypic.com/25yvltj.jpg

A shot of both.


Quite rare now. These are lucid and pleasant sounding MMs. They are in good condition, both track well and they are not arm fussy.

Asking £35 for the first one with spare stylus and £25 for the second with elliptical stylus fitted. Or £50 for the lot. Prices include UK postage.

27-06-2015, 21:30
Lets just hope Pete Burns doesn't buy them. Will just use them as earrings.


27-06-2015, 21:53
good carts these and pretty rare to get them with the right stylii... a shibita at that. should prove to be an investment

27-06-2015, 22:12
good carts these and pretty rare to get them with the right stylii... a shibita at that. should prove to be an investment

No Shibatas here Grant. You're thinking of the X1, although I believe these have similar internals and a similar tonal character.

27-06-2015, 22:15
oops I thought it was a shib...ah well they are still nice... if I didnt have my souped up at95, i would have both:)

28-06-2015, 10:19
Hi Geoff - can I have the elliptical, please?

PM on its way. :)

28-06-2015, 10:33
Hi Geoff - can I have the elliptical, please?

PM on its way. :)

PM replied to Jerry.

28-06-2015, 10:35
The X1 had a very bright tone I recall, totally out of line with cartridges of the day. I don't much remember the Z1, but the Z2E was lovely. Judging by the paint spot on the cantilever, I wonder if Jico may possibly have made the styli for JVC?

28-06-2015, 10:45
The X1 had a very bright tone I recall, totally out of line with cartridges of the day. I don't much remember the Z1, but the Z2E was lovely. Judging by the paint spot on the cantilever, I wonder if Jico may possibly have made the styli for JVC?

I have no idea Dave. It certainly sounds decent. Presumably the Z2E is basically the Z1S with elliptical tip.

I've had one or two Z series JVCs knocking about for years. They always sound nice.

28-06-2015, 12:26

Can I take the conical one then please? I launched these onto the UK market for JVC back in the day and the X2/Z2 as well. TBH the internals are identical only the styli and suspession are different. Styli are interchanchangable too and I have an X1 Shibata in the drawer, still sealed in the packing :)

David, in answer to your question, almost all JVC styli were made by JICO as were Technics and Panasonic styli


PM sent

28-06-2015, 14:38
PM replied to.

05-07-2015, 19:25
Really nice to meet Geoff the other day and what a gent to drop the Z1s over personally. Glad you liked the system mate, and thanks again :)

05-07-2015, 19:28
Likewise. It was a pleasure Paul :).

19-07-2015, 08:53
Thanks to Geoff for the elliptical stylus item... All installed and sounding good... Excellent value imho.

But, sigh, I remain a 'coil guy at heart, so if anyone wants the JVC cart let me know. :)

... I've just now invested rather more in a Goldring Eroica Lx :doh: :D

Ps. I won't be able to post it until w/c 27 July

19-07-2015, 09:30
Sold already! :)

19-07-2015, 10:14
You'll like the Eroica LX Jerry. I've got one in my collection. Very musical MC. Not one that many people think of trying, more's the pity. It's the only MC other than a ZYX that I've kept. Hope you've got a good SUT to use with it.

Shame the JVC didn't do it for you. I always found them very nice. Definitely preferable to equivalent Shures for instance.

19-07-2015, 10:27
Agreed - the Goldring Eroica LX is a very good MC cartridge.

The only JVC cartridge I've ever heard is the X-1; way back in '76. Thought it was rather good at the time, but could quite probably think differently were I to hear it again! :doh:

19-07-2015, 15:13
Don't you find the Eroica bodies highly microphonic?

The Z1 was a toppy thing I remember, but its replacement with better suited tip (for normal LP's) was lovely as I recall.

19-07-2015, 16:55
Don't you find the Eroica bodies highly microphonic?

The Z1 was a toppy thing I remember, but its replacement with better suited tip (for normal LP's) was lovely as I recall.

Not sure to whom your question is directed Dave, but my only experience with the Goldring Eroica was that of a friend's. It was mounted in a Rega 250 on a Mitchell Mycro deck. Don't remember there being any problems with microphony.

The cartridge has since been replaced with an Ortofon MC25FL, as the Eroica went o/c on one channel.

19-07-2015, 16:57
Ah, interesting, how does it compare to the mc25fl?

19-07-2015, 17:12
Ah, interesting, how does it compare to the mc25fl?

Sorry Jerry - it's been a while now since the swap was made. My friend obviously preferred the Goldring, as that replaced the Ortofon that was originally supplied with the deck and arm.

I think I might prefer the MC25FL, as I'm a bit of a fan of Ortofon MCs (I have four of them).

19-07-2015, 17:14
Got one on mine..superb cart

19-07-2015, 17:14

No sign of microphony with my Erioca.


I had two MC25FLs and compared them with the Eroica LX. The MC25FL is superior, there's just more of everything, but that doesn't stop the Eroica from being really nice to listen to. I'm keeping mine.

The MC25FL is near enough as good as my ZYX R50 Bloom H, but sounds different. The Ortofon being very vibrant and detailed, without harshness and it's a big sound. The ZYX has massive depth and transparency, with great weight. The soundstage is the best I've heard. It's also possibly the least coloured cartridge I've heard, even the R100 series are not so neutral (nor have any more depth), but do have greater resolution.

19-07-2015, 17:17
Thanks, I was curious as I have owned couple of 25fl (and loved them). I prefer my Asak/VdH though!

I will just have to put my patient hat on and wait for the Eroica to arrive. :)... It's destined for my lower rez 2nd system.

23-07-2015, 08:53
Talk about thread drift :lol: ... anyway, for those who could give a damn ...

The Goldring Eroica LX has arrived and been installed, for the nonce, in my AT-1010 arm.

What a fine cartridge!
No, it doesn't quite capture the high drama of the Orty MC25FL let alone my VdHed Asak, but it just lets you sit back and think "what fine music this is."
There's a naturally relaxed clarity which seems to just let the music flow.
Me likee. :thumbsup:

23-07-2015, 09:03
Told you they were nice. Good musical MC the Eroica LX, overlooked by many.

23-07-2015, 10:06
Talk about thread drift :lol: ... anyway, for those who could give a damn ...

The Goldring Eroica LX has arrived and been installed, for the nonce, in my AT-1010 arm.

What a fine cartridge!
No, it doesn't quite capture the high drama of the Orty MC25FL let alone my VdHed Asak, but it just lets you sit back and think "what fine music this is."
There's a naturally relaxed clarity which seems to just let the music flow.
Me likee. :thumbsup:

The VdH stylus must have been an improvement over the original Ogura profile. I had an Asak once but didn't play it much, as both my friends and I much preferred my EMT XSD-15. In fact I only bought the Asak (in 1980) following a favourable review in The Absolute Sound, where they preferred it to the (original) Koetsu Black!

23-07-2015, 10:56
Yes, the VdHed Asak is the best cartridge I have owned by quite a margin.
I have not heard an original Asak, it would certainly be interesting to compare.