View Full Version : TQ Tellurium Claymore amp - anyone know the phono stage specs ?

25-06-2015, 22:04

I'm looking for info regarding the built in phono stage in my amp, I'm planning to get separate phono stage but seeing as my Goldring Eroica HOMC cart is a little quiet via the built in stage I wondered if anyone could tell me the specs of the one in the amp, eg: loading, gain etc, as the stage I'm thinking about will be valve based with no option to change gain and/or load settings except at the build stage, although I might end up changing the cart first, so knowing more about the one in my amp would be a help.

My amp is this one :




25-06-2015, 22:09
The designer, Colin Wonfor! Is on this forum. Maybe pm him, although he may be under a humerous name

25-06-2015, 22:12
The designer, Colin Wonfor! Is on this forum. Maybe pm him, although he may be under a humerous name


I did think of that, but he's not really a fan of Tellurium these days so out of consideration for Colin's feelings I thought I'd ask if anyone else knew.


Colin Wonfor
26-06-2015, 09:31

I am not pissed of with TQ just the people running Tellurium Q for their disgusting treatment of me.

The Goldring Eroica HOMC has 2.5mV into 47K there should be plenty of gain to go very loud with the TQ Claymore, which is looking for 3.5mV for full power on MM and 0.2mV on MC.

I hope this helps??

Best Colin



Colin Wonfor
26-06-2015, 09:58
OK I have a funny name, but when measuring power the square root of 2 is 1.414, so I have joke about with names like "Root2", and "DamagedHuman", not braindead as Dave changed my name too the sod, but it made Richard giggle so it was OK, But the best is "AntiCrap", as I am not going to tolerate being screwed over again even by God or so called friends.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSVXpArbHEaB_OIgnzRwronlOcS_ON29 wOBG1U3Zvz2DsCh5bqT

The caption reads " You vill buy Tellurium Q cable by order of the management and you vill not go on Facecrap to praise it or you vill be fired."

26-06-2015, 15:55

I am not pissed of with TQ just the people running Tellurium Q for their disgusting treatment of me.

The Goldring Eroica HOMC has 2.5mV into 47K there should be plenty of gain to go very loud with the TQ Claymore, which is looking for 3.5mV for full power on MM and 0.2mV on MC.

I hope this helps??

Best Colin


Hi Colin,

Superb, many thanks for the reply and the relevant info.
