View Full Version : Want that vintage gramophone sound?

The Black Adder
24-06-2015, 15:32
Well... if so this is for you.


Looks cool, but probably sounds like shit.... but who cares, it looks cool. :mental:

24-06-2015, 15:38
agree it is a designer house furnishing. the fact that it works as well is a bonus. may well sound very good too. like my gramophones

24-06-2015, 15:54
It'll be all about looks and probably sound like mangled telephone.

The Black Adder
24-06-2015, 16:16

I know, Grant... the original gramophone's do sound superb. i would love to get one, love the olde 20's 30's music.

24-06-2015, 16:24

I know, Grant... the original gramophone's do sound superb. i would love to get one, love the olde 20's 30's music.

I have 2... a damn near mint HMV portable which cost me a pretty penny in the day. I actually use my scabby one mostly for some reason but it is nice to have out on display...must do that again, or sell it one or t'other... nothing more hands on than winging it up and putting a nail on top of a bit of shellac and hearing music....it must have amazed folk back then.


The Black Adder
24-06-2015, 16:32
WOW! :eek:

Very nice, I'd love something like that.

24-06-2015, 16:39
The one on the left you'll get for 40/50 quid. the hmv would be over £200 in that condition and that model...maybe a bit more. tbh its like new.......I might put it on the classifieds and confuse the hell out of Marco ;)

24-06-2015, 16:57
The one on the left you'll get for 40/50 quid. the hmv would be over £200 in that condition and that model...maybe a bit more. tbh its like new.......I might put it on the classifieds and confuse the hell out of Marco ;)

Actually I doubt if they even knew back than just how good a sound their recording techniques could produce, I'm using a Miiyajima Premium 78 cartridge, into Hashimoto HM7s/Aurorasound Vida LCR phono stage/Radford pre-power and big Tannoys, with an Esoteric Re-equalizer in the middle (compensates for every conceivable oddball pre-RIAA equalisation) and the overall sound - if you ignore the frying bacon, which largely you can - is simply stunning. Expression, room ambience, harmonics ... all there. From late 20/early 30s 78s.

24-06-2015, 17:09
Actually I doubt if they even knew back than just how good a sound their recording techniques could produce, I'm using a Miiyajima Premium 78 cartridge, into Hashimoto HM7s/Aurorasound Vida LCR phono stage/Radford pre-power and big Tannoys, with an Esoteric Re-equalizer in the middle (compensates for every conceivable oddball pre-RIAA equalisation) and the overall sound - if you ignore the frying bacon, which largely you can - is simply stunning. Expression, room ambience, harmonics ... all there. From late 20/early 30s 78s.

Funny but you get different grade of nails needles for differing records and styles. Used to have boxes of them. used to have a sharpner but cant find it now:scratch:

I can understand what you are saying though. I did play them from a dedicated 78 player with a nice cart that I got from the US. it sounded remarkably good. Sold it a few years ago to help a friend raise cash for a holiday for his daughter.

24-06-2015, 19:23
I have one of these. I bought it to listen to some very early recordings (pre 1914) that I found. Given the technology it is quite amazing
