View Full Version : FS: Beresford 1m Optical TOSLINK Interconnect

Alan D
06-06-2015, 19:15
Just £15 plus £3 postage via Royal Mail 1st Class.
Payment by paypal friends & family please.


Alan D
24-06-2015, 20:03
To the top...

25-06-2015, 11:22
Is this glass or plastic toslink?

Alan D
25-06-2015, 19:44
Stan's websites appear not to specify the fibre material.
I suspect they are plastic.

25-06-2015, 23:32
i doubt there's glass for that money. otherwise it would be a bestseller!

26-06-2015, 21:30
No bad thing!

On the hunt for a glass optical myself, know Mark Grant doesn't do them anymore.
Heard one connecting my Transporter to the Young Dac and sounded (I think) better than the BNC connection, all 75ohm connections.

Getting curious again about glass Toslink!

27-06-2015, 13:01
Purely as a matter of interest and not for the sake of arguing but it really doesn’t matter what the optical material is. Its only purpose is to transmit light digitally, as in “light on- light off”

That’s it, nothing else. It’s always better to buy cheep digital cables and spend the money saved on a good DAC

27-06-2015, 13:10
heard a glass optical at Garys and it to me outperformed a normal one and an expensive coaxial. due to it being glass it didnt bend as much a!d i guess could be broken easily but i was impressed

27-06-2015, 13:50
It’s just perception, once you take a step back and look what’s going on. There is absolutely no audio information travelling along the cable, it’s just digital. It really is “light-on, light-off). The properties have already been determined and are not subject to change. How bright or dim that light is, is unimportant.

Imaging if you will that you are looking at two different light bulbs, one very bright and one very dim. If I were to ask you which one you preferred you may well say the bright one. But now if tell you that I don’t really care which one you prefer but I ask you only to tell me when either one of them turns off and on again, what would you say. That’s digital, it really doesn’t care how much the light cost. Its only job is to say whether the light is on or off