View Full Version : Layers of Beauty plinth

06-06-2015, 15:00
During the last seven days or so I have fitted a maple hardwood plinth to my Thorens TD160 turntable and now it is the weekend I have had a chance to listen and draw a few conclusions.

The plinth has definitely changed the sound of my vinyl replay but as usual I cannot say whether it is better however, it is certainly different.

The bass is now allowed a totally free rein within the music whereas before it was suppressed and to a degree, strangled. Now it sounds alive and quite forceful. I cannot say that it is totally deep, tight and controlled because in that respect, it is no different.

The treble is now sharp and incisive with a much better resolution. A high pass filter on an EDM track now sounds very sizzly and cutting. There is a great deal of definition over and above what there used to be.

The midrange is now bloody awesome...! Listening to 'Dire Straits' by Dire Straits there are now hidden voices by Mr Knopfler that I have never heard before and I have owned versions of this album since 1978. The midrange now has an amazing amount of depth of ambience which was not there before.

This upgrade cost me £175 including courier and has been as obvious as changing a cartridge. It is a very simple job to fit and should not be hesitated by anyone who is considering it.

06-06-2015, 15:06
Nice one Shaun . Any piccies , and a link to where you bought it from ?

06-06-2015, 15:15
Nice one Shaun . Any piccies , and a link to where you bought it from ?

Hey up Brian, I have a thread running on here under DIY jobs that includes piccies and if you Google Layers of Beauty you can find all of those glorious wood finishes that the Man From Barnsley offers.

06-06-2015, 15:18
I think that my next move is going to be either an Origin Live 'Silver' tonearm or a Pro-Ject 9cc Expression tonearm. I was considering a Jelco SA-750 D arm but I think I could do better.

06-06-2015, 15:43
Hey up Brian, I have a thread running on here under DIY jobs that includes piccies and if you Google Layers of Beauty you can find all of those glorious wood finishes that the Man From Barnsley offers.

Thanks Shaun :)

10-06-2015, 11:41
Pics or it didn't happen!! :ner:

10-06-2015, 16:49
Pics or it didn't happen!! :ner:


11-06-2015, 11:11
Sounds great and well worth the investment Shaun. I'll look forward to doing something similar to mine when finances allow.



11-06-2015, 17:52
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/Thorens%20TD160%20for%20AOS_zpszmxwlts4.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/Thorens%20TD160%20for%20AOS_zpszmxwlts4.jpg.html)

Here's the latest image of my Thorens TD160 fitted with the new Layers of Beauty maple hardwood plinth. I still have to upgrade the tonearm and cartridge but these will have to wait until finances allow.

12-06-2015, 10:10
http://i867.photobucket.com/albums/ab240/Haselsh1/Croft%20-%20Rotel%20AOS_zpsrjxijfdc.jpg (http://s867.photobucket.com/user/Haselsh1/media/Croft%20-%20Rotel%20AOS_zpsrjxijfdc.jpg.html)

Here's a view of my Croft Micro 25 Basic preamp with my bridged and monoblocked Rotel RB850 power amps. The Croft was an absolute revelation over the Rotel RC850 preamp with a brilliant phono section but I cannot decide on whether to upgrade the preamp for an 'R' model or to upgrade the power amps to Series 7 monoblocks. My only problem with the Rotels is that they have no output protection which leaves the loudspeakers in real danger if anything untowards happens.

12-06-2015, 16:58
Sounds great and well worth the investment Shaun. I'll look forward to doing something similar to mine when finances allow.



You know Loz, I cannot recommend this upgrade enough. It is not that the wood looks amazing which it certainly does but the effect it has on sound is also amazing. I would say it is the equivalent of a cartridge upgrade. I hope you get to experience it in the near future.

13-06-2015, 11:16
My only problem with the Rotels is that they have no output protection which leaves the loudspeakers in real danger if anything untowards happens.

Nice plinth!

When I was getting my amp serviced some time ago I had extra protection circuitry added as it looked like my Tannoys had a close call with the fault the amp developed - couldn't bear the thought of them going up in smoke ...

13-06-2015, 11:23
Nice plinth!

When I was getting my amp serviced some time ago I had extra protection circuitry added as it looked like my Tannoys had a close call with the fault the amp developed - couldn't bear the thought of them going up in smoke ...

Totally worth doing. I had a Krell KSA50 go DC on me on one channel, fried a 15in Monitor Gold, the paper went up like the map at the start of Bonanza (if you are old enough to remember such classic TV). Of course I needed BOTH redone so they matched, cones, surrounds, coils, that'll be £600 please - ouch! Sounded spectacular when done though ....

13-06-2015, 12:12
I had extra protection circuitry added

I was going to suggest the same, quite easy to do, lots of units available on the web, eg



14-06-2015, 09:02
Totally worth doing. I had a Krell KSA50 go DC on me on one channel, fried a 15in Monitor Gold, the paper went up like the map at the start of Bonanza (if you are old enough to remember such classic TV). Of course I needed BOTH redone so they matched, cones, surrounds, coils, that'll be £600 please - ouch! Sounded spectacular when done though ....

Yikes, that's exactly the doomsday scenario I want to avoid! I knew the work I had done was a good investment...

14-06-2015, 12:30
Yikes, that's exactly the doomsday scenario I want to avoid! I knew the work I had done was a good investment...

Much less likely to happen with valves of course .... since then with a brief (albeing enjoyable) foray into solid state with a Sony V-Fet, I've been happily running tubes into the Tannoys.

14-06-2015, 17:20
Old Sony V-FETs go DC too into speakers and all because of some diodes that either fail, or go dry-joint after forty years :(

14-06-2015, 17:45
Old Sony V-FETs go DC too into speakers and all because of some diodes that either fail, or go dry-joint after forty years :(

This one had been 'done'.

08-11-2015, 21:28
Hi Shaun. I'm interested in anything to do with TD160s having used one for about 40 years. The original motor is still working well, but I had to replace the tonearm a couple of years ago. This Linn arm was a giant leap forward over the Thorens original with detachable headshell. Adding the Nagaoka later also pushed the sound on even further. What plinth was your TD160 on before the maple? My Thorens plinth was replaced years ago from the original flimsy bit of plywood that resonated like crazy with a solid looking chipboard plinth. I think Thorens recommended this upgrade and the reasons became obvious when played. All the improvements you mention were evident. Do you have an built in plinth that sits on the new maple, or does the maple replace what was there?

08-11-2015, 21:38
good decks the 160's. very tweakable and look/sound good too

14-11-2015, 16:21
Hey guys, the original plinth before I replaced it was a rather dark looking wood affair that had a hardboard base. The whole thing had been painted black but definitely wasn't chipboard. The light maple plinth was a dramatic improvement over the old plinth and now the TD160 has a Benz Micro Silver HOMC fitted to it. Almost bliss but I would love a better tonearm.

15-11-2015, 16:41
'Almost bliss' sounds like the permanent state of a hi-fi nut - always chasing the next up-grade, but maybe that's the appeal, the sense of perfection being almost but never quite within reach! The maple plinth looks fantastic though. Unfortunately I don't think a plinth of that size and weight would fit on my shelf.
The suspension on my TD160 has gone wonky. It seems to have collapsed at the front so the platter leans forward. it plays ok as I've tilted the shelf to compensate. I had the suspension fixed a couple of years ago so disappointed it needs more attention so soon. I don't know if the engineer replaced or repaired the suspension, but have asked him to inspect it. Has anyone had similar problems with suspension on Thorens tts?

15-11-2015, 17:15
Why not have a bash at adjusting it yourself? They're easy enough to work on.

16-11-2015, 16:02
Thanks for the encouragement Geoff but I've arranged for the engineer to visit this week, so will see what he can do. I'm a bit kak-handed so rather not risk doing any damage to a 40 odd year old piece of audio history!
I've thought of getting a second deck for one of my other systems, which could also serve as back-up if the Thorens is ever out of commission. Not being able to play records is like having an arm chopped off - listening to cds just doesn't do it for me. I've looked on Gumtree and found an old Dual 505 going cheap, and a mint condition Project Essential II for 150 quid. (£200 new) Any thoughts on what might be the best option? I have spare cartridge - a Goldring 2100 which I'd like to put to use too.

16-11-2015, 17:09
pioneer pl 12d is a decent enough deck for the money.. usually pick them up for under £100 in good condition.

16-11-2015, 17:23
pioneer pl 12d is a decent enough deck for the money.. usually pick them up for under £100 in good condition.

Yeah. I love the PL-12D. It may not be the best turntable in the world, but the arm is pretty good and they just keep on going. The platter main bearing is better than that on most of the Japanese stuff from back then and replacement belts are easy to get. And they play music just fine!

16-11-2015, 19:14
Thanks Guys. I've looked for pics of the PL12 online and I realise I used to have one in the 70s. It had a Shure M75? cartridge. I used to play it through a Pioneer SA-6300 Amp, which my daughter still uses. On ebay The PL12s go from £80 to around £200. do you think they are better than modern Rega or Projects?

17-11-2015, 10:08
do you think they are better than modern Rega or Projects?

Probably not soundwise. But more reliable. I prefer the looks of the Pioneer.

17-11-2015, 18:48
Found a Project Essential ll for £150, so picking it up tomorrow. I almost went for the Pioneer for old times sake, but for me sound trumps looks anytime!

17-11-2015, 18:57
I'd have gone for the PL-12D and made it sound better with a good mat and headshell. :)

17-11-2015, 19:39
I know what you mean, but I'm also interested in how a modern deck sounds. I've been listening to my TD160 for over 40 years, so there's a little intrigue in the decision. The Project looks great too!

19-11-2015, 19:43
Got the Project deck yesterday and, sods law, had the Thorens suspension fixed on the same day, but I was able to compare the decks. No comparison really, but for £200 the Project isn't bad. The sound is clear and reasonably well defined, but it lacks weight and richness as it tends towards over-brightness. At least I know what all the fuss about the current crop of cheap decks is about now and the quality of budget turntables has come on leaps and bounds since I was using a Garrard SP255, then the Pioneer PL12. I think the discrepancy in quality between the Thorens and the Project means I'll look for a different deck for my second system. Anyone interested in a mint condition Project Essential ll going cheap!

19-11-2015, 20:01
Fall back, regroup. Buy the PL12D put a thick rubber mat on and an ADC headshell or similar, with a good Shure M75 EJ2 in it and enjoy the music. It won't sound anything like your description of the ProJect.

Mind you. A good Goldring Lenco GL75 will do nicely too.

19-11-2015, 21:46
Hey man, really sorry the Pro-Ject didn't quite work out for you. A bit of a pain really as it could have been a good match. From my point of view though, I do not intend to get rid of the TD160 especially as it now has a gorgeous, solid hardwood plinth that I adore. The one thing I would still like to do though is to upgrade the Linn LVV tonearm with an Origin Live Silver. I'm not too sure how this would improve things sonically but I just love that tonearm.

19-11-2015, 22:35
Hi Shaun,
Not bothered by the Project experience, I'm sure it's saleable on Gumtree, and it's a fun piece of gear. Will go upmarket a bit though on the next one. Didn't ever think of getting rid of the Thorens - love it! Don't know the Origin tonearm, but mine has a Linn, which I think is superb, so if it improves on that then you're in for a treat.

19-11-2015, 22:49
I've got a mental block about getting a Pioneer as it would feel like going back in time. I think I'll go more upmarket the two decks are reasonabaly comparable. I've been offered a Thorens TD160D with a Rega tonearm, but I think ideally I'd like a deck of similar quality to my Thorens, but a different make. otherwise it would feel like duplication. It would have to be an old one to keep the price between £200 and £300 Any ideas, or am I being totally unrealistic?

19-11-2015, 22:56
Depends how upmarket tbh. A good arm and cart can cost more than that. Its a dangerous place your in lol. I was there and did up a 160(some may say pimped):( But it cost quite a lot. trouble is most of the really good quality decks have gone up in price, and its getting difficult to find anything within a budget. If you like the thorens you could always try and pick up another. Some of the sony decks in their middle range like the 6750 i think is its number you might get at that price.. they are worth looking out for

23-11-2015, 16:48
True, it's a dangerous (fools?) game chasing hi-fi upgrades. Keep telling myself that that's it, I'm happy with the sound I've got, and it's all about the music not the equipment. But after awhile the temptation to go for another piece of kit becomes irresistible. I'll have a look for the Sony deck, but the best deal I could probably get would be to take up the offer of the TD160D with a Rega arm. I think the 'D' means a TD160 minus an arm? so the deck would be different in tonearm alone to my TD160. It should sound different though, and I could also experiment with an MC cartridge - I see the slippery slope before me again. Adding a MC cartridge would double the price at least to £600! Maybe wait for a bit till the itch gets stronger!

23-11-2015, 18:44
Along with you guys I am totally convinced that the sound I have is the sound I want which is why when I change a component for something a little less old, I do not want to completely cock up what I currently have. I shall be replacing the Rotel power amps with something brand new because, as I have already said, they are now over twenty years old and I do not trust them. They are to be replaced with Croft power amps just as soon as funds are there. The Linn LVV tonearm is to be replaced due to the fact it is even older but these changes are not being made just for the sake of chasing a dream which almost always turns into a nightmare.