View Full Version : NVA Phono 2 and Twin PSU

02-06-2015, 21:13

My NVA Phono 2 and Twin PSU (that's two NVA power supplies in one full-width case, rather than two separate PSUs). Reason for selling? I'm 100% digital!

They're in the older metal cases and there is a little wear and tear - see pic.

£250 the pair. They're in Littlehampton, West Sussex.

02-06-2015, 21:18
Nice bit of kit

04-06-2015, 10:42
Dave, would it be possible for you to provide a photograph of the rear of these two units? I ask as it it unusual to come across a pair of power supplies built into a single case.

Do you know how old these units are, as NVA have been housing their electronics in acrylic cases for a long time?


04-06-2015, 10:59
MM or MC would also be useful?

04-06-2015, 22:17
Hi Barry

Sure. Back panel shot no problem. Leave it with me.

I'm not sure how many twin PSUs were made. This may be a one-off, built for me by RD.

I guess they're 20-odd years old.

04-06-2015, 22:17
Hi Mark

Sorry about that. MM.

05-06-2015, 17:09
The modern version with twin supplies is very capable indeed....... Great price if these are stock items.

06-06-2015, 11:00
I had a single psu version of the mm phono 2. cracking kit, that should be even better with the dual mono psu :)

deffo worth a go Mark if you have a suitable SUT. though not to complex to change to MC ;) (I know a man who has just done the same thing with my old phono2.....)

07-06-2015, 14:32
They are stock items, just one box for the PSUs not two.

Pix as requested by Barry will be along RSN.

07-06-2015, 14:34
Thanks Darren

And FWIW, the rule with NVA is the more and bigger PSUs the (considerably) better ;-)

07-06-2015, 18:35
As requested, here are the backs of the two boxes, showing the Phono 2 plugged into the twin PSU.


08-06-2015, 21:56
At £250, they were a good price.

They're now a bargain at £225.

10-06-2015, 17:27
Will I have to think about putting them on eBay?

12-06-2015, 17:50
Treat yourself this weekend. £200 the lot!

12-06-2015, 19:17
I use a Phono 2 with one PSU (which I've purchased) and have often tried it with two PSU's. tech bods would say the huge power supplies are silly, but I can assure you that having the large supply and extra regulation over the Phono 1 is well worth it sonically. Adding the second supply does the same thing again and I shall do this when able!

Hope I'm allowed to say all this here. The thing I found is, the Phono 1 demands more of the source to give its best. the Phono 2 just seems more relaxed and the music is allowed more 'freedom,' even with the less than exalted vinyl sources I use with it currently (working on obtaining a proper large-format Dual for this system and missed two recently, mainly due to lack of funds - what's new :rolleyes:...).

P.S. I don't think service would be an issue either, should it ever be needed.

12-06-2015, 19:26
Hope I'm allowed to say all this here...

Course you are, as it's your honest opinion, based on personal experience. Why wouldn't you be able to say it?


12-06-2015, 19:59
I don't want to rock the boat (others do this very well, but hopefully not me).

I'm stunned how the circuit can respond so positively to a humungous single and then twin supply. Anyway, for two hundred notes (the cost of a current PSU), someone's hopefully in for a bargain and if the board's similar to current production, loading and gain adjustments can easily be made to customise it to the cartridge used.

12-06-2015, 20:13
I don't want to rock the boat (others do this very well, but hopefully not me).

No, you don't.

However, with respect, please lose the 'I wonder if I can say something positive about NVA, without getting my botty spanked' mentality, as that issue only exists in YOUR head. As other mods and I have said a hundred times, it's only the designer and his excuse of a 'forum' we have an issue with, not the equipment itself. It can't help who made it!

<Repeat that 10 times before bed>

Deal? :cool: ;)


12-06-2015, 20:15
Deal :lol:

12-06-2015, 20:16
Quality! :thumbsup:


13-06-2015, 12:42
Thanks @DSJR and @Marco

I agree, at £200, I am more or less giving them away.

Any questions? Just shoot me a PM.

08-07-2015, 09:30
I wonder why no one wants this fine top-spec NVA gear?

OK. Make me an offer.

They're no use to me as I'm 100% digital, but I do have new amp and digital front end projects awaiting funding.

02-08-2015, 12:21

19-08-2015, 21:48