View Full Version : LFD DLS Linestage / Preamp for Sale

01-06-2015, 17:30
Do you need more transparency, insight into the soul of the music? Is there an irritating sibilance with female vocals at times or could harmonics be better separated into their own space? Do you want to hear the finger plucking the guitar & have good enough source amp & speakers to handle it? You might be interested in this preamp. I already use LFD amps & cables, and feel (especially at low volume) that my Krell KRC-3 offers a better synergy in my system. Having said this the KRC-3 has a flatter soundstage, the DLS being far more 3D and 'hanging in space'.


My mini-review:

For those accustomed to LFD amp virtues of extremely low grain, natural timbres with a wicked, unadulterated ability to communicate the life and soul of the music the DLS offers more of the same.

It is incredibly transparent yet full-sounding (it makes other preamps seem flatter) and dynamic. Passive preamps sound tonally 'grey' and 'thin' in comparison and lack dynamics, even the best ones. What really gets me time and time again about this preamp is the holographic, walk-through soundstage it produces, the exceptional tonal colour, and purity. I know a lot of people say LFD is 'tubelike', but I disagree - it transcends the boundaries between 'solid state' and 'tube' sound to make a sound designed for one thing: long-term listening enjoyment, and not sonic fireworks.

Now for the caveats: it is one of the most transparent, if not the most transparent, preamplifiers I have ever heard. You really do need an excellent source, power amp and speakers to achieve the full potential of the LFD DLS - if you haven't got these foundations right, then perhaps your money would be better invested elsewhere.


Only on AoS I am happy to offer 30 days sale or return on this preamplifier, which retails at £4,300. If bought on eBay then usual sales conditions apply. :)

I got it from Canada & had it converted back to 240V, a great bargain aside from the import duty, so I am offering it here at £2,050 incl. P&P, double-boxed and separate boxes.

eBay has extortionate fees, but great reach, so via eBay it is £2,250 to recoup the listing fees.




There is a slight paint chip on the power supply that i needed to get the units out in sunlight to get on photo, it's invisible indoors, but there isn't a mark on it since received.

02-06-2015, 19:08
Getting some interest now via eBay, LFD is more like Kondo / Japanese thinking rather than measurement brigade, this is a truly world-class linestage with NO magazine reviews! Like many of my components this would put the usual reviewed components to shame. Too much marketing, too little engineering...

07-06-2015, 10:06
3 days left on the eBay auction.

29-06-2015, 14:46
Price drop to £1,900. A truly stunning preamplifier. Units will be double boxed and waterproofed.

29-06-2015, 15:00
Am now making this available on other forums too. Whilst this hasn't got any reviews etc., Dr. Richard Bews is one of the finest designers, and just as importantly, builders of HiFi I know. LFD gear is quietly loved, no marketing or PR, and easily beats the majority of 'high end' commercial HiFi out there at several times the price.

15-07-2015, 19:31
Bump, suppose if it had a Naim badge on it this would have sold by now,. ;)

16-07-2015, 08:53
Have a bump.

Lovely amps.

02-08-2015, 20:28
Thanks Dave,

Bump & price drop to £1,800 incl. P&P. This is a superb preamp, much better than my Krell KRC-3 in a lot of ways. Would put it up against any pre regardless of cost.

Bit of coverage here:

"Audio Eden brought some mightily fine hardware to demonstrate. Mike Hamelin was manning the room. The new Kharma Elegance S7s ($20’000) and Elegance dB9-S (40’000) were both running on different days. Front end was the Linn Majic SIM Neo 380 DSD, the LFD DLS line stage ($5’700) and...

... the LFD Anniversary monoblocks ($12’000/pr.) Listening sessions were worthwhile, the level of sophistication and sonic pedigree exceeding the price tags. Good choices here and the addition of the artwork increased the upscale atmosphere."


13-11-2015, 12:33
Bump & a big price drop to £1,550.

20-11-2015, 09:25
...what a tough market at the moment. I am going to let the eBay listing run its course for 5 days, but after that, if it doesn't sell am going to sell my Krell KRC-3 instead.

Insane price reduction to £1,150!!!

21-11-2015, 11:40
No longer for sale. It is just too good to sell at this price. Plugged it back in last night, making sweet sweet music. I will sell my Krell KRC-3 instead.

21-11-2015, 11:44
Dont blame you.. Lovely bit of kit that.