View Full Version : Wanted: Turntable with nice looking wooden plinth - £200 max

01-06-2015, 09:34
I'd like a nice looking tt to go in a 2nd system.
Must have a woody look to go with décor.

Direct drive preferred but not essential.
Auto or semi-auto function would be cool but not essential.
Must have arm mounted.

I can supply cartridge.

What have you? :)

01-06-2015, 10:32
For that budget and if you want semi-auto, a Dual CS-5000 is a very pretty option. I used to have one and they sound pretty decent with a good cartridge. Ortofons work well on them.

01-06-2015, 10:49
I'm on the edge of selling my Ariston RD80. It's neither direct drive nor auto or semi-auto. But, It does have a nice wooden plinth, and the original Ariston arm mounted. And, it would go for less that your asking price.

01-06-2015, 10:52
I should also add that it sounds great to me!

01-06-2015, 10:55
For that budget and if you want semi-auto, a Dual CS-5000 is a very pretty option. I used to have one and they sound pretty decent with a good cartridge. Ortofons work well on them.


Coo, yep, that would be great :thumbsup:

01-06-2015, 10:59
I'm on the edge of selling my Ariston RD80. It's neither direct drive nor auto or semi-auto. But, It does have a nice wooden plinth, and the original Ariston arm mounted. And, it would go for less that your asking price.

Coo -yep, and you're not far off in Brizzle - I could come collect

photo? :)

Ah - just looking at some Google images - I really want a full wood top like the Dual above.

01-06-2015, 11:06
It's this one: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?35193-ARISTON-RD80-with-original-arm-Goldring-G820-cartridge&highlight=ariston

But, yes, it doesn't have a full wooden top, just a nice surround, I suppose.

01-06-2015, 11:33
Yes, I want a full wood top. But thanks for replying, Peter.

01-06-2015, 11:40
No problems. Good luck with your search. Let me know if you change your mind.

01-06-2015, 12:21
Try searching ebay et al for 'AR The Turntable'

01-06-2015, 15:09
Try searching ebay et al for 'AR The Turntable'

Yep, good plan! But none in sight at the moment.

Gordon Steadman
01-06-2015, 15:40
Yep, good plan! But none in sight at the moment.

None in France or, surprisingly, Germany either. Nice looking machine that. There were actually a couple of other wooded models in Germany but one was collection only and the other had the crappiest veneering job I have ever seen. It was listed as 'professionally restored":lol:

01-06-2015, 15:43
theres a few listed


but none as nice as mine :)

01-06-2015, 16:34
Also look for Systemdek IIX maybe. None going today but one will pop up soon.

I have one at the moment and it is very pretty indeed but has been reserved by someone else I am afraid...


01-06-2015, 16:41
Oooo - those last two posts could be considered to be inhumane and unnecessarily cruel! ;)

01-06-2015, 16:49

not all wood but think its a sleeper

Gordon Steadman
01-06-2015, 16:54
www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251978511447?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251978511447?_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT)

not all wood but think its a sleeper
Wow, that is funky... I'd rather like that for my collection. Never seen one before.

Ammonite Audio
01-06-2015, 17:20
Push the budget a bit and I could be persuaded to part with my Pioneer PL-71, which is very woody.

01-06-2015, 17:21
Push the budget a bit and I could be persuaded to part with my Pioneer PL-71, which is very woody.

£201? :)

Ammonite Audio
01-06-2015, 17:26
£201? :)

Ha! I suppose I asked for that!

50% more, then?

01-06-2015, 17:31
Thanks Hugo - but I suspect I can get what I want within budget.

Not really looking for a great deck like the PL-71. Something humbler.

.... I might come back to you on that after pondering a while, mind. :)

Ammonite Audio
01-06-2015, 17:32
I'm in no hurry, but since the KD-990 arrived, I really don't need to keep the Pioneer.

01-06-2015, 17:39
Thanks Hugo - but I suspect I can get what I want within budget.

Not really looking for a great deck like the PL-71. Something humbler.

.... I might come back to you on that after pondering a while, mind. :)

Aww I was going to suggest the same, it's a lovely looking turntable and just works.

01-06-2015, 17:42
I like the pl71. its much better than it is often rated and for the money they go for, a bargain.

01-06-2015, 17:58
Yes, I've had one before - lovely deck.

01-06-2015, 18:15
Yes, I've had one before - lovely deck.

Remember reading about your experiences & then ended up with one myself, so thanks!

johnny reggae
02-06-2015, 09:16
Hi, I have a all wood plinth systemdek 11x ,in near mint condition, with a Linn basic plus arm, and a A&R P77 cartridge, still in good nick, used as a back-up to my Thorens, selling as I have just got a Ariston rd40. £200

02-06-2015, 09:32
Hi, I have a all wood plinth systemdek 11x ,in near mint condition, with a Linn basic plus arm, and a A&R P77 cartridge, still in good nick, used as a back-up to my Thorens, selling as I have just got a Ariston rd40. £200

Thanks Andy - that's quite tempting.
Can you post it safely? Surrey is a bit out of my way, sadly.


johnny reggae
02-06-2015, 17:29
Hi Jerry,
I would not like to send, to fragile I feel. is there anybody who could bring it up to you

02-06-2015, 17:37
No, I don't think so - never mind, thanks for the offer, Andy.

Still looking! :)

Gordon Steadman
03-06-2015, 16:55
This might be worth taking a punt on. The extra £150 would probably see it working fine.


03-06-2015, 17:14
This might be worth taking a punt on. The extra £150 would probably see it working fine.


And you can make spears out of it. It says so! :D

03-06-2015, 17:47
Thanks Gordon, but I don't really want the faff of getting it sorted.
There's another ebay listing I'm keeping my eye on, ;)

03-06-2015, 21:45

04-06-2015, 05:38

Hmm, yep, thanks, I spotted that one myself.

That one looks good but strikes me as a bit expensive and it is collection only from Derby, way oop north from me.

There's a dd item on t'bay that I quite fancy. ;) ... no, I'd rather you didn't post any speculative links that might encourage other folks to compete with me. :lol:

06-06-2015, 06:26
£30 over budget on BIN, but looks nice. Not sure about the"current noise" someone else here might be able to advise if ok.


06-06-2015, 06:33
£30 over budget on BIN, but looks nice. Not sure about the"current noise" someone else here might be able to advise if ok.


Yep, thanks. Seen that one, Sean. Lovely looking deck.

As you say, a bit put off by the motor noise, not sure if that is symptomatic of incipient problems?

There's an auction ending soon I'm keeping my eye on. :whistle:

Must admit, a bit irrationally, I prefer the idea of a direct drive with strobe markings - for that extra peace of mind!

06-06-2015, 11:47
The AR turntables are great decks, I had one for a while and really liked it but they are pretty prone to footfall problems if you have a suspended wooden floor, well mine was anyway.

06-06-2015, 11:56
There was a nice Rotel one i saw the other day Jerry..it was under budget i think and looked in good nick. they were decent decks and have pitch if memory serves

06-06-2015, 13:31
I just now won rotel 3000 dd tt on ebay, so sorted now :)

06-06-2015, 13:55
might have been the one i saw...looked nice

06-06-2015, 19:00
Here she is, looks in good condition


Audio Al
06-06-2015, 19:06
That looks lovely Jerry :thumbsup:

06-06-2015, 19:10
Looks good. Nice price too.

Decent enough arm on those. Just bung a good headshell on and it'll sound great.

07-06-2015, 05:57
Thanks folks, yup, looking forward to giving her a spin.
Lovely SAE (Micro Seiki) mm cartridge all ready and waiting in a decent Ortofon headshell.

T'will be a few weeks before I get her installed in her new home, I'll post up a pic or 3 when I do. :)