View Full Version : waxxker

22-05-2015, 18:49
after suffering 3 days of awfull pain in my left ear and jaw i decided to go to the docs, pain killers had stopped working. 'go to the dentist, im not trained in dentristry' my teeth dont hurt i said,' its not your ear go to dentist'.'run along you fool'(is how it came across) Now his knowledge may prove fruitul but his attitude was god awful, i could have twated the cxxt and made his jaw hurt!! just wanted to get that off my chest, jim

Audio Al
22-05-2015, 22:05
Nicely put :lol:

23-05-2015, 07:33
I can top that.
Many years ago I contracted scabies via my ex who is a teacher. There was no doubt it was scabies, caught from one of the pupils.

I visited the doctor, can't recall what he thought it was. I said I think it's scabies, he said 'I don't give a f*ck what you think it is', I kid you not :eek:

I promptly changed my doctor, wish I had reported him with hindsight.

:) Alan

23-05-2015, 09:18
Hmmm... seven years training to be an idiot...! I just grew up that way :eyebrows:

23-05-2015, 09:43
I can top that.
Many years ago I contracted scabies via my ex who is a teacher. There was no doubt it was scabies, caught from one of the pupils.

I visited the doctor, can't recall what he thought it was. I said I think it's scabies, he said 'I don't give a f*ck what you think it is', I kid you not :eek:

I promptly changed my doctor, wish I had reported him with hindsight.

:) Alan

had a similar experience in hospital. the wife took me to casualty and told them i had a collapsed lung...thet gave her short shrift and told her to leave the diagnosis to people who know... after an xray they appologised and admitted reluctantly that i had a collapsed lung

23-05-2015, 13:28
I visited the doctor, can't recall what he thought it was. I said I think it's scabies, he said 'I don't give a f*ck what you think it is', I kid you not :eek:

I'd have given him a dull slap. Doctor or no doctor, no way would I put up with anyone speaking to me like that, or more importantly, treating me with such contempt and disrespect! Nah, the idiot deserved a royal cock punching :punch: :punch:

Some of these doctors have a completely over-inflated sense of self importance that needs taking down a peg or two! At the end of the day, they're paid to serve US not for us to serve them!!


24-05-2015, 02:48
I once went to the doctor a couple of years ago & the weather was horrendous! I ploughed through nearly 2 feet of snow at my end just to get out to the main road where it wasn't much better. Anyway, I got to the surgery only to find that my own doctor wasn't in that day and I got sent to another, female, doctor. No problem I thought. Anyway, we had the usual small talk & all she did was complain about how difficult it had been to get to the surgery in her new car. I'm into cars so was immediately at ease. I drive a 13 yo Golf. I asked her what her new car was and she told me it was a Discovery! And she had problems? That kinda set the tone.

I can't even remember what my ailment was but she duly handed me over the script and I looked at it. Now, I have this fixation about completion. I saw her initial was 'T' and I wracked my brain trying to think of a woman's fist name beginning with T. I couldn't come up with anything. So, as I stood up to leave I looked at the script again and asked her what the T stood for. She got really hard-nosed and accused me of being unprofessional. I pointed out to her that she's supposed to be the fuckin' professional, not me. I'm on minimum wage, not £100k for sitting on my fat arse all day!

I complained at the desk on the way out & I've never been seen by her again.

Her name is Tanya by the way.


24-05-2015, 06:57
Tanya sounds like a right royal bi*ch. Apparently she could benefit from a driving course as well :mental:
What is it with some of these people? Just because they have had so many years of training, or what?

A good patient interaction is surely beneficial to the patient, particularly those that have a bit of a phobia about visiting the doctor.


24-05-2015, 11:25
She's a horror. To be fair though, my regular doctor is a nice guy. He's about half my age though which is a bit weird. I guess it probably says more about me than him though. :cool:

Anthony K
24-05-2015, 12:31
You should have bitch clouted him with his own leg....yeah I understand they are stressed but rudeness is uncalled for

24-05-2015, 13:40
You can usually spot a doctor pretty quickly. If they've gone fully ten seconds without patronising you then they are probably not!

Anthony K
24-05-2015, 13:59
Too many of them think they are sub-gods with the power to heal

24-05-2015, 14:24
My doctor is cool.
I suffer from low cholesterol levels, so he advised me to drink a small glass of a single malt every day. :cool:

24-05-2015, 15:25
You can usually spot a doctor pretty quickly. If they've gone fully ten seconds without patronising you then they are probably not!
