View Full Version : Wanted. Leak 20' series tweeter/s

12-05-2015, 14:35
So I've got my Leaks at last and they are sooooooooo sweet!

I do however have a dead tweeter to sort. I've measured the hell out of it and am pretty sure the drive unit itself is shot.

I therefore find myself wondering if anyone on here has either one or a pair of them I can purchase?

Failing that can anyone point me at suitable replacements?

Cheers folks.

12-05-2015, 17:21
Looks like this.

I get the impression that they were also used in some Wharfedale boxes of the same era.

12-05-2015, 17:35
Those were used in the Wharfedale Triton, Dovedale III and Rosedale. Can't recall any other models they were in.

They regularly crop up on eBay.

12-05-2015, 17:55
Yeah there is a pair on at the moment for £70 each + postage. I mean really?

12-05-2015, 17:59
Yeah there is a pair on at the moment for £70 each + postage. I mean really?

That's just silly. £20 more like it.

13-05-2015, 09:27
Keep watching t'Bay.
They come up regularly.
Leaks still appear often, whole; I know as they have been on my 'Watchlist' for years.
I own 3 sets; Minis/Original sandwich (2 unit, 15 ohm) and also the monsters....3090s, that were the price of a car in 70s!

13-05-2015, 21:39
Nice. I don't regret much but letting my 3090's go makes the list.

14-05-2015, 09:39
Mine in use for TV! Though in reserve if I ever sell the Ocellia Calliopes......14765