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View Full Version : How do you set up a 'Starred' playlist in Spotify?

05-05-2015, 21:18

If someone could outline a simple, easily understood, step-by-step process, explaining the above procedure, I'd be much obliged! :)


05-05-2015, 21:25
If it is like the PC version Marco you just star tracks you like and they get added to the starred play list automatically.

So as long as you
1) Know how to star a track you like and
2) Can see where on the GUI you can access the starred playlist

you are in business.

05-05-2015, 21:29
Well, the answer would be I don't know how to 'star' a track I like. How does one do that?

What's a GUI? Remember that you're talking to a total noob here! I'm currently in this menu in Spotify, and stuck: https://play.spotify.com/user/113357243/starred


05-05-2015, 21:36
GUI - graphical user interface.

But you are using a web based interface - still a GUI - but you are not using the Spotify ap.

I can't access your web page as I am no longer a Spotify member and I can't be arsed to sign in for free access. But does right clicking on a track bring up a menu? If so it might say "add to playlist" and then have Starred as an option.

05-05-2015, 21:51
OK been playing with the web interface - as I said really.

Just right click on a track and select "Add to..." (not Add to playlist as I said above). Starred "should" be the top option on the menu that follows.

05-05-2015, 21:54
Hi Justin.

Yes, that works! Right-clicking on a song gives you the option of sending it to a playlist, or 'starring' it. Cheers :)

Unfortunately, however, it doesn't solve my problem of how to get Volumio (on the RPi) to recognise and play the tracks I've 'starred' or added to my playlist in Spotify (hence why I asked the question).... We'll get there, though!


05-05-2015, 22:03
Volumio - pass for obvious reasons.

Spotify has changed I think - there used to be little yellow stars you could click on that would add to the starred playlist, but maybe my memory fails me there. Pretty sure not, though.

Nevermind. S/W changes all the time as different programmers arse around with basically good code, changing it just for the sake of it a lot of the time.

Anyway MQA decoders and TIDAL is where the future is at. Maybe:D;)

05-05-2015, 22:11
Yeah, lol. Thanks anyway for your help in getting this far :)
