View Full Version : Wanted To Buy. A pair of Grado SR80s

28-03-2015, 10:30
I'm looking to buy a pair of Grado SR 80 headphones. I currently use a pair of Beyer TP50s to use with my DAP player but i'd like a pair of Grados to compare!
Anyone have a pair they don't use anymore and wish to sell them? I realise there are pairs for sale on Ebay but prefer to buy from a fellow on AoS.

Best Regards

28-03-2015, 11:45
Hi Ray
I have a pair of SR 60's with the RS1000 ear cups - phenomenal upgrade to the stock Grados. There are a few threads on here about the SQ improvement the bigger cups bring to the party.

28-03-2015, 13:28
Thank you for your reply Steve,much appreciated!
A friend of mine has a pair he wishes to sell but a bit pricy in my opinion!

I'm going to stick with buying the SR80s but thank you all the same.


28-03-2015, 15:41
No worries Ray


28-03-2015, 18:50
I remember doing a notable demo comparison of 80's vs. the 90's and the 90's were definitely worth the extra when new.. Up to you sir, but don't rule a nice pair of 90's out...

10-04-2015, 19:04
Hello to all.
Sorry for my tardy reply. I have now acquired a pair.
Thank you all for your replies.
I have listened to them in depth and prefer them to a pair of Sennheiser HD600s I own, but to be honest! I never really liked the 600s!? Hardly used the Sennheiser since I first purchased them! (one's mans meat etc!)


Anthony K
10-04-2015, 19:53
Grado sr90???

10-04-2015, 19:57
Grado sr90???
I think David was referring to the SR60s Anthony.

10-04-2015, 19:57
I remember doing a notable demo comparison of 80's vs. the 90's and the 90's were definitely worth the extra when new.. Up to you sir, but don't rule a nice pair of 90's out...

There ain't no such animal...:scratch:

Anthony K
10-04-2015, 22:51
Ahhh I thought he meant the next step up the 125s