View Full Version : Yaqin mc-100b kt88 valve amplifier

27-03-2015, 13:28
Not using this now as I only have one system so i will tentatively sell it on a pickup only basis. Fettled for 240volts and looks and sounds fab. very heavy and has an external tx to drop voltage. very quiet amp with 3 inputs on back and can be used in triode mode producing 30 valve watts or linear mode producing 40 watts. It can also but used as a power amp by flicking a switch on front and using front connections. valves are E Harmonics and are all in great nick. just been rebiased. recently replaced 2 valves.

will let go for £300. very firm.

i can supply a full set of extra valves if needed...Gold Lion kt88s etc. just ask for a price.

going to take more pics shortly but here is one to be going on with..I dont want to give myself a row:eyebrows:









27-03-2015, 17:31
I had a Yaqin amp before as well as a yarland, both lovely amps.
your price though is listed in euro, is that a typo?
only saying as 300euro is £219 app

27-03-2015, 18:02
I had a Yaqin amp before as well as a yarland, both lovely amps.
your price though is listed in euro, is that a typo?
only saying as 300euro is £219 app

lol...well noticed. I did it on the tablet.. changed to gbp. thanks

its a lot of amp for little money. it had never blinked. thats because its running off the correct voltage

27-03-2015, 19:50
Great amp, Grant. I know it very well indeed, as it was my first ever foray into the thermionic world, after coming from years of using Naim gear. The Yaqin sounds superb and will compete with or outperform many 'audiophile badged' valve amps at three or four times the price of it new!!

You need to push the fact, for those who may not know, that the amp has a dual-mono PSU, which is a rather good thing and not always found on amps of that nature ;)

Good luck with the sale! :cool:


27-03-2015, 20:37
Great amp, Grant. I know it very well indeed, as it was my first ever foray into the thermionic world, after coming from years of using Naim gear. The Yaqin sounds superb and will compete with or outperform many 'audiophile badged' valve amps at three or four times the price of it new!!

You need to push the fact, for those who may not know, that the amp has a dual-mono PSU, which is a rather good thing and not always found on amps of that nature ;)

Good luck with the sale! :cool:


Lol, yep folks, this amp has a dual mono psu :eyebrows:
2 lovely large power transformers and 2 lovely output ones, all japanese made. You get no buzz

28-03-2015, 07:47
I am interested, I'm in Dundee, any plans for travel near me ? or would you consider a half-way meet.

28-03-2015, 11:16
PM sent Jim

28-03-2015, 16:38
Sold to Jim (monkfish) nice chap.

29-03-2015, 08:14
Thanks Grant
It was nice to meet you, due to feeling ruff when I got home and my granddaughter going to bed early not much listening done.
Will give it a good session today and report back.

29-03-2015, 09:15
Thanks Grant
It was nice to meet you, due to feeling ruff when I got home and my granddaughter going to bed early not much listening done.
Will give it a good session today and report back.

nice amp that Jim. it should sound good with your speakers.

29-03-2015, 15:36
Sure Jerry had one of those tucked away when I was round there a while back. Didn't get to hear it though:(

29-03-2015, 18:25
Yes he did and I bought it off him... wonderful amp and you wont hear better for twice the money....absolute bargain.. :goodluck:

29-03-2015, 18:35
I had one of these amps and for the price it is unbeatable... ;);)

29-03-2015, 22:45
I had one of these amps and for the price it is unbeatable... ;);)

Yes Bev, I really liked it but it needed to go as I have to reduce my box count now. Glad it found a good home.