View Full Version : Hi all

05-03-2015, 13:17
My name's Mark and I've been invloved in car audio for too long. :eek: Before I get banned on day one, I'm not the thug who'll drive down a neighbourhood setting off car alarms and waking children, my audio was built to reproduce the same standard of SQ as you guys would expect at home, just in a somewhat less friendly environment. This means factors like phase aren't that mysterious to me. :doh:

I've joined here because I'm travelling less in the car and have decided to set my sights on a home setup. Seeing as there are easy ways and hard ways to do anything, I'm challenging myself to build cheap but see if I can get better than expected results. It'll be a long, slow process, probably involving many upgrades/downgrades/swaps/periods of banging head against the wall but I hope that the end result will be worth it.

I've some idea of what the decent brands are in car audio but am completely unaware of the majority of good makes (at the value end ;) ), so would be grateful for pointers in that direction initially.

In terms of music, I listen to nearly anything - as in I struggle with some forms of jazz and country music but listen to just about anything else, the last few albums I listened to are:

Dire Straights - Making Movies
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Skunk Anansie - Stoosh
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast
John Williams - 40 years of films

So that's me...

05-03-2015, 18:48
Welcome to AoS Mark,

So you're the one who puts all those poor dwarves into people's car boots and make the rest of us have to put up with their banging on the boot lid as the cars drive by! :lol: I jest of course, as the owner of this Forum will concur, in-car audio is a sophisticated item these days.

Regarding your request for advice on assembling a domestic audio system, we need a few details. What will you primary music source be: computer download; CD or vinyl? Do you have any restrictions on the size and location of the speakers. And finally, roughly what is you budget?

We have many knowledgable members here, who I am sure will be along soon to offer you some advice.

Welcome again


05-03-2015, 19:04
Hi Barry and thanks.

Sources will be cd, vinyl and pc. Probably with cd being the main source.

Budget? Well I need something running then will upgrade so am looking at only a few hundred pounds to start. :doh:

Eagle owl
07-03-2015, 16:44
Hello and welcome Mark.

Geoff. :wave: