View Full Version : WANTED: Cassette Deck

02-03-2015, 20:11
I'm looking for a cassette deck to listen to my old tapes on.
I've always wondered what cassettes sound like on a 'proper' deck and I only ever had a midi set-up back in the day.

I've got quite a few cassette tapes kicking about that I'd like to have a go with so if anyone's got a deck that works and will part with please let me know.
I'm not bothered what it is as long as it works.

The Barbarian
02-03-2015, 20:17
Those late 80's Technics cassette decks were very good for the money..'RS-B755' & 'RS-B905'

02-03-2015, 20:27
I bought one off ebay recently but was gutted when it arrived because it no worky.:(
It was an 80's Aiwa something or other.
What an absolute waste of my hard earned 99p winning bid :D

02-03-2015, 20:34
I have a kenwood w4020 twin tape deck you could have for 40 pounds delivered1404614046

03-03-2015, 00:01
I bought one off ebay recently but was gutted when it arrived because it no worky.:(
It was an 80's Aiwa something or other.
What an absolute waste of my hard earned 99p winning bid :D

If you ever get over for the soundbar(depending on its workability) I might have something in the studio.

03-03-2015, 10:36
If you ever get over for the soundbar(depending on its workability) I might have something in the studio.

PM sent

03-03-2015, 18:16
PM sent re cassette deck.

03-03-2015, 19:37