View Full Version : Chord Signature Tuned Aray 1m RCA

Anthony K
02-03-2015, 15:46
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/673/ieh8cQ.jpghttp://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/909/dwLWsD.jpgMint and boxed as new

Only put this in my system on Saturday and it is just settling down.
For the retail price it is very, very impressive.Micro Detail, speed , timing and soundstage are truly Superb. I spent most of Sunday throwing as much complex Music at it as I could , Jazz , Electronica , IDM and it stood up unscathed , much to my surprise as I have heard cables twice the list price sounding sluggish and haphazard in comparison.

My reason for sale.........Another cable beckons at a price I cannot resist.

Current price £765 selling for £400

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/901/9inIgl.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/673/clRIjJ.jpg
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/538/9mt7qM.jpg http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/640x480q90/661/z2TrJM.jpg

Anthony K
03-03-2015, 15:06
Bump for reduction

03-03-2015, 17:57
Yum yum, that's sweet.

Anthony K
03-03-2015, 21:37
thanks it seems too sweet :smoking:

Anthony K
04-03-2015, 14:13
bumpsy - this was awarded best interconnect 2014 HiFi News

Anthony K
05-03-2015, 11:01
:pat: bump and open to offers

Anthony K
05-03-2015, 20:06
These have now been sold