View Full Version : Banana plugs and bi-wiring

27-02-2015, 22:41
Wow! I recently bi-wired my speakers because I had read that it actually worked really well with mine.
I used banana plugs for the first time, and had to work out what to do at the amp end, which only had one set of speaker posts. So, I stacked the plugs. And, I listened for a while and wasn't greatly impressed:scratch:. The sound was ok, but it was somehow off. So, this evening I just wired both speaker cables into one plug for each speaker post in the amp - Bingo!!:stalks: Lovely sound back. Now I get it. :eek:

So, yeah, easy and free tweak - don't stack (cheap) banana plugs.

27-02-2015, 22:47
Used to bi amp my main system and liked it. Never just biwired from one amp though. If it works it workss though.

27-02-2015, 22:53
I'm stunned by the difference caused by the way I have used the plugs. Before the soundstage was ok, but not huge - kind of clear but in between the speakers. Now, it's as wide as the room and detailed. It's a shame it's late in the evening because I'd really like to turn the volume up just a bit more to get the full effect. Really enjoying this again now. (and this is only with cheap plugs. I may invest in better plugs now to see if I can get a little bit more joy out of the system.)

I've tried bi-wiring before with different speakers and wasn't impressed. But, with these (Mission MX3s) it seems to make a difference that's worth keeping.

27-02-2015, 23:01
I like the Z plugs Nordost use on their speaker cable


They make good surface contact and are easy to solder, giving a good size soldered joint. I just heatshrink sleeve the back where the cable entry is.

27-02-2015, 23:06
Yes. I've been pointed that way before (or seen discussions here somewhere about them). I don't have a soldering iron and have no experience of using one. So, they would be beyond me for now. I do intend to learn how to solder stuff in due course.
The plugs I bought were about £8 for 20! A cheap punt to see if the idea worked. It does, so getting 'better' ones would be worthwhile. Mind you, I'm really happy with what I can hear right now, so there's no rush.

27-02-2015, 23:19
Plenty good solder less versions too

27-02-2015, 23:22
Yeah. I'll put the effort into finding them soon.
This is what I like about the level of 'hi-fi' I'm at. I've spent less than £40 and, once I got it right, I've got a better sounding system which is making me happy and excited.

27-02-2015, 23:30
It doesnt have to be about cash ..that's a mistake often made.

28-02-2015, 07:59
Good stuff! Yeah bi-wiring depends on the crossover in your speakers. On some speakers you hear a difference, on some not. I run shotgun on mine (so i have two cables with + and - in them for each channel), one of them with bananas the other with spades on the amp end. Works fine. I would like to get AN cables where you have four separate conductors per channel, neatly terminated in one pair of connectors per channel on the amp end.