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17-02-2015, 22:19
Calling all secret goths...

If you are a bit of a secret goth or just a fan of The Sisters Of Mecy/Peter Murphy (Bauhaus) may I point you towards my most recent vinyl (also on CD etc.) aquistion - Turkish Leather by Ritual Howls (just released).

Enjoy .

P.S. If you are not a fan of Mr Murphy or the Sisters I would recommend steering well clear - this ones not for you :).

The Barbarian
17-02-2015, 22:23
Goths! i know i like living in the past but 400BC :eyebrows:

17-02-2015, 22:34
I'm more of a Hun myself. ;)

17-02-2015, 22:42
The lass 2 doors down used to be a Goth... she looked ridiculous which was a shame as she was pretty. She had a kid and grew out of it;) funnily enough she is also a HUN in Scottish terms :eyebrows:

17-02-2015, 23:33
And some say forums are insular, parochial places - difficult to believe...

17-02-2015, 23:51

17-02-2015, 23:59
And some say forums are insular, parochial places - difficult to believe...

Yes, and? :D

18-02-2015, 08:57
I'm a big time Sisters of Mercy fan so I will be checking this out.

18-02-2015, 10:39
I've always found goths rather 'interesting'...


The Barbarian
18-02-2015, 13:10
I find they look like total twits.Why on earth people would want to walk around looking like Frankenstein's Monster is beyond me.

18-02-2015, 14:04
I find they look like total twatz.Why on earth people would want to walk around looking like Frankenstein's Monster is beyond me.

That's exactly the reaction they want. They think it's 'cool' to be different, so they all dress the same! :rolleyes:

The Barbarian
18-02-2015, 14:14
Aye my brother-in-law is one :rolleyes: , Attentions seekers spring to mind..

18-02-2015, 14:16
The goth reference was just a bit of fun to reference the vague style of the music. In retrospect, this thread would have been better titled - 'calling all grumpy old twots'! Shouldn't you boys be wasting your time adding to the 'things I can't stop moaning about' thread elsewhere on the forum?

The Barbarian
18-02-2015, 15:04
vague style of the music! i never knew their was a music to the style, i was under the impression they dressed to represent all things Gothic as in such characters like Dracula as well as horrific based characters such as Frankenstein & having a thing about Death/satanic etc etc..Id have though things like the Hellraiser/Cenobites would kinda be on the same lines..

18-02-2015, 15:14
Aye my brother-in-law is one :rolleyes: , Attentions seekers spring to mind..

Nah, that was mods, with their stupid Parkas on, and targets painted on the back, which we (as bikers) used to kick rather hard, right in the centre! ;)

That and their diddy-stupid little Vespas, used to make them the laughing stock of our school and neighbourhood... :wanker:


18-02-2015, 15:49
I think Mark's telling us off. :D

18-02-2015, 16:50
20 minutes on the naughty step all round!

18-02-2015, 17:08
20 minutes on the naughty step all round!



18-02-2015, 17:32
Hmm... I'm sure I wrote a bit more....

18-02-2015, 17:33
See my edit (on your post) ;)


18-02-2015, 18:25
You can't see that in Tapatalk - you edited out an entirely valid comment I made - well inside the AUP, unlike 'thread crapping'.

18-02-2015, 18:50
Mark, your comment was provocative, personal and designed to wind up someone else, so I was perfectly within my right to remove it. Please keep personal remarks out of the discussion - and that also applies to everyone else.


18-02-2015, 19:02
Well Marco, I accept that; although I would counter that I am not prone to making personal remarks and and provocation already existed. On that note I will bite my lip till this particular teacup storm blows over.

18-02-2015, 19:13
Apologies, I'm on a really slow connection and can't find time for the whole thread. Sue and I always claim our acoustic version of "my immortal" by evanescence as our goth number. And I love evanescence now as a result.

Am I way wide of the mark?

18-02-2015, 19:23
Well Marco, I accept that; although I would counter that I am not prone to making personal remarks and and provocation already existed. On that note I will bite my lip till this particular teacup storm blows over.

Thank you - much appreciated :)


18-02-2015, 19:23
Apologies, I'm on a really slow connection and can't find time for the whole thread. Sue and I always claim our acoustic version of "my immortal" by evanescence as our goth number. And I love evanescence now as a result.

Am I way wide of the mark?

No, but I didn't know that you had goth in you! :eek:

Cool :smoking:


18-02-2015, 20:04
always liked a bit of the sisters so will give this a try, cheers

The Barbarian
18-02-2015, 20:32
I thought the only tastefully made up artist of this type was Siouxsie Sioux {Siouxsie & The Creatures/Banshees}

18-02-2015, 21:04
Apologies, I'm on a really slow connection and can't find time for the whole thread. Sue and I always claim our acoustic version of "my immortal" by evanescence as our goth number. And I love evanescence now as a result.

Am I way wide of the mark?

Just a bit. They're more of a pop rock/metal type band. Good tho' :smoking:

Spectral Morn
18-02-2015, 22:20
I thought the only tastefully made up artist of this type was Siouxsie Sioux {Siouxsie & The Creatures/Banshees}

Agreed very striking lady and still is.

I must say I like the Goth look and all its variations, but I like Victorian stuff and the Victorian look many Goth ladies adopt looks good to me. The music I am less keen on but there you go.

Regards Neil

19-02-2015, 11:05
Here's a link to the actual music/album:


I rather wish I had never mentioned the gothic element now - the band don't promote themselves as such.

19-02-2015, 11:11
Hmm. Sound like the backing from a Marylin Manson track with the good bits left out.

The Black Adder
19-02-2015, 11:15
I was a goff... well, still am - in a way. Problem is, I'm always too happy. Not good.


19-02-2015, 13:32
Hmm. Sound like the backing from a Marylin Manson track with the good bits left out.
