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View Full Version : My new sl1210

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 18:02
so.. first impresions..

put the oc9 on the mg10 headshel and then on the tt.. to my eye its pretty bloody acurately lines up straight away! good start
as follows is all in terms of a comparison with the roksan xerxes original
first i play a bit of justice vs simian. i think the best way to describe the sound is dynamic.. maybe even a bit too dynamic? there is a lot more controled bass, it kicks loads! the trelbe is sharper too somehow. basically the sound is a lot more full on! more modern sounding! certainly good for a bit of dance music
now dark side of the moon .. im sure its a cliche but i know this album almost too well!
same impresions to start with
with more listening i would say its not as refined as the roksan
its a bit like someone has made a happy smile shape with the eq.. the mids seem a bit soft, veiled i belive is the word .. 'us and them' sounds pretty good but as a gentle song it doesnt seem all there quite.. the sax is pretty good sounding though
i think the best way to describe the comparison would be to say: the roksan asks you quietly to pour your self a wiskey sit back and relax into the music
the techie tells you to pour your self a stella gets quite exited when you play some dynamic music but then with a gentle song trundles through it waiting for something interesting to happen so it can tell you about it in great detail
hope that makes sence, im not great at this sort of thing!

in conclusion i can def see the atraction.. but i just wanna spend more moolar now!?

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 18:04
sorry if you just read this in that other thread i have deleted it from there now to start a new thread so i can write up my progress in its own thread

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 18:06
Im sat at the just the right height now to see just how warped some of my records are
can anyone suggest a good cheapish weight .. and a reasonable priced mat too i guess
infact .. in a bid to do this cheaply has anyone got either of those 2 things that would be suitable for this deck?

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 18:12
in fact.. it would apear that the crappy mat is adding to the wonkyness of the records

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 18:15
just put the roksan mat on... much less wonkyness
hmm ... sounds better too... maybe thats just me.. sounds less vieled... aaagh... i think im going mad

21-08-2009, 18:46
First, how is the techie sited? It needs better feet (so say almost all owners).

The OC9 NEEDS several LP's at least to settle. i always recommended running at 1.7g for the first several LP's and then backing off to 1.5g once settled. Did it for me.. The ML tip will be very sensitive to overall arm height, at least to start with. Try lowering the back of the arm a little - my eyes are terrible and I always had a tendency to set the arm too high at the back.

The original mat will big up the bass qa bit as well. Get a recommended one as suggested by Dave Cawley.

I'd also recommend looking at the Time-step before an arm transplant, but more experienced users will advise you better.

Don't give up on the Techie yet. it will only get better from here.

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 19:50
im def not giving up on it! im quite suprised how good it is... its a shed load better than the td160 but thats prob down to having never put the oc9 on the td160!
there is def an improvement since i sacked off the techie mat.. im almost sure of it

the arm is as low as it will go (i think) and it looks pretty much paralel to me

over all i would say it could be def forgiven its short comeings

im actually a little bit disapointed... in a wierd way i was hping to be able to pick more holes... i was hoping the gap between it and my xerxes would be bigger
this "sound for pound" ethos people seem to like on here is making more sence to me by the day

im listening to air 'moon safari' now.. its def not as "pleasant" a listen as it was on the xerxes .. im im not sure that is a bad thing!? its def not as refined! i dont think that the little spitty noises you hear in the singers mouth in the quiet bits are as clear... i guess thats a lessening of detail.... i quite like to get that back, and have it in combination with the hightened dynamics... i think i can see how this is a good starting point

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 20:15
i am obviously way too over exited about this new turntable ... but here is a shody picture of it in situe


im gonna ado a snazzy photo tomo

Ammonite Audio
21-08-2009, 20:19
I've also been doing my own bit of SL1210 tinkering, and your comments find resonance with my general feelings. I do find, however, that given a decent external PSU upgrade, a replacement mat and some suitable feet, it starts to make a better case for itself. The standard arm (mine has been rewired by Audio Origami) is a pleasure to use and adjust, and turns in a respectable and refined performance until the music being played starts to get challenging, when the musical whole rather falls apart. I have also noticed that the arm's azimuth goes a bit awry unless it is locked in its lowest position (fortunately that's where it needs to be with most mats and cartridges) - set the arm a bit higher, and the locking lever does not seem to do a good enough job to hold the arm base level and true. At least that can be adjusted out with a Sumiko headshell.

I'm sufficiently encouraged by what the deck does well (with a helping hand) to invest a bit more in it, and I shall shortly be receiving a new Jelco SA-750D arm, plus arm plate and Mat1 from Sound HiFi. Having used a TecnoarmA and Origin Live armboard, I find the Rega based arm to be a PITA to adjust to be absolutely level and true on the Technics, and it doesn't easily go low enough to ensure proper setting of VTA without a giant sandwich of mats on the platter. I hope that the Sound HiFi bits have addressed that point (I'm sure that they have). I confess to being won over by the flexibility of changing cartridges easily with removeable headshells, and by VTF calibration markings that appear to be utterly accurate. That's Japanese engineering, I suppose! This deck does not demand much of the user!

Marco, stop coughing and wipe the coffee from the keyboard - I have not totally changed my view on Rega arms etc, nor on whether the Technics is better or worse at playing music than my Kenwood KD-770D! The new arm will also find a home on the Kenwood as the mood takes me. If I find the Jelco to be a beguiling musical player, then I shall sell the Tecnoarm on.

21-08-2009, 21:04
First, get that bloody carbon brush off the top-plate!!!

Second, get some proper feet for the techie.

Third, the Naim preamp underneath may *possibly* be picking up hum from the Technics' transformer just a few inches directly above where the phono boards in the Naim are usually located - just a thought if you're using the Naim input boards....

As before, is the OC9 a new one? if so, track the bloody thing at 1.7 for a few discs and then back off to 1.5 and make sure the thing is TIGHT in the headshell

What cables are you using from deck to preamp/amp? The originals aren't any great shakes i'm told..

The Vinyl Adventure
21-08-2009, 21:45
It's am old oc9 ... I have gota solution to mist the probls you speak of il post another pic when I'm home and done

21-08-2009, 21:47
Check the stylus and all but scrub it to death... Mine came up good as new and it was traded in years ago with distortion - the wear that's there means it won't play some worn records, but good ones sound fantastic with the Croft/AT630. The AVI MC input sounded 'orrid with this cartridge for some reason...

21-08-2009, 22:37
Hi Hamish,
Keep a detailed diary or keep up the frequent progress posts please - in a very short while, I hope, I shall be in exactly the same position as you, learning how to get the best out of a basic ex-eBay Techie - you can learn all the lessons, make all the newbie errors and then pass on to me the things to do and not to do :lol: :lol: .
Seriously though, good luck with it - I'm looking forward to playing with my new toy soon - enjoy!

David Price
21-08-2009, 22:48

The Roksan's probably "the belt drive SL1200", if ever there was one. Very speed stable, open, expansive. Should outperform a stock SL1200 in almost every respect, but there's gold in them there hills with the SL1200. The more you look, the more you find!

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 00:26
ok ..
isolating the 1210
i have used the roksan isolation rig, a spare shelf from my secondary hifi rack and some extra sorborthane pods under 1210 feet
as in picture


first impresions ... i think, i will let you know properly with less guiness in the system, but... at the mo i would say.. maybe a touch more detail.. at the sacrifice of solidity of bass... bass seems softer by a good portion and a little flat/single noted... at the mo at least....i think i should investigate ferther in the morning, with less guiness!
dave my good man, i got a whole lot of time for you! maybe, in conjunction with danjennngs, we can discuss progress together?

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 00:27
from the picture...i have since corrected the wonky back feet

22-08-2009, 00:30
That rear right foot looks like it's had a bit too much Guinness! :eyebrows:

22-08-2009, 00:30
Bah... too slow! :lol:

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 00:39
otherwise, scientifically speaking, what do you think of the improvements dave(dsjr)/mike... im gonna tweak in the moring when my brain works.. so any tips?

22-08-2009, 00:40
so any tips?

Yes... sell it to me for a pound! :eyebrows:

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 00:52
ha ... yeah ... selotape a quid into the inside of a birthday card, send it my way, and il drop it all off by hand............

22-08-2009, 01:03

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 12:56
ok so heres the mornings atempt at isolation.. i have put the sorborthan pods under the shelf insted of them wobbleing away under the feet like they have drunk to much guiness


il post info on what it sounds like when the missis has finnished watching her stories

22-08-2009, 14:03
dave my good man, i got a whole lot of time for you! maybe, in conjunction with danjennngs, we can discuss progress together?
Hi Hamish,
The feeling's mutual old chap (perhaps young chap would be more accurate, certainly more preferable ;) )
Good news, hot off the press: -
My Techie is scheduled for arrival Tuesday morning, together with (if Marco gets his finger out :lol: ) a new headshell and cartridge. So, ..... youve got until Tuesday mid day to get it all sorted and on to me with the optimum arrangements for mine without me having to spend any more money :lolsign::lolsign: .
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Have a good weekend with your new toy and music source.

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 14:39
there really is a proper possy of techie users on here now isnt there?!

my experiences so far say that isolation defintaly help out the mids, and calms things down a bit!
my little isolation solution might not be up to your ladys specs for looks though dave! i am fortunate to have a missis who doesnt care to much what it looks like provided a: i stop fiddleing with it all the time and put some bloody music on... and b: there is enough money for us to eat and have a few bevvys on a friday/saturday
so i can get away with a load of black metal and wood

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 15:06
it really is sounding very good at the moment! im actually shocked how little i have had to do to get thissort of sound out of it

The Vinyl Adventure
22-08-2009, 18:01
maybe its just coz its new but im finding my self drawn to listen to music with this player.. i only have about 30 vinyl and i think ive listened to a bit most of them.. the bigest improvement over the xerxes so far i think is love forever changes.. it sounded a bit flat on the xerxes
what im finding most interesting is how evn minor changes have such big improvements .. isolating it worked a treat
i think i like it more than the xerxes.. im not sure its better yet in terms of detail but i think i like it more.. dont tell marco i think he might get really smug if he keeps getting proven right

22-08-2009, 20:18
...And you haven't even "done" the regulator/power supply mods yet, let alone an arm transplant :)

22-08-2009, 20:24
it really is sounding very good at the moment! im actually shocked how little i have had to do to get thissort of sound out of it

Excellent news Hamish, for you and for me (and hopefully for Dan also - very quiet on that front :scratch: ). Keep it simple (and cheap) so that I can easily follow you.

22-08-2009, 20:31
dont tell marco i think he might get really smug if he keeps getting proven right

Tee hee... The most important thing is that you're lovin' it! *But*, there's plenty more to come, daddy-o!


23-08-2009, 08:36
and hopefully for Dan also - very quiet on that front :scratch:

I am here! just lurking....
Don't really know what I'm talking about here, so just reading and learning.
I'm a bit poor at the moment, and out of work, so my first mods are going to have to be pretty cheap ones, and from what Hamish has been saying a new mat sounds like a good way to start.
I also need to get some form of phono stage for very little money before I even start.... any suggestions?

23-08-2009, 08:53
I have an entry-level NAD PP-1 which I'm happy to pass on, no charge if that helps :) Others may have better offers - it was my first phonostage and I was quite happy with it at the time!

23-08-2009, 08:57
wow, really? that would unbelievable!
That, I was not expecting.... yes please!

23-08-2009, 09:01
Dan, I feel for you, being in a similar situation - increasing part-time hours permitting...

Seriously, the phono stage suggestions above should be achieveable. I don't know the Creek phono stage, but if you're up to building the board into a case, adding a power supply and even going the FET route with the "SE" version as discussed, you could well have a Cambridge eater for about the same dosh....

By the way all, HiFi Dave told me yesterday that Glenn Croft has an all-in preamp including phono stage for £350 inc VAT, in the same case as his £700 one but with plastic knobs (aaahhh, bless :)). I can't afford to take a punt on one, but I wonder if any of the better off posters on here would be willing to give one a try.

23-08-2009, 09:38
I have an entry-level NAD PP-1 which I'm happy to pass on, no charge if that helps :) Others may have better offers - it was my first phonostage and I was quite happy with it at the time!

Bugger, you beat me to it - I too have one Dan could have/borrow to see if it gives you what he needs for the moment.
PM me, Dan, if you would like any further details.