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View Full Version : USB out to 7520. Boot/re-boot question

20-08-2009, 15:42
I went a few pages back looking for a thread on this, but can't seem to find any.

I'm using the 7520 from my USB port on the laptop on Windows XP. Everything is fine except when I start or re-start the computer. If I don't pull the USB plug out, the computer will not start windoze. The screen is just black and nothing happens :steam:

I tried all ports, because windoze in its weirdness sometimes acts differently depending on port, but on this particular occasion seems to be consistent, which in itself is a strange fact :lol:

If I pull the cable out before I start the computer, everything is ok, but I'm not really comfortable doing it every day, sometimes a few times a day, if you see what I mean. Is there something wrong with my setup, or is it supposed to be like that? Can it be overridden somehow?

I suppose it's something to do with the booting sequence, just not sure what. :scratch:

20-08-2009, 16:33
It might be worth checking in the BIOS the boot up order it searches for devices. Put your HD before any USB's.

20-08-2009, 20:37
I double-checked, just to make sure. The boot sequence is correct, I even relegated the 'attachable devices' down to the bottom of the list. Still does it :(

The Vinyl Adventure
20-08-2009, 20:42
my advice find yourself a pc releated forum .. i have solved many a problem finding info on places like that

20-08-2009, 20:55
Yeah, might be worth a try. But... one more forum... damn, there's not enough hours in the day...:doh:

20-08-2009, 21:02
Your mobo manufacturer might have some updated USB drivers?

20-08-2009, 21:07
That's a good idea :idea: I'll have a look-see tomorrow.

Thanks Trailer.

20-08-2009, 22:29
Hi Eddie

I fix PC's for a living and unfortunately there are some motherboards that will not boot with anything attached to the USB ports that appears to be a boot device. Not sure why, but have found the only way is to disconnect the USB device.


21-08-2009, 06:56
Hi Nick,

Not what I wanted to hear, but you saved me quite bit of futile searches, then.

Thanks, mate.

21-08-2009, 07:48
Look in the BIOS for a USB start up option. It allows the use of a USB device attached to the PC even if Windows is not running. If you disable that function so that USB will only work under Wndows, it should solve the problem that you are having.


21-08-2009, 10:27
yeah, unfortunately I also have this problem with my Archos 605 and the missus' little purple cheapo mp3 player..... although oddly not with my USB TB HD or my R4 Revolution USB SD reader.... :scratch:

21-08-2009, 10:32
Look in the BIOS for a USB start up option. It allows the use of a USB device attached to the PC even if Windows is not running. If you disable that function so that USB will only work under Wndows, it should solve the problem that you are having.

There is something related to 'attachable devices' by which I suppose they mean USB, I'll have a look when I get home see if it can be disabled.

Thanks, Stan.

21-08-2009, 10:55
Look in the BIOS for a USB start up option. It allows the use of a USB device attached to the PC even if Windows is not running. If you disable that function so that USB will only work under Wndows, it should solve the problem that you are having.


Thanks a lot Stan, that worked a treat.

On a vaguely related note, does anyone know how to get rid of those pesky Vista messages when you plug in a USB device 'kindly' offering to Scan & Fix them when there's nothing wrong with them? They drive me up the wall :steam:

21-08-2009, 17:43
Yep, worked for me too. Thanks a lot, Stan.

21-08-2009, 18:29
Good shout Stan.