View Full Version : I just launched the beta version of my new music discovery platform.

10-02-2015, 14:50
Hi guys,

I talked with Marco to make sure I could make this post :)

I’ve just found this forum and it seems like the perfect place to share my new music project with some fellow new music fanatics.

I'm currently working on an awesome project and I’d love to hear your opinion/feedback/rants before it launches next month (March) :) It's called Tradiio and you can check it out at www.tradiio.com (http://www.tradiio.com).

We've just launched the private beta version of the platform. The aim is to help new artists emerge in a crowded digital music space. We now want to hear what music lovers and artists think of what we’ve come up with!

Through virtual ‘investments’ in the artists they believe in, users earn coins which can be spent on real life rewards such as festival tickets, download vouchers, exclusive merchandise and headphones.
They also get to help their favourite artists close deals with key industry players. All whilst discovering new music!

We are currently in the private beta stage so there is a significant queue time with sign ups, however I managed to get 100 direct access invites for you guys :)
Follow this link instead of our main website url: http://tradi.io/invites-theartofsound

Here is a sneak peek of our platform and some YouTube videos so you can see what's coming up :) I’ve also included a couple from the mobile version which will also be launching in March.

If you have any questions then please let me know by answering this thread or simply send me a PM, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Hope you join and enjoy :)

YouTube - Tradiio and Dummy TV: Coming Up with Tropics (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gRnfImLAEI)
YouTube - Ghost Wavvves - Tradiio Sessions (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MYyWeAexrM)
YouTube - Musicbox // Tradiio: MGDRV + DarkSunn (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_wQ6sPk0eM)

Web Application


iOS & Android App


11-02-2015, 12:12
Any of you guys had the chance to try it?

Got any questions for me?

Jason P
11-02-2015, 18:32
Wow Tiago, that's a really interesting concept - kind of gameifying music listening - I think I like it! Having a play now, there's some good stuff on there. Any plans to port it to something like Squeezebox?

11-02-2015, 18:48
Hey Jason :D glad you like it :) No plans yet for squeezebox, however I'm going to suggest to the tech team :)

PS: You can also make these suggestions with the feedback box how have on the bottom right corner, they go straight to all of the team :)

11-02-2015, 19:53
Bandcamp suits me. You have a hill to climb

11-02-2015, 22:43
Bandcamp suits me. You have a hill to climb

Thank you for you honest opinion, we are not trying to do the same thing as Bandcamp tough :)