View Full Version : * F.A.O ALL TRADERS (re: trade room revamp) *

10-02-2015, 13:20
Further to the request recently for a revamp of the trade room (in the form of sub-forum 'shop windows'), I'm pleased to announce that this system will be activated over the next few days :)

Therefore, I need to know what you'd like your 'shop' to be called? David Brooks has already requested 'The MCRU Store', which is fine, so what would the rest of you like?

Let me know here ASAP, so we can action it! Cheers :cool:


10-02-2015, 13:25
Home HiFi

Musicraft (Derby)
10-02-2015, 13:36
Hi Marco

Musicraft (Derby).

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

10-02-2015, 14:23
Power Inspired

10-02-2015, 15:01
"Reference Fidelity Components"


Mr. C
10-02-2015, 15:02
Coherent Systems

10-02-2015, 15:23
Korus Computer Audio

Paul Hynes
10-02-2015, 15:52
Two separate businesses

Paul Hynes Design


Paul Hynes Audio Ltd


10-02-2015, 17:01
Radlett Audio

Ammonite Audio
10-02-2015, 17:46
Ammonite Acoustics, please

10-02-2015, 18:54
oscars audio please

Magna Audio
10-02-2015, 20:51
Magna Audio Products, please

11-02-2015, 08:42
Cheers, guys. We're on it - should be ready to go in the next few days! We're doing it so that you'll each have the ability to 'manage' your own shop, in terms of moving and deleting ads, etc, so it takes a little while to sort out all the relevant permissions :)


Mark Grant
11-02-2015, 10:13
'Mark Grant' for me.

Looking forward to seeing how it works.

11-02-2015, 11:04
l will be soon moving into this field and would like unveil mine;

'Double Daftee Discounts'.

Thank you.:)

11-02-2015, 11:12
Most interesting, daftee-chops.... Please start a separate thread about this (in Blank Canvas) and let us know what you're going to be up to! :)


17-02-2015, 23:39
Ok, guys, the sub-forums/shops are now up and running! :)

Please let me know if I've missed anyone out.

The above have been arranged in alphabetical order, as it was the fairest way of doing it. Therefore, unlike before with sticky threads, posting a new ad in your sub-forum will not bump it (or your ad) to the top of the page, as the sub-forum section is permanently fixed by alphabetical order.

Unfortunately, it wasn't possible to grant individual permissions for managing your own sub-forum, as the software wouldn't allow it without major upheaval. Therefore, if you need anything moved or edited/deleted outside of the allotted timescale, then simply send a PM to either myself or one of the moderators, requesting such.

The good news is that the allotted timescale now for editing/deleting ads has been extended to a period of one week, from the date that the advert was placed. This should now allow plenty of time to make any changes necessary to your adverts.

Sticky threads will now only exist in the main area of the trade room (underneath the sub-forums) for the purpose of housing notices from admin, or for selected traders to publish their on-going 'blog'. This facility will only be provided if it is deemed to suit the nature of your business, such as if you're a manufacturer, and thus wish to outline the progress of new design developments. Sticky threads will no longer be used simply for traders placing individual retail ads.

Eventually (as it will be an on-going process from today onwards), all ads traders have placed to date in Trade Impressions will be moved into their individual sub-forums (topping them up), thus clearing the main area of the trade room completely of individual adverts, leaving it filled simply with authorised 'blogs' and notices from admin.

Please ensure that you use the sub-forum you've been given regularly to advertise your products and services, and therefore maximise your potential profits, and also keep your 'shop' alive. Traders who neglect to do so, and leave their sub-forums with long periods of inactivity, may have the facility removed. It is also in your interests to keep the content interesting, stimulating and informative, so always try and include plenty of pictures!

That's it, chaps. I think that the new system has tidied up the trade room nicely, and hopefully it will make using this section of the forum more pleasurable for you, and above all, be more productive. If there are any queries you have about the new system in place, just let me know :cool:


18-02-2015, 17:46
Are you all happy with the new system, guys? Some feedback would be good :)

Incidentally, there is space underneath the name of your sub-forum for a short description of your business/what it is you specialise in and offer, so if any of you would like that included, just let me know what to put here and I'll pop it in. Cheers! :cool:


18-02-2015, 17:56
Ok, guys, the sub-forums/shops are now up and running! :)

Please let me know if I've missed anyone out.


I couldn't find Magna Audio Products :scratch:

18-02-2015, 18:05
It's currently under 'Speedy Steve'... However, you're right, it should be named as Magna Audio. I'll change it now :)


18-02-2015, 18:34
Thank you Marco, new format looks good.

Will reply to PM later, just in and need me dinner!

23-02-2015, 21:46
Format looks tidier but there appear to be less views since it went live. I know this format has been tried elsewhere and a similar thing happened...less views, and possibly less from visitors and lurkers, so I think from that perspective it's probably less effective than it was originally for traders. Passing traffic I would imagine will be less inclined to wade through traders sub forums. Time will tell.

23-02-2015, 22:00
Well, it’s what was requested, so that’s what you’ve got (after lots of work by admin implementing it, I would hasten to add), so you’ll have to live with it now! ;)

Activity, in that respect, should increase once all the old ads in the main section of the trade room have been moved into the respective sub-forums, meaning that if folk want to see what you guys are selling, the only way of doing that will be to click on the sub-forums and view the content, as well as of course seeing all ads that have recently been placed in the trade room, when clicking on ‘New Posts’.

On another note, Paul, could you follow hi-fi dave’s example and think of a description for your business? This will then be added underneath the title for your sub-forum/shop.

I would appreciate it if all traders did this - cheers :cool:


29-06-2015, 23:06
Guys, I've just had to move a load of ads, from having been posted in the general trade area, to your dedicated sub-forums. Please remember that ALL ads, unless otherwise directed, should be posted in your own sub-forums/shops, and not externally to that.

Cheers! :cool:
