View Full Version : Yet another Guardian article

Gordon Steadman
05-02-2015, 13:44
I haven't read it myself yet so here it is with no comment as yet


05-02-2015, 13:52
A pretty uninspiring article that jumps on the bandwagon of convenience. Why they and the rest of the media feel that people have to "convert" (in more ways than one) to digital has more to do with the market share digital enjoys than the reality of analogue still being a perfectly valid format.

Gordon Steadman
05-02-2015, 13:53

Just finished it and that was touch and go. Boring and unhelpful.

05-02-2015, 14:04
A pretty uninspiring article that jumps on the bandwagon of convenience. Why they and the rest of the media feel that people have to "convert" (in more ways than one) to digital has more to do with the market share digital enjoys than the reality of analogue still being a perfectly valid format.

It may be an uninspiring article ('What Hi Fi' is a pretty uninspiring audio magazine), but some good points are made: the questioner states he has "20 yards" of records, so is rightly advised to acquire a good turntable and cartridge. He is also advised to stick to separates, and separates from good quality British brands (OK, so Quad is no longer British, but their latest products get good reviews). I didn't see any insistence on 'converting' to digital in the article.

05-02-2015, 14:07
Um, considering their target audience (Grauniad readers) I don't see the problem. The vinyl suggesions are reasonable, I think, and as "normal" people like convenience the rest of it seems reasonable too. I wouldn't do it that way, but I'm not normal.

Spectral Morn
05-02-2015, 14:42
I thought it was a pretty safe article, with a series of poorly presented suggestions but overall it was fine and the sort of answer one might give in a mid market audio shop. Somewhat biased regarding brand suggestions.

Overall better than one might have thought but as has been said a little uninspiring but probably more than enough to raise the questioners enjoyment of music to a higher level than they had before asking.

Regards Neil

05-02-2015, 15:51
Almost as dull as the so-called audio magazine it paraphrases. Not an article that is going to inspire anyone to improve/update their kit.

Is it just me or is there is something fundementally and inescapably shit about both the Guardian and WTF?

05-02-2015, 15:52
The paper it uses has a funny smell, too.


05-02-2015, 15:55
The smell of mediocrity?

05-02-2015, 15:57
Yeah, that's the one, although it has a different 'tang' altogether from the Daily Mail :eyebrows:


05-02-2015, 16:01
The paper it uses has a funny smell, too.


Wot, like dried out cackie scraper. :)

05-02-2015, 16:08
Lol - it's a rather heady mixture of stewed (aged and marinated) balsamic vinegar and stagnant 'nappy juice' - you know what I mean?


05-02-2015, 16:08
The smell of mediocrity?

its pre wiped:eyebrows:

05-02-2015, 16:37
Yeah, it's what's known as 'primed and skid-marked'.


05-02-2015, 16:42
Lol - it's a rather heady mixture of stewed (aged and marinated) balsamic vinegar and stagnant 'nappy juice' - you know what I mean?


Yes, an aromatically challenged, gently floating whiffiness, often difficult to pinpoint exactly which direction the absorbing tanginess is actually emanating from. Until you suddenly realise it's yourself. :lol:

05-02-2015, 16:45
However the Gruadian and WTF is probably read by many, many people and to promote the replay of vinyl can only be good.

Out of interest what does WTF smell of?

05-02-2015, 16:47
Pure unadulterated arse butter!!


05-02-2015, 16:50
You bin byin it ave you? :spank:

05-02-2015, 16:59
No, my local dentist had kindly supplied some copies in the customer toilets, so I put one to good use ;)


P.S Tends to chaff a bit, and just spread the 'doings' after the first wipe.

05-02-2015, 17:07
I actually thought that wasn't a bad article, don't forget the target audience and don't forget forum visiting audiophiles are a very niche (and tiny) section of society, who are unlikely to seek advice from that sort of report. Advice on buying separates, keeping a turntable and improving it and so on is good. If that article said rip everything to .mp3, buy a Sonos or Bluesound system and impress your friends with your whizzo new technolgy, then I would have criticised it, but I thought it struck a good balance and had sensible suggestions for the average Joe - and their ain't many averages Joe's hanging around in here, when it comes to audio!

Gordon Steadman
05-02-2015, 17:10
I detect an obnoxious effluvia entering into my thread that was as unexpected as it was unwelcome.

Lowest common denominator applies, as ever:eyebrows:

Gordon Steadman
05-02-2015, 17:11
I actually thought that wasn't a bad article, don't forget the target audience and don't forget forum visiting audiophiles are a very niche (and tiny) section of society, who are unlikely to seek advice from that sort of report. Advice on buying separates, keeping a turntable and improving it and so on is good. If that article said rip everything to .mp3, buy a Sonos or Bluesound system and impress your friends with your whizzo new technolgy, then I would have criticised it, but I thought it struck a good balance and had sensible suggestions for the average Joe - and their ain't many averages Joe's hanging around in here, when it comes to audio!

You are right, of course, Tim. It's very easy for us to mock those who don't share our obsessions.

05-02-2015, 17:17
The article wan't particularly illuminating, but sort of said the right things. At least the advice to keep the old Rotel 820 was sound, it's still a modern sounding unit and well built.

05-02-2015, 19:04
I detect an obnoxious effluvia entering into my thread that was as unexpected as it was unwelcome.

Lowest common denominator applies, as ever:eyebrows:

Sorry, it's that bad man, John - he's a bad influence (or is that effluent?) on me! :D


Gordon Steadman
05-02-2015, 19:22
Sorry, it's that bad man, John - he's a bad influence (or is that effluent?) on me! :D


Right.........so you need encouragement?:lies:

05-02-2015, 21:06
Sorry, it's that bad man, John - he's a bad influence (or is that effluent?) on me! :D


Who, me :whistle:

05-02-2015, 21:08
And apologies Gordon, no offence intended.

Gordon Steadman
05-02-2015, 21:11
And apologies Gordon, no offence intended.

None taken:lol:

I know a bad influence when I see one:eyebrows:

06-02-2015, 08:06
Yesh, your parents brought you up well! :eyebrows:


Gordon Steadman
06-02-2015, 08:26
Yesh, your parents brought you up well! :eyebrows:


They despaired, believe me, they despaired.:)

06-02-2015, 12:18
Yesh, your parents brought you up well! :eyebrows:


They despaired, believe me, they despaired.:)
My guiding principle.

07-02-2015, 01:41
Lol - it's a rather heady mixture of stewed (aged and marinated) balsamic vinegar and stagnant 'nappy juice' - you know what I mean?


The Mother in Law buys the Daily Heil... nuff said:lol: