View Full Version : Heads up for AoS members

Rick E
03-02-2015, 21:27
I've received an email informing me that someone has incorrectly entered my password 5 times while trying to hack my account. It's all a bit random, and the isp is from some or other spam terrorist type bunch of c***ts in Poland.

I doubt I'm the only one, so keep a close eye on your details folks.:)

03-02-2015, 21:34
Thanks Rick.

03-02-2015, 21:35
Always wise to rotate your password and make it as tough as you can.

03-02-2015, 21:36
I've banned the IP address behind these attempts, hopefully that should foil any further attempts.

This is a timely reminder for all members to ensure that their passwords are strong and difficult to guess. You'd be surprised at the number of people (http://gizmodo.com/the-25-most-popular-passwords-of-2014-were-all-doomed-1680596951) who still use the most noddy passwords after all the high profile hacking attempts of recent years...

Many thanks.

*EDIT* Lol. Like Grant said!

03-02-2015, 21:44
12345 lol. not very inventive.......hell I better change mine quick :eek: I use Last Pass (https://lastpass.com) for all my passwords.

03-02-2015, 21:49
12345 lol. not very inventive.......hell I better change mine quick :eek: I use Last Pass for all my passwords.

You wouldn't believe the amount of colleagues I used to have who just used 'password' at work until our IT bods collared them and they'd still change back afterwards.

03-02-2015, 23:14
Get yourself a copy of Roboform, I have 2 copies, the desktop version and a mobile one that goes on a USB stick, for use in other computers. It's an encrypted password keeper, you unlock it with a master passphrase (don't ever forget this or you are fooked!) and it stores all the passwords you can hope to use. It fills forms in online and keeps encrypted details of credit cards etc. This is very handy as you don't use keystrokes, so it you are on someone else's PC and they have a key logger, it won't record anything.

It will self generate passwords to make life easy and you can end up with multiple passwords like this one YQqcdzV#fP8&LK44 - virtually uncrackable, try it out here and see? https://howsecureismypassword.net/ It would take a desktop PC over a trillion years to crack that one - 16 characters with 1 nonillion possible permutations!


Been using it for many years now.

20-02-2015, 06:21
This has just happened to me guys....:(

24-02-2015, 10:43
have a rethink about Roboform...

All my gobbldegook passwords are kept in an encrypted text file stored on a usb drive.
Cut n paste into web forms, all cookies etc switched off in Firefox. Security plugins installed.

Bit of a hit in convenience, but to me its worth it.
Just switch back on what I need to when I have to.

I know I know.... :mental:


Get yourself a copy of Roboform, I have 2 copies, the desktop version and a mobile one that goes on a USB stick, for use in other computers. It's an encrypted password keeper, you unlock it with a master passphrase (don't ever forget this or you are fooked!) and it stores all the passwords you can hope to use. It fills forms in online and keeps encrypted details of credit cards etc. This is very handy as you don't use keystrokes, so it you are on someone else's PC and they have a key logger, it won't record anything.

It will self generate passwords to make life easy and you can end up with multiple passwords like this one YQqcdzV#fP8&LK44 - virtually uncrackable, try it out here and see? https://howsecureismypassword.net/ It would take a desktop PC over a trillion years to crack that one - 16 characters with 1 nonillion possible permutations!


Been using it for many years now.