View Full Version : Cleaning vinyl with wood glue

27-01-2015, 21:02
A little while ago I posted a thread about cleaning vinyl LPs using wood glue and I must admit I was very sceptical as to whether it would work .i mentioned it to a good friend (Richard Dorian) and (as I suspected) he tried it (albeit with an old album) .
A week later he reported to me that it had worked wonders and that he was going to try it on one of his noisy (but more valuable) LPs .
He has now tried it with lots of his collection and swears that not only does it clean the discs , but it also improves the sound (??)
I have a copy of ‘Aerial’ by Kate Bush (£100+ used on ebay) so I gave it to him to clean as it was getting rather noisy and crackly , and I have to report that it has done the trick.
According to Richard , the trick is to be patient and leave the glue to dry completely (days !!) and not be tempted to peel it off too early , anyway , it worked for me and if you watch the Youtube video and follow the instructions , it won’t go wrong (hopefully)
As an afterthought , Richard tells me that it works with CDs (sound better) but I cannot confirm that fact (perhaps it is wishful thinking)

28-01-2015, 08:46
Done it myself and yes it does work although I did end up cleaning the LPs I treated on a Moth, which further improved them. It is messy and time consuming though, but it is better than nothing and certainly better than cleaning them in the sink with washing up liquid and tap water (I really can't believe people do this, but they do).

It improves the sound of CDs? Nah ;)

28-01-2015, 10:53
Wood glue works ok until you leave a little bit in one of the grooves, then it maybe goodbye stylus. I tried wood glue and this was what stopped me and caused me to buy a nice VPI 16.5 RCM!

28-01-2015, 10:59
Done it myself and yes it does work although I did end up cleaning the LPs I treated on a Moth, which further improved them. It is messy and time consuming though, but it is better than nothing and certainly better than cleaning them in the sink with washing up liquid and tap water (I really can't believe people do this, but they do).

It improves the sound of CDs? Nah ;)

Or a quick wipe with a j cloth and some lighter fluid as one second hand seller I met told me he did as it made them look shiny and new to prospective buyers.