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View Full Version : I'm loosing faith in the human race!

The Vinyl Adventure
14-08-2009, 18:16
ive watched a few episode's of "golden balls" recently has anyone else seen it?
its basically a program that really acurately portrays people ability to decive and lie followed with some quite shocking examples of greed.
at the end the 2 remaining contastants are given the oportunity to either split or steal the money they have won between them.
they are given 2 balls that open up to reveal either the word split or steal,
at the count of three they select one and reveal it to there fellow contestant.
if they both pick split they share the money, if they both pick steal they get nothing and if one person picks split and one steal, the one who picks steal gets all the money

today they had the oportunity to share £34,000... £17,000 each
they both picked steal and left with nothing
i find it truely shocking that people can be that greedy, and its not just the odd episode here and there, i have seen it maybe 10 times now and i have never seen them share the money. one person either steals and gets it all or they both steal
bloody, apalling, morally inept idiots
this program is suposed to be entertaining... it actually makes me angry and feel a little bit dead inside

14-08-2009, 18:33
I know how you feel. That's really sad. I've not seen it and I don't want to. It's really sad that this passes for entertainment. And I thought 'You've Been Framed' was bad enough.

I watch maybe 2 or 3 things on telly. And avoid gameshows like the plague. Sounds like a wise tactic.

14-08-2009, 18:57
I have watched this a few times and I don't know how people can live with themselves. it shows some of the human race at their most vilest.

14-08-2009, 19:05
When they both Steal they (don't) get all they deserve - what makes me want to punch them is when one convinces the other they will share, then steals the lot - b*******!

The Vinyl Adventure
14-08-2009, 19:12
the b word that you have censored really doesnt cover it in my books!
and then after they have stolen they then go on to say something like "my family told me to do it" ... cowards, if you going to do something bad at least have the guts to hold your self acountable
it cant even be put down to a moment of weakness because carrot asks the people who get voted out wether they would have stolen or split, and for the most part they say steal

14-08-2009, 19:21
Oh God... it's presented by Jasper Carrott? How the mighty have fallen.

14-08-2009, 19:42
Never seen the bag of sh*te and don't want to but I assume this is yet another example of chav telly a la J Kyle esq. in which case they got it commin' big stylee. Hope all the greedy twunts walk away with a big fat bag of nothing:steam:

The Vinyl Adventure
14-08-2009, 19:49
there was a pawn broker on there yesterday, when carrot asked him to explain how his job works he said "an example would be, someone comes into the shop with something worth a grand and i woulc give the a couple of hundred for it so they can buy it back easily"
buy it back easily ... what a load of sh1te! "line your pockets i think you mean matey" is what i shouted at the telly!

14-08-2009, 19:54
I wonder why you are surprised by this wave of dishonesty that has swept our nation! seems the only way to get ahead these days is to rip others off...

14-08-2009, 21:22
Hi Hamish,
Stop watching it, you'll live longer!! :)
These programmes are not designed to 'entertain' in the accepted sense of the word - they are designed to get people to watch adverts - while ever you watch and fume they are successful and will do more of the same.
Own up, who watches Big Brother and thinks it entertaining in any sense - IMHO it plays to the lowest common denominator as do a lot of today's programmes. Vote with the 'Off' button, I do.
Grumpy of Sheffield. :steam::steam::steam:

14-08-2009, 21:55
Vote with the 'Off' button, I do

So do I, but the wife just switches it back on again! :steam:

14-08-2009, 22:15
Hi Hamish,
Stop watching it, you'll live longer!! :)
These programmes are not designed to 'entertain' in the accepted sense of the word - they are designed to get people to watch adverts - while ever you watch and fume they are successful and will do more of the same.
Own up, who watches Big Brother and thinks it entertaining in any sense - IMHO it plays to the lowest common denominator as do a lot of today's programmes. Vote with the 'Off' button, I do.
Grumpy of Sheffield. :steam::steam::steam:

Agreed, Agreed, Agreed!!!

Just refuse to watch this crap! It's the brain police out to get you.

Actually, on a practical level, it's all run by the advertisments. If ever you get stopped in the street by marketing surveyors, who are doing a 'vox pop', just (politely) tell them exactly what you think of the the mind sapping pap that passes for TV these days.

Grumpy of Baddow

15-08-2009, 07:38
Get shot of the TV. There's only 1 or 2 things worth watching and they'll be on the iPlayer the next day.

15-08-2009, 08:25
Well said, sir. The iPlayer is probably the best thing to happen to TV in a generation and if all you do is watch non-live progamming you don't need a TV license....;)

24-08-2009, 20:17
Spot on, Dave :)

What I find horrendous is the fact that these days all the worst character traits are played on as entertainment. Stupidity, greed, selfishness, lack of morals, you name it, they got it. I know they are basic aspects of the human nature, as much as we do not want to admit it, but why rise them on a pedestal?

We don't have this particular show in my country, but rest assured we have enough other shows just as bad. As I'm sure most European countries have, franchised or otherwise.

Makes me sick at times, honestly. So much crap... The news are not news any more, all you see is gore, disaster and villains. Even if you watch the sport news, you still see only that. I just give up sometimes...

Yeah, press the off button, but what about all the people that watch all that? Are they going to make this world a better place. I think not.

24-08-2009, 21:09
Get shot of the TV. There's only 1 or 2 things worth watching and they'll be on the iPlayer the next day.

Yep. I did a few years ago now, don't miss it at all. I watch DVD on the PC, and have sooo much more time to listen to music now. TV is a waste of time, quite literally!

24-08-2009, 21:18
After I split from my first wife in 2000, I deliberately avoided TV, and managed not to watch a single program for nearly 2 years. (No broadband in those days, so not even via the pc, and DVD was too expensive then!) I eventually relented, when I got together with my new lady, but I'd still rather turn the damn thing off most days. The funny thing was that even after a 2 year break it made no difference whatsoever to following the "plot" of Eastenders or Corrie... :D

The Vinyl Adventure
24-08-2009, 21:51
its funny this thread has had a reasurgence today. im having one of those slightly tence days today - you know the ones were you find everything a little bit more iritating than normal? i think it must be my time of the month of somthing ;)
anyway this evening im unfortunatly watching tv with the lady (her choice not mine) and we are watching big brother.. now as much as i hate to admit it i actually find this program quite amusing! ... please understand that this is relative to the "young and pregnant" or "gok wan" type programs i have to watch with her normaly! but ... tonight, today, in this mood, im starting to feel really hateful towards these stupid buch of morons!
and to top it off the current film four season is "frightfest"... i like horror films! but film four are choosing to play, virtually on repeat, "the hills have eyes" and tonight we have the dubious pleasure of "lake placid" ... last night we watched "isolation"... a film that i can only assume came out of the fear people had a few years back about mad cow decise! would you belive it was actually about a genetically modifyed cow with its sceleton on the outside that spread its genetic mutation by aparently biting you with its razor sharp teeth...WHAT A LOAD OF SHITE!
ironically my missis, completely unaware of what im typing is currently moaning about how shit adverts are.....

24-08-2009, 21:56
ironically my missis, completely unaware of what im typing is currently moaning about how shit adverts are.....
Well... they are, but sometimes I feel good when they interrupt some crass garbage like that.

Gotta tell you, that bit about the biting cows with the external skeleton was damn hilarious. To read, that is. Dunno if I could stand to watch it, prolly not.

24-08-2009, 22:01
My wife told me "killer cows" were on the news this morning - because in the past I took the "mick" because she wouldn't walk in a field with them... blimey, turns out she was right! Cows - they're right mean basterds really! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/8216869.stm)

24-08-2009, 22:02
I really shouldn't be laughing out loud to "They include the former Home Secretary David Blunkett who was trampled while walking with his guide dog" - should I...!

The Vinyl Adventure
24-08-2009, 22:15
i just told my missis about this thread and she said "cows are dangerous! i used to work with a vet whos husband was squished by a heffer" ....... ....... .......

24-08-2009, 22:18
i just told my missis about this thread and she said "cows are dangerous! i used to work with a vet whos husband was squished by a heffer" ....... ....... .......

Been there, done that! :lolsign:

24-08-2009, 22:26
Yep, that was wife #1! ;)

The Vinyl Adventure
24-08-2009, 22:29
well .. lake placid is 5 mins in and its already shite
i know there are certain conventions that one can use in the making of a "horor film" but using them all, badly, in the first 5 mins... they even did the juxtaposing of tense musicagainst a light hearted tune being playedon a radio in conjunction with low angle shot to inhanse the idea of the solitude of a manin the middle of nowere thing
there is a guy whohas been eaten in half by some kind of water residing beasty.... i watch on with great interest!

24-08-2009, 22:30
When taking the now Mrs Alex for a lovely country walk in our early dating days in "Constable Country" she genuinely told me not to look the cows in the eye, otherwise they would attack... She had to walk by the river, so she could jump in if they launched themselves at her - I knew then she was the woman for me! :D

The Vinyl Adventure
24-08-2009, 22:36
When taking the now Mrs Alex for a lovely country walk in our early dating days in "Constable Country" she genuinely told me not to look the cows in the eye, otherwise they would attack... She had to walk by the river, so she could jump in if they launched themselves at her - I knew then she was the woman for me! :D

i persued my lady based on her telling me very early after we first met that she enjoys making colour wheels out of quality street wrapers... and that roses wrapers werent as good! a little excentrisity in a woman is never a bad thing!

Spectral Morn
24-08-2009, 23:00
The things you read on AOS...I really don't know :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Killer Cows etc................ I thought Lake Placid was an okay Creature Feature.

Regards D S D L

The Vinyl Adventure
24-08-2009, 23:10
The things you read on AOS...I really don't know :lol::lol::lol::lol:

Killer Cows etc................ I thought Lake Placid was an okay Creature Feature.

Regards D S D L

its actually got better since they have introduced the comedy relife... the romance story line sucks a bit though ...

25-08-2009, 08:17
Cows know things.....vets shove arm up arse....squash vets....squash vets....

Has no one noticed recently that all the sheep are watching us....waiting.....

25-08-2009, 08:46
Now I know you're Baaaaarmy... (sorry.)

The Vinyl Adventure
25-08-2009, 10:10
oh my god...you realy surpassed your self with that one alex! sorry just doesnt cut it! ;)

25-08-2009, 19:50
hi all,
i cant watch these shows, they make my blood boil! its bad enough seeing what happens down the local super market when we get a bit of snow or some other minor disruption, as to to watching this shite volentarily, no thanks. as you guys have pointed out its all very worrying, and frightning at the same time, in my grandfathers day if your next door neighbour had no coal for the fire or bread on the table people chipped in, today at a guess i would say a large number of people in this country dont even know their neighbour or even want to!
everything seems to be motivated by greed these days get on, dont worry about who you have to climb over to get to the top, but as many people have found, life can be very lonely at the top.
the mentality of people today is such that i fear if we did have a crisis that disrupted mainstream supplies like food or fuel etc for a limited time as even a week we would be witness to scenes akin to a mad max film!:(

The Vinyl Adventure
26-08-2009, 00:27
a bit of good tv ... i knew there was some out there somewhere...
not to everyones taste im sure, but if it doesnt make you at least crack a smile id be suprised
and whats this got to do with music/hifi ... well vince does have random pavaroti disease


26-08-2009, 09:47
The birds are doing it now....staring that is.....staring, waiting....it's those magpies....they're the ring leaders, along with the sheep....staring, waiting...magpies....and sheep....staring...

26-08-2009, 14:16
The birds are doing it now....staring that is.....staring, waiting....it's those magpies....they're the ring leaders, along with the sheep....staring, waiting...magpies....and sheep....staring...

Damn, Ralph, haven't seen it until now... There's no escape, is there?

26-08-2009, 14:31
a bit of good tv ... i knew there was some out there somewhere...
not to everyones taste im sure, but if it doesnt make you at least crack a smile id be suprised
and whats this got to do with music/hifi ... well vince does have random pavaroti disease


Nice one!

The Vinyl Adventure
26-08-2009, 16:11
that episode really makes me chuckle quite a lot.. in later episodes they had guest voicesincluding eddie izzard who plays the voice of a giant headed alien... you really cant go wrong with rex the runt

The Vinyl Adventure
27-08-2009, 15:01
back to me loosing my faith in humans...
has anyone seen the amout of companies wanting to "turn your gold into cash - best valuation guarunteed"
i have a feeling that there are a few people getting ripped off....
theres always gonna some wankers who will tke advantage of those in need
im gonna just use this thread to moan about crap... i hope no one minds

Spectral Morn
27-08-2009, 15:41
Those who trade on flea-bay, don't describe their goods right (omit details) take photos that are poor enough not to show up significant cosmetic issues, and when you mention it make out that you are deluded. On going..photos taken, now E-Mailed now we shall see....:(:steam:

Regards D S D L

27-08-2009, 15:44
The taxman... agrees I am due a rebate for 2008/9, then goes back and recalculates 2006/7 & 2007/8 - I'm sure you can guess what's happened - all but obliterated the refund! Barstewards!

27-08-2009, 16:32
Greedy Bankers - charging the most from those least able to pay.

27-08-2009, 16:34
back to me loosing my faith in humans...
has anyone seen the amout of companies wanting to "turn your gold into cash - best valuation guarunteed"
i have a feeling that there are a few people getting ripped off....
theres always gonna some wankers who will tke advantage of those in need
im gonna just use this thread to moan about crap... i hope no one minds

What about all those toss-pots' who advertise on TV with the basic message, "Come to us and we'll help you to find someone to sue, and we'll do it for free!! :steam:
Has it ever occurred to anybody except me that there is an overwhelming presence of lawyers in parliament, whose sole function, when they are not milking their expenses, is passing more laws that need more lawyers to interpret, not to mention intruding into areas that never needed the presence of lawyers before. We are literally sinking under a whelter of beaurocracy as it is! :steam: :steam: .
Disgruntled of Sheffield.

27-08-2009, 17:28
Greedy Bankers - charging the most from those least able to pay.

And into that midden you can also put the utility suppliers - b..t..ds !!! :steam: :steam:
Even further disgruntled of Sheffield.

27-08-2009, 17:42
we are a jolly bunch arent we.:eyebrows::lol:
of course there's lots of good things happening to cheer us all up, lets start thinking positive thoughts, positive thoughts, positive thoughts.:)

27-08-2009, 17:49
of course there's lots of good things happening to

Yeah, but that's point right there. You don't get to see the positive things, all they feed you is the bad things that our race is up to. And let's face it, there's no shortage of that. I trust people could be better if they saw more good things and less shit, but maybe that's just me.

27-08-2009, 17:53
we are a jolly bunch arent we.:eyebrows::lol:
Hi Anthony,
Look at the title of the thread - anything else would be off topic - can't have that!! :lolsign: .
If you want positive thoughts, start your own thread, don't hi-jack this one :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Disgruntled of Sheffield.

27-08-2009, 18:06
If you dealt with the number of debt-ridden people I have this year (not all of them at sole fault either) and especially with one bank who tries to get posession orders on client's properties as soon as the clients can't pay what they owe....... I have to stay impartial and unbiased, but it's damned hard sometimes.

The Vinyl Adventure
27-08-2009, 18:48
What about all those toss-pots' who advertise on TV with the basic message, "Come to us and we'll help you to find someone to sue, and we'll do it for free!! :steam:
Has it ever occurred to anybody except me that there is an overwhelming presence of lawyers in parliament, whose sole function, when they are not milking their expenses, is passing more laws that need more lawyers to interpret, not to mention intruding into areas that never needed the presence of lawyers before. We are literally sinking under a whelter of beaurocracy as it is! :steam: :steam: .
Disgruntled of Sheffield.

dangerous grounds getting me started on this one! what gets me riled is the fact that in the vast majority of cases when someone sue's a company, they dont get the money from the company they get the money from a insurance company! what impact does this have - it puts up everyones insurace policys! i bet that the person who sue's will prob end up paying back in higher premiums to a point they dont even break even... the only bonus they get is a lump sum.... well where is my bloody lump sum? just because i have the morals not to sue the council for triping over a curb stone or something, i miss out!
not to mention the fact that all the people sueing has the effect of more health and safety legislation etc that eventually will prob have the effect of us all haveing to walk around in inflated balls to protect us from the big bad world!
its a great big fat load of shite... i blame capitalism!

as a side note.. im actually quite a positive person in real life.. i just like moaning on here coz its a good out let ... helps keep the equilibrium like...

The Vinyl Adventure
27-08-2009, 19:23
just got this in an email


and to think that woman is suposed to be a spokes person for a charity!

27-08-2009, 19:27
just got this in an email


and to think that woman is suposed to be a spokes person for a charity!

Burn the witch!

Spectral Morn
27-08-2009, 20:00
Burn the witch!

Bit extreme comment that...... IMHO :(


27-08-2009, 20:09
Burn the witch!

And what about all those ex TV news readers, weathermen, so-called celebrity presenters and TV chat show hosts who've recently cashed in on being someone you can trust (a regular visitor in your living room) and sold their soul to advertise financial products whose value is dubious to say the least - does any one with an IQ above their shoe size really believe that they've actually done what they're recommending us to do.
Burn 'em all!!
Disgruntled of Sheffield.
PS Things weren't like this in my day, oh no!! :ner:

27-08-2009, 20:18
Bit extreme comment that...... IMHO :(


Slightly warm up the witch!

The Vinyl Adventure
27-08-2009, 20:23
And what about all those ex TV news readers, weathermen, so-called celebrity presenters and TV chat show hosts who've recently cashed in on being someone you can trust (a regular visitor in your living room) and sold their soul to advertise financial products whose value is dubious to say the least - does any one with an IQ above their shoe size really believe that they've actually done what they're recommending us to do.
Burn 'em all!!
Disgruntled of Sheffield.
PS Things weren't like this in my day, oh no!! :ner:

anne bloody diamond!

27-08-2009, 20:27
anne bloody diamond!

Ann bloody Robinson !!

The Vinyl Adventure
27-08-2009, 20:29
bloody annes!

27-08-2009, 20:55
bloody annes!

You're in good company Hamish - wasn't Henry VIIIth the first person to say that? :lol:

The Vinyl Adventure
27-08-2009, 23:07
yeah but back then he prob would have spelt it "bludy ans" :lolsign::lolsign:

28-08-2009, 07:57
yeah but back then he prob would have spelt it "bludy ans" :lolsign::lolsign:

Hi Hamish,
That can't be the Elizabethan spelling 'cos she came after Henry, just!

28-08-2009, 08:23
Hi Hamish,
That can't be the Elizabethan spelling 'cos she came after Henry, just!

And she would have said 'Bloody Marys'!

The Vinyl Adventure
28-08-2009, 08:26
i should think she did!!
but lets face it i cant think after henry people started getting worse at spelling!.. :)

30-08-2009, 11:16
Hi Anthony,
Look at the title of the thread - anything else would be off topic - can't have that!! :lolsign: .
If you want positive thoughts, start your own thread, don't hi-jack this one :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Disgruntled of Sheffield.
point taken, i'l sod off now and leave you cheerfull chaps to it!:eyebrows: