View Full Version : For Sale :- Quad 909 Power Amp ~ 99 Preamp ~ 99 CDP2 (Upgraded Mech) ~ 99 FM Tuner.

Karma Train
20-12-2014, 19:57
Hi, I'm offering for sale here a superb and complete Quad system finished in grey. The system is comprised of a 909 power amp, a 99 preamp, a 99 FM tuner and a 99 CDP2 CD player/DAC. The CDP2 had its mechanism upgraded by Quad to the better performing Sony mech at a cost of £250 just last month and so should be reliable for decades to come. Included also in the sale are the relevant owner's manuals, the required Quadlink cables/mains cables plus remote handsets for the preamp and the CDP2. Original shipping cartons are provided with the 909 and the CDP2 but there are no boxes for the preamp or tuner.

Cosmetically speaking, these units are in superb condition, if you look really hard you will eventually be able to locate a few flea-bite blemishes to the casings but these are so minor they barely merit mention. In the many and detailed photographs which follow I have included two macro shots of the worst of them but as I say, overall the components are in fine condition with all units having totally unmarked fascias.

This is a one careful owner system but I should point out that the aforementioned 'one owner' wasn't me. I bought the system from an old friend of mine in order to help him resolve an unexpected and sudden financial crisis, now however, I need to recoup the money sharpish as I have my own bills piling up.

Collection in person would obviously be the favoured option with this valuable and delicate set up. I live just outside Wellington in Somerset, a couple of minutes away from junction 26 on the M5 but I guess postage would also be a possibility because as I said, I have the original cartons for the 909 and the CDP2 and finding a box for the remaining two units shouldn't be an issue. Shipping three big and heavy boxes would naturally be a pricey option though and from bitter experience I've discovered that most courier's insurance policies are a complete farce, so collection in person really would be the most pragmatic solution.

I've sold numerous items on Ebay in my 12 years of membership including many hi-fi pieces, my feedback currently stands at 100% after 1396 transactions, I will list this equipment on Ebay some time in the New Year but thought an interest check on this fine forum might be the way to go before having to deal with vast swathes of Ebay idiots who plague you with nonsensical questions and liberty taking offers!

Regarding price I'm looking for offers very close to the £1500 mark. Please study the many photos which follow and drop me a message if interested.

Kind regards and happy Cringemass! Charlie.


20-12-2014, 20:33
A lovely matching group, and bet it sounds great. GLWS

20-12-2014, 20:40
Hi Charlie, great advert BTW.

There's someone on either the wam or pink fish looking for a 909 PA mate.


20-12-2014, 20:45
What a fantastic FS listing... superb pics and terrific description... glws :D:D

20-12-2014, 21:27
i like it !!! an outdoor hifi system

Karma Train
21-12-2014, 03:53
Just to say a hearty thank you to everyone who bowled up to wish me good luck with the sale
and for the kind words regarding my listing, what a nice bunch you are....but then I knew that already. :)

I am a member of the Wigwam but I've never actually posted anything there before, I think I saw the wanted ad
for a 909 but I can't get in touch with him as I don't have any posting rights apparently.
Besides which, I'm not really too keen on splitting the system up as yet, it would be a bit like breaking up a happy family!

Hopefully someone will relieve me of this fine set up soon as I really need to get my lecky bill paid and my old banger taxed!

Onwards and upwards!

21-12-2014, 10:31
Charlie, I'll point the guy at this thread mate.

Karma Train
21-12-2014, 14:24
Charlie, I'll point the guy at this thread mate.

That's extremely kind of you Tony, ta muchly. :)

21-12-2014, 14:53
That's extremely kind of you Tony, ta muchly. :)

No problem Charlie, happy to help but the guy has apparently bought something else.

"Thanks for tne posts.
Temporarily on hold pending another purchase."

BTW, this has got to one of the best for sale adverts I've ever seen on any forum.

Karma Train
21-12-2014, 15:54
BTW, this has got to one of the best for sale adverts I've ever seen on any forum.

What a lovely thing for you to say, I'm touched, thanks.
Not sure why this ad has received so much praise, this one is no different from the hundreds I've put on FeePay,
a decent description and loads of good quality photos, those surely are just the basic requirements?
Mind you, it'll only prove to be a good advert if the gear sells and at the moment, that doesn't seem to be very probable.
Never say never though! Thanks again.

Karma Train
23-12-2014, 06:44

11-01-2015, 17:29

Interested in splitting ?

I'm looking at the pre and power.

