View Full Version : What is your single best Equipment / component purchase of 2014

13-12-2014, 10:01
I was looking back at all the modifications and purchases I have made over the last year to my system and wondered which has made the most significant overall difference / improvement to SQ.

My conclusion was the NOS valves ( Tesla ECC83 and RCA 12BH7A) I now use in the Croft 25R +. These have made a significant and profound improvement to the SQ which has made listening addictive and a complete joy.

So I though I would ask AOS folk what has been their single best component purchase/ upgrade this year.:)

Wakefield Turntables
13-12-2014, 10:17
Ebony arm board on the 1210.

13-12-2014, 10:30
nothing to shout about in terms of big bucks but the jump from standard stylus on the at95e to the HE (hyper elliptical) stylus made a huge difference.

13-12-2014, 10:35
That's a tough one.

It could be my FX-1200 (and upgrade to the FX-R).
The SAE1000LT or 2M Black
The Graham Slee Proprius mono blocks
The Pro-Jet RS box pre

Every single one of the above has had a big impact on the sound quality.

However, if looking at value for money, it's either the RG-8/U OR MC5000 cable.
Both have been a step up in performance, and ridiculously cheap.

2014 has been a good year for my HiFi. :cool:

13-12-2014, 10:41
nothing to shout about in terms of big bucks but the jump from standard stylus on the at95e to the HE (hyper elliptical) stylus made a huge difference.

Interesting Jamie, I upgraded my girlfriends Garrard sp25 this year from the stock Sony cartridge to and AT95E, which incidently is her biggest HiFi upgrade:lol:

13-12-2014, 10:53
sweet as,she's in for a real treat when you buy the wedding ring then! tight arse!:lol:

13-12-2014, 10:56
I don't know if it's my absolute best as such, but I am very pleased with the pro power amp I bought to actively power the bass drivers of my speakers (Lab.gruppen IPD1200) - it's made a big difference (huge in fact).

13-12-2014, 10:58
A complete SLIC cable loom.

Seriously, though, some Stax headphones+energiser.

13-12-2014, 11:17
Definitely the Trichord Research 'Digital Turntable' CD transport. It sounds remarkably good and all for a mere £41!

(mind you the little Usher S520 speakers ain't bad either)

13-12-2014, 11:19
Definitely the Trichord Research 'Digital Turntable' CD transport. It sounds remarkably good and all for a mere £41!

(mind you the little Usher S520 speakers ain't bad either)

That sounds a bargain Geoff!

13-12-2014, 11:47
It was back in January but I would have to say my Akai SW175 loudspeakers:

http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac233/Macca_photos_2009/lashupfeb002.jpg (http://s903.photobucket.com/user/Macca_photos_2009/media/lashupfeb002.jpg.html)

Ammonite Audio
13-12-2014, 11:59
Naim DAC-V1

13-12-2014, 12:08
A close call between the Stereo Coffee LDR pre and this- Jungson JA-88D(09)SE
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m604/awkwardbydesign/Jungson%20JA88D%2009/20141027_173344_zpsadkwdomo.jpg (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/awkwardbydesign/media/Jungson%20JA88D%2009/20141027_173344_zpsadkwdomo.jpg.html)
The Jungson wins, after I modified it so I can switch between integrated or pre+power, simply due to it's versatility. And it has VU meters that light up!

13-12-2014, 12:16
It was back in January but I would have to say my Akai SW175 loudspeakers:

I saw that one coming Martin. :)

Still enjoying them then? I rather like big speakers. It all gets to sound so effortless.

13-12-2014, 12:31
I saw that one coming Martin. :)

Still enjoying them then? I rather like big speakers. It all gets to sound so effortless.

Yes I am :) Like electrostatics with balls. So effortless the speakers disappear. I know some folk would not be too keen on their presentation and they're not all-round perfection but then what is?

13-12-2014, 12:43
My big old Sony TA F770ES . All the good things people say about them is true :)

Also have to agree with Kevin on the MC5000 cable with the MS Audio plugs and the RG8/U coax cable in VFM terms .

13-12-2014, 13:33
A close call between the Stereo Coffee LDR pre and this- Jungson JA-88D(09)SE
http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m604/awkwardbydesign/Jungson%20JA88D%2009/20141027_173344_zpsadkwdomo.jpg (http://s1134.photobucket.com/user/awkwardbydesign/media/Jungson%20JA88D%2009/20141027_173344_zpsadkwdomo.jpg.html)
The Jungson wins, after I modified it so I can switch between integrated or pre+power, simply due to it's versatility. And it has VU meters that light up!

Worth having just for the VU meters:lol:

13-12-2014, 13:55
Audio Note ANJ/D Speakers
Denon PMA 350 SE Amplifier.


13-12-2014, 14:46
Audiocom Modified OPPO 105D (won't ever be used for movies only audio).

Clearaudio Master Innovation.

13-12-2014, 16:20
@Macca. Those are gorgeous speaks man.

For me the Conrad Johnson cdp has to be the years top buy.

13-12-2014, 16:35
A genuine Thorens drive belt for my TD160 B MkII. It has a made the same difference as upgrading a cartridge.

13-12-2014, 16:41
A genuine Thorens drive belt for my TD160 B MkII. It has a made the same difference as upgrading a cartridge.

Nice how small things can make such a big difference:)

13-12-2014, 18:27
Pink Triangle LPT turntable.

13-12-2014, 19:00
My first year of real HiFi so quite a few purchases (in fact everything in my sig minus the Cassette Deck).

Some stand outs:

Pimped out Techie - (Now sold.)
Garrard 401 - (Sitting where the pimped out Techie used to.)
Oppo 105D.

It's been an exciting and educational year and I don't imagine next year will be much cheaper, still lots of work to do.

13-12-2014, 19:31
Oppo 103D, apart from Bluray goodness its upscales my Tivo picture to 1080P, just the dab when your watching on a big screen.
Upscales DVDs brilliantly to 1080/24p and the Darbee works extremely well.

Best of 2014 though HAS to be going vinyl.
Not been a cheap journey, but for musical satisfaction its wonderful.

Feel I've pretty much got there, just buying more music I think?

13-12-2014, 19:48
Feel I've pretty much got there, just buying more music I think?

You were saying that when I first joined this site , that was 2009... ;)

13-12-2014, 19:55
I think I'm finished now;)

13-12-2014, 21:08
Furutech FT-111 RCA Plugs. A set of four worked well, so I bought two more sets of four and now have three interconnects with them. Pics here: http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?33823-Geisha-Interconnect

13-12-2014, 21:45
I would have also voted for the oppo 105, it's just a shame it's audio isn't in the same class as it's video.
the pair of harbeth shl5+ are the best bits of kit I've got this year, just shading a P10 regenerator.

that mc5000 wire is rather good as well.

13-12-2014, 21:51
You were saying that when I first joined this site , that was 2009... ;)

True 'dat. :)

13-12-2014, 21:52
I think I'm finished now;)

me too!

13-12-2014, 21:56
Oppo 103D, apart from Bluray goodness its upscales my Tivo picture to 1080P, just the dab when your watching on a big screen.
Upscales DVDs brilliantly to 1080/24p and the Darbee works extremely well.

Best of 2014 though HAS to be going vinyl.
Not been a cheap journey, but for musical satisfaction its wonderful.

Feel I've pretty much got there, just buying more music I think?

I must admit Gary vinyl has been the driving force for all my system upgrading this year as I no longer listen to Digital.

It was meeting folk on AOS that helped me get back into vinyl, to which i am now addicted!

13-12-2014, 21:59
I would have also voted for the oppo 105, it's just a shame it's audio isn't in the same class as it's video.
the pair of harbeth shl5+ are the best bits of kit I've got this year, just shading a P10 regenerator.

that mc5000 wire is rather good as well.

Would put the SHL5 + on my wish list of speakers to listen to when I eventually replace my Spendor SP2,s

13-12-2014, 22:07
me too!

Maybe I'll be able to afford to get the coffin now :eyebrows:

13-12-2014, 22:24
Lots of good stuff this year.

The Ming Da MC368-BSE KT90 integrated amp stayed for a while and was excellent ...
The W4S DAC1 is still here and continues to impress, especially with a Pioneer DV-737 used as a CDT.

The NAD S300 amp has stayed and will be here for the foreseeable future (i.e. at least until the end of the week :lol:) - it seems a superb match with my speakers so it gets the vote. :thumbsup:

13-12-2014, 23:27
2014 Has been a great year for my hifi. I got into making kit properly and made a really excellent DAC. But by far the best purchase of the year was my Colin Wonfor TQ Iridium Class A power amp. It has transformed my system and taken me to the place I have been trying to get to for years.

13-12-2014, 23:39
Yeah. Good Class A is very special. I've not heard the TQs, but the reviews are very good. I wouldn't part with my little Monarchy Audio Class A amps (yes, I've got valves too).

13-12-2014, 23:39
2014 Has been a great year for my hifi. I got into making kit properly and made a really excellent DAC. But by far the best purchase of the year was my Colin Wonfor TQ Iridium Class A power amp. It has transformed my system and taken me to the place I have been trying to get to for years.
So why sell it then ? :scratch:

14-12-2014, 01:33
Best purchase this year was a pair of JBL 4341's, missing their 2121 mid range drivers and with rotted surrounds and damaged cones on the 2231 bass drivers, but otherwise complete and only £120

I replaced the missing 2121's with some 2123's I had had lying around and reconed the bass drivers as 2335's using a pair of kits left over from when I had quite a few big JBL studio monitors. The dings on the cabinet corners were fixed by a local car body shop and they also resprayed them grey with black baffle as per original.

It only took ten days to go from used and abused to looking like new and sounding great. All in all a very satisfying experience.

I was very tempted to keep them but, they were bought as a project and the deal with my wife is a max of three pairs of large speakers. So, on balance, I think my Array 1400's edge the 4341's and there's no way I'm letting go of the others. However, even though I'm not keeping them I'm more than pleased in how they turned out and there is the added benefit that they will be used to fund something quite special.

14-12-2014, 01:53
Aside from the AN dac, my whole system was put together this year and each piece has delighted me. The system was built around the Kenwood 500 amp and it is undoubtedly my best buy this year.



14-12-2014, 02:34
Rega Planet MK1 CD Player.
Sugden A21aL.
Royd A7 Series II.


14-12-2014, 09:11
Worth having just for the VU meters:lol:
Don't forget the shiny front panel. Blingtastic!

14-12-2014, 12:16
Although I have already quoted the new drive belt I just have to mention Rick Wakeman's new version of 'Journey to the Centre of the Earth' on vinyl. A major component purchase that has helped my system shine in a whole new way. Fantastic and less than twenty quid :)

14-12-2014, 14:17
one of the best purchases was an audionote m-one pre amp . amazing value for money and sounded very very good for the measly amount of money it cost . defiantely sounded good with piano and electronica and went well with my power amp [ss 200 watts class A]

14-12-2014, 14:22
My best buy was an Emotiva CDP https://emotiva.com/products/sources/erc-3
I am using it as a tranport with a Monarchy Audio DIP Combo and an Emotiva Stealth Dac. The Dac also doubles as a pre amp.

14-12-2014, 14:26
My greatest buy was a pair of JBL L90... Subsequently also my greatest loss :D

Also quite pleased to discover some 80's Monitor Audio speakers that sound like they should cost £500+ and yet often sell for 1/10 of that.

14-12-2014, 17:28
Harbeth P3 ESR speakers, best speakers I've ever owned by a mile, not cheap but worth every penny.

Jason's stands and granite plinths for aid speakers, complete bargain.

A Denon network player, fantastic value for money and have it on every day to listen to internet radio

XTZ integrated amp, best amp I've ever owned and foolishly sold it.

14-12-2014, 18:09
Not bought a lot this year so this is quite easy.

LFF Paradox headphones.

Not that this makes these headphones any less good, they were worth every penny.

14-12-2014, 18:38
Difficult one this as my entire system has also changed this year.

It would have to be the Castle Conways / TA-5650 combo, VERY closely followed by the Sony PS-6750 TT.

I too am in a very happy place hi-fi wise, with just the sound I was looking for, so I think 2015 is just going to be tchoons, tchoons and more tchoons for me :)

Roy S
14-12-2014, 18:55
Bit more than single -

Krell KAV-250cd/2, 250p & 250a & Tannoy DC10Ts

14-12-2014, 19:13
I have a head like a sieve so can't definitely say how many changes I've made to the system in 2014 but I 'think' it goes something like this:

Rega Dac, Pioneer DV717 as transport, SLIC cable x2, TQ Black Speaker Cable, MJ Acoustics Sub..

The cable changes have been a step up in my systems sound but until then I would have said that the Rega Dac made the biggest improvement to the sound, however my very recent purchase, the MJ Sub, has made a huge improvement and it cost the least of any of my upgrades... so the MJ Acoustics Sub has my vote.. :D

14-12-2014, 19:18
Maybe not a big difference in SQ but certainly one that could easily replace an expensive DAC and some other equipment.

Raspberry Pi + Sabre DAC cost around £60

14-12-2014, 19:35
Lots of good stuff this year.

The Ming Da MC368-BSE KT90 integrated amp stayed for a while and was excellent ...
The W4S DAC1 is still here and continues to impress, especially with a Pioneer DV-737 used as a CDT.

The NAD S300 amp has stayed and will be here for the foreseeable future (i.e. at least until the end of the week :lol:) - it seems a superb match with my speakers so it gets the vote. :thumbsup:

Hm I think when you come round Jezzer I'd rather you bought the NADgers than the W4S.

Anyway I am still trying to determine if the new speakers are ready and giving of their best or not. They sound ace now after a few hours but do seem to be getting better. Whilst the new Interstellas are absolutely fab (world class for their size IMHO, and I have heard an awful lot of world class speakers in my years), the Big 7 is undoubtedly up there too. 2014 has been a massive upgrade year for me.

As with all things audio, I feel there is sufficient ambiguity/personal preference to let me get away with saying the Interstellas are "world class". Nonetheless, they are... LOL.

Of course, mouthing of like that on audio forums is bound to get me into trouble, but the new speakers easily better quite a few rooms at Munich, for instance. World class show and all.

14-12-2014, 21:08
Yamaha CX-10000 preamp. I think it's one of the best things I've bought ever, let alone in 2014.

14-12-2014, 22:36
Buying a Beresford Bushmaster Mk1 and being so impressed prompted me to sell it on after just a few weeks so that I could invest in a new Caiman Mk II.

My new Pro-Ject 2-Xperience Acrylic TT is also a top buy for me this year, but vinyl playback for me goes in cycles. I'll play nothing but LPs for a week or two and then go a month without ever switching the TT on. Not spun a record this month as yet.

My biggest mistake this year? Messing around with PSU's and rather foolishly putting 12v through my Squeezebox Touch and frying the bloody thing:doh: A costly mistake as I had to buy another one.


14-12-2014, 22:49
Mine is shaping up to be a joint effort between a Meridian 206 CDP from Geoff (Walpurgis) and the spectacular and mighty sounding Trio KA-801 amp I collected today, what a great end to 2014... :cool:

14-12-2014, 22:51
Yamaha CX-10000 preamp. I think it's one of the best things I've bought ever, let alone in 2014.

Yep. that looks tasty in a Lexus LS400 sort of way:


14-12-2014, 23:12
Looks a bit Revox I think.


14-12-2014, 23:27
Looks a bit Revox I think.


Yeah it does a bit. Take a look at the matching power amp, it is close to pornography. If Adam says he has one of these too I might cry:


14-12-2014, 23:49
Yep. that looks tasty in a Lexus LS400 sort of way:


Yeah, but it's very complex and you just know that a few years down the road, something will play up and no bits will be available, but even if they were it'll cost hundreds to sort out.

14-12-2014, 23:57
Still. I have a thing for Japanese exotica like that. Always wanted the Rotel Michi passive pre / power amp combo. Never heard it, but want it anyway.

15-12-2014, 11:59
Yeah, but it's very complex and you just know that a few years down the road, something will play up and no bits will be available, but even if they were it'll cost hundreds to sort out.

I bought it non-working and it needed a bit of soldering and removal of the original glue on the PCBs that secured the ribbon cables - this had gradually aged into something both conductive AND corrosive!

And there was something else..................what was it now.........? Ah yes, I remember - 108 (yes, that's ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT) new capacitors...

As to the matching power amp - not yet, but one day. The one on eBay currently for £6000 is somewhat beyond the reach of my piggy bank, sadly. :(

15-12-2014, 12:29
Last weeks xmas present of Stax 009s and energiser. I like my Audeze lcd3 cans with Trilogy headamp but I like the Stax stuff more. In fact I love it:)

15-12-2014, 12:33
And there was something else..................what was it now.........? Ah yes, I remember - 108 (yes, that's ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT) new capacitors...

One of those minamilist designs then.....

15-12-2014, 13:48
The two major things that have upped the ante in my system are, firstly a Beresord Caiman mk2 DAC from our mate Stan, and a rather large beast sized American amp, the Kavent SP 310, with a torroidal transformer that would give Geoff Capes a hernia! :eyebrows:

15-12-2014, 13:54
Supernait 2

15-12-2014, 16:33
Harbeth SHL5+

15-12-2014, 20:33
I replaced my Rega RP6 with a Funk Firm Little Super Deck, it's bloody brilliant. ��

15-12-2014, 21:12
In terms of increased sound quality, the PR99 is good but, that's for the studio not the home system. The Sony SACD is good as is the TEAC VRDS but the single greatest improvement as far as kit is concerned is....................


The 700 new albums and 300 CDs added in 2014 make it worthwhile :)

Eagle owl
16-12-2014, 06:10
2014 has been a good year as I've returned to vinyl. Excellent purchases were Michell Gyro SE with Iso Base turntable platform and Croft 25R pre and 7 power. :)

The Black Adder
16-12-2014, 06:26
2014 has been a good year as I've returned to vinyl. Excellent purchases were Michell Gyro SE with Iso Base turntable platform and Croft 25R pre and 7 power. :)

A man of taste... I've used all of those and I must say t was a pleasure. :) You will enjoy 2015 --> I'm sure. :)

Eagle owl
16-12-2014, 10:41
A man of taste... I've used all of those and I must say t was a pleasure. :) You will enjoy 2015 --> I'm sure. :)

Thanks Jo. :)

16-12-2014, 16:25
SLIC cable x2

So you are the person that bought all of the SLICs? :eyebrows:

I'd like to hear what one does in my system one day, but personally I could not justify the expense at this moment in my life.

Which MJ Sub did you get? I have a little Pro 50 I am tempted to connect up to my HiFi, but that would mean removing it from Home Cinema duties.

16-12-2014, 17:17
So you are the person that bought all of the SLICs? :eyebrows:

:rfl: ... maybe I am the only one, I don't know

I'd like to hear what one does in my system one day, but personally I could not justify the expense at this moment in my life

I can't justify the massive expense either, however once I heard what they can do I was hooked..

Which MJ Sub did you get? I have a little Pro 50 I am tempted to connect up to my HiFi, but that would mean removing it from Home Cinema duties

My sub is the little Pro 50 as well. It really sounds superb in my system. I don't have it cranked up very much, just enough to make the sound much richer, if that makes sense... even at this level there is enough bass to help the Heresys... It took a few days to get to the correct settings for the amount of gain and at what level the sub cuts in etc..

16-12-2014, 18:00
It's been a year of big changes - for vinyl: Linn Majik LP12 with Hercules Power supply, Temple Audio XC3 Pre-amp and Monoblocks, Custom Hifi Co DC2 linear PSU, Graham Slee Reflex M with PSU 1; for the 'domestic hifi: Sonos Play 5, Temple Audio Bantam Gold with Custom hifi Co DC1 PSU, Audiolab M-DAC. B&W P7 headphones.

The vinyl upgrade is easily the best of these - I'm listening to very little else. The P7's make everything sound good....

wee tee cee
16-12-2014, 18:28
Frugel3 electric beach speakers-the delicacy of my statics with the rightness of my spendors.

Senn 700s/Capella HPA....Just music warts and all!!!

16-12-2014, 22:44
Harbeth SHL5+

Crickey! That is quite a system you have there Steven.:eek:

16-12-2014, 22:46
Easy for me this one, my Michell Gyrodec SE a music maker par excellence:eek:

16-12-2014, 23:44
I suppose my refurbed 160 is my piece de resistance of this or any other year, and cost me a small fortune. I didnt do it to sell fortunately but to use and it has given me plenty pleasure, which is what it is all about and I have fulfilled a lifetime dream of building something for myself.

17-12-2014, 00:45
I suppose my refurbed 160 is my piece de resistance of this or any other year, and cost me a small fortune. I didnt do it to sell fortunately but to use and it has given me plenty pleasure, which is what it is all about and I have fulfilled a lifetime dream of building something for myself.

You did a great job on the Thorens. It's a stunning example. :thumbsup:

17-12-2014, 11:58
Getting a sl1210 plus a load of upgrades for it only the bearing to do now and a pair of Arcam p8 power amps and mc5000 cables and a Moth rcm

17-12-2014, 16:19
A very Modest old amp and deffinately not much to look at and the volume control is about the most horrible thing I ever the touched but the the sound is soo nice and only cost £20 a Technics SU-X911 much better thah I ever expected to be Just bought it as a stop gap for something to listen to while sorting out my old bedroom Might not end up such a bargin as I will probably end up buying more of the old Technics New Class A stuff I just like the sound soo much of this amp I want to know what its big cousins can do

17-12-2014, 21:35
Three ear-openers this year ... in chronological order: Verdier Platine turntable; Shindo Monbrison pre-amp; and the Ortofon SPU 95th Anniversary cartridge. Of the three, the Shindo is the one I could least live without.

18-12-2014, 01:43
Easy for me this one, my Michell Gyrodec SE a music maker par excellence:eek:

Wot he said :)

18-12-2014, 11:12
I had a couple of good ones this year. An SME V and ESL63s stand out though, but if I must choose only one, it'd be the ESLs.

18-12-2014, 12:20
Wot he said :)

Glad it is not just me Gary.;)

18-12-2014, 14:36
Got three really.

An Origin Live belt for my LP12, some silicone damper rings for my valve amp, and recently a record cleaning machine (Moth).

Two fairly cheap but significant upgrades, and a Christmas prezzy.


18-12-2014, 15:07
Got three really.

An Origin Live belt for my LP12, some silicone damper rings for my valve amp, and recently a record cleaning machine (Moth).

Two fairly cheap but significant upgrades, and a Christmas prezzy.


Carefully with those valve damper rings Dave as they can shorten the life of your valves:eek:

Can't beat a good RCM, they make such a difference.

18-12-2014, 18:09
3 changes for me:
Pair of balanced NOS Mullard ECC83's for phono in my Croft 25
Gold Lion ECC82 (new issue) for line level in the Croft (really works well with the Mullards for me)
MG G1500HD cables from my SUT to the Croft

All enhanced my enjoyment so can't decide which 1 was best :)

Techno Commander
18-12-2014, 19:07
Definitely the Adam AX3 monitors.

Outstanding little pair of speakers.

18-12-2014, 23:09
A very Modest old amp and deffinately not much to look at and the volume control is about the most horrible thing I ever the touched but the the sound is soo nice and only cost £20 a Technics SU-X911 much better thah I ever expected to be Just bought it as a stop gap for something to listen to while sorting out my old bedroom Might not end up such a bargin as I will probably end up buying more of the old Technics New Class A stuff I just like the sound soo much of this amp I want to know what its big cousins can do

A few years ago I was given an SUV-303, it's a good amp

19-12-2014, 19:17
Got two.
Revel M105's and Lavardin IS Reference.
If I'm pushed to choose just one it's the Revels. After some very well regarded speakers in my room/setup these eclipsed them all. :)

20-12-2014, 10:21
Got two.
Revel M105's and Lavardin IS Reference.
If I'm pushed to choose just one it's the Revels. After some very well regarded speakers in my room/setup these eclipsed them all. :)

How yer doing Al?

20-12-2014, 21:11
I would have to say my Dynavector XX-2 cartridge. Stonking.

20-12-2014, 21:55
I would have to say my Dynavector XX-2 cartridge. Stonking.

+1. Tough call between that and the fxr, but the dynavector has turned my moving coil inverted snobbery on its head. Stonking is the word.

21-12-2014, 05:11
Finally managed to get a PSX-R for my Cyrus cd8se2.I thought that was a pretty good move.But then I needed to replace my very old Roksan Corus Black on my Xerxes/Tabriz setup.I went for the Ortofon 2m Black & replaced the drive belt at the same time...................well it was simply the biggest difference I have heard.The joy of going through your record collection and being gobsmaked! You just can't beat that feeling.

21-12-2014, 09:58
Finally managed to get a PSX-R for my Cyrus cd8se2.I thought that was a pretty good move.But then I needed to replace my very old Roksan Corus Black on my Xerxes/Tabriz setup.I went for the Ortofon 2m Black & replaced the drive belt at the same time...................well it was simply the biggest difference I have heard.The joy of going through your record collection and being gobsmaked! You just can't beat that feeling.

The 2M Black is rather good isn't it !:eyebrows: